Alcohol & Keto ...

JLa915 Posts: 5 Member
I am in solidly in ketosis (based on urine strips - and those strips don't lie!), but I was just curious as to advice regarding alcohol consumption. I have read several articles that infer that alcohol may enhance weight loss while on the keto diet.

Has anyone had any luck with this? Of course, alcohol intake should always be in moderation. That said, living in NYC and being in my early 30's - I frequently go out with co-workers after work for a few adult libations. Any advice or real-life scenarios are greatly appreciated.

Disclaimer: I am not an alcoholic; I just have a healthy participation level in the after work drink circuit.


  • 811CG
    811CG Posts: 8 Member
    I've read mixed things as well...
    "Be aware that when consuming alcohol, it is burned first before fat in the body. For some people, this causes a stall. In others, it jumpstarts weight loss. Test it for yourself and see how your body handles it!"
  • ABaggett2010
    ABaggett2010 Posts: 33 Member
    Ditto to previous. Liquor is burned before fat, so while you have it in your system you will not be burning fat. I have a shot of vodka here and there and have been fine myself. Everybody is different
  • I have read several articles that infer that alcohol may enhance weight loss while on the keto diet.

    Enhance? Doesn't make any sense to me. The body will prioritize burning alcohol before anything else when you drink. So time burning alcohol is time not burning fat. That said, a drink or two periodically won't hurt you too much, but drink too often or too much and your progress will slow. I know I spent a week getting back into the groove of things after 1 night drinking a little bit too much.
  • Apinget
    Apinget Posts: 41 Member
    Like previous posters have said, see what works for you.

    I've found that since going keto I have become somewhat of a light weight which is nice for my pocket book and my diet! Where I used to need at least 5 beers with a few shots here and there I can now get a nice glow from a glass of wine. I choose not to drink because personally small amounts of alcohol can knock me out of ketosis quite easily (really I seem to just get kicked out of ketosis easily in general) but it makes for nice drinking when I do decide to indulge :)
  • x_Minerva_x
    x_Minerva_x Posts: 78 Member
    I get drunk pretty quick these days on Keto (we're talking 3 oz, of whiskey, and I am done lol.) That said, as other posters have pointed out - Alcohol gets burned first, but in small amounts it shouldn't hurt.

    I have always been told whiskey is the least damaging to keto, beer is a "no-no," but not sure about wine (I love wine, but sadly my wine of choice would likely be a no-go...plum wine is my absolute favorite, and is rather sweet as you could imagine!)
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    Saw this posted on faceblurg yesterday from that guy that wants to sell you stuff :) fwiw.
    I like a glass of red wine with dinner, but I have been stalled for a while now, so that is likely why....
  • DarlingNikki2011
    DarlingNikki2011 Posts: 287 Member
    Alcohol has been one of my biggest issues on Keto. Not because I drink like a sailor, but because my so works in a liquor store and constantly brings home bottles. Constantly. It slows me down pretty significantly.
  • eepiphanies
    eepiphanies Posts: 1 Member
    Thus far (nearly 2 weeks in) it's only been an issue if I overdo it. 1-2 glasses of a dry white in the evening has made me much more willing to go through with the rest of the diet. I think it's really a matter of weighing the cost and benefits to you personally.
  • jamestomasino
    jamestomasino Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a gin guy. From what it looks like, that shouldn't put me at risk of going over my carb limit (I drink it neat), but I'm hesitant to try it from all the stories of people's tolerance dropping and delayed fat burning. Have any of you any experience with a neat glass of Hendricks and how it played with your keto?
  • cdn_beaver
    cdn_beaver Posts: 130 Member
    I drink whiskey & coke zero pretty often. I will do 1-2 shots per drink and stop after two drinks because I know that's my limit. If I go for a third because drunk me thinks it's a good idea I always end up regretting it. I drink about 32oz of water, take 1500mg of potassium, and 200mg of magnesium before heading to bed and I rarely ever end up with a hangover.
    Know your limit and play within it!
  • cdn_beaver
    cdn_beaver Posts: 130 Member
    I also rarely ever add it to my food diary because alcohol calories don't count, right? ;)
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    I'm going to chime in and say I reintroduced vodka and whiskey and scotch a few months ago. I have since slowed down in weight loss to a crawl. Now either it was the alcohol disrupting the ketosis or the massive calories from my drinks. I have always been a heavyweight as far as drinking goes. I need a lot to get anywhere. Keto didn't change that for me unfortunately. I can't say which, but since I stopped drinking :cry: the scale is moving again. I could experiment and see if it is the cals, but it takes 4-6 oz to get me nice and buzzed. That's 400 extra cals daily. Should I eat only 1100 cals/day to accommodate my drinking habit and keep cals down enough to lose weight? Naw. I prefer to eat food instead. Plenty of time to futz around with more cals in maintenance. I still have 26lb to lose. I do miss it, but... priorities.
  • tru2one
    tru2one Posts: 298 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    I'm going to chime in and say I reintroduced vodka and whiskey and scotch a few months ago. I have since slowed down in weight loss to a crawl.
    I still have 26lb to lose. I do miss it, but... priorities.

    Oh, I hear ya there. Missing my evening wine just a tad myself, however as you said, priorities. I'm turning the big 5-0 in May so I want to give myself every opportunity to be as successful as I can getting my weight and fitness levels in check before then. Having said that, my birthday weekend may be a bit of a blow-out when the time comes! lol

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    tru2one wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »
    I'm going to chime in and say I reintroduced vodka and whiskey and scotch a few months ago. I have since slowed down in weight loss to a crawl.
    I still have 26lb to lose. I do miss it, but... priorities.

    Oh, I hear ya there. Missing my evening wine just a tad myself, however as you said, priorities. I'm turning the big 5-0 in May so I want to give myself every opportunity to be as successful as I can getting my weight and fitness levels in check before then. Having said that, my birthday weekend may be a bit of a blow-out when the time comes! lol

    I was a total lush on my birthday. It took about a week to lose the water weight from that fiasco. But I had a good time. It's only once a year. That doesn't matter as long as you get right back on the next day. But it's not worth the aggravation and yuck-feeling to cheat more often than every 6mo to a year. For me. But I like this eating lifestyle a lot. So the ever-so-occasional derivation is enough for me.