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Tall women and dating



  • I'm guessing the reason he finds you scary is that you're a confident, independent woman. Many, many men find that intimidating.
  • VivaLaLizabeth
    VivaLaLizabeth Posts: 4 Member
    Ladies, from what you've seen, would you say guys mostly go for the super skinny tall girls, athletic tall girls, or something else?
  • cwalk8000
    cwalk8000 Posts: 6 Member
    It depends on the guy. But I think they feel safer with the super skinny ones. It doesn't threaten their manhood or something. Im pretty athletic (or used to be) and men were always so threatened by it. But it was usually ones with confidence problems.
  • indirab
    indirab Posts: 9 Member
    I clearly understand, I do not date men shorter than me. I have seen guys lie about their height. I can tell how tall you are even if you are sitting down. My problem is short men get very upset when I will not go out with them as I look at the top of their head.
  • divainsneakers
    divainsneakers Posts: 397 Member
    Regarding the question of size and dating:

    I think more men than who would admit it are actually attracted to taller and bigger women. At least I like to think so!

    However, I've found that naturally as I feel better about myself that comes across and I get more positive attention.
  • kibrt75
    kibrt75 Posts: 6 Member
    hey there,
    I am glad you stood up literally ,!
    Online dating is a pain.
    I am 6'3 and seems that some of the guys out there are pretty intimidated by a tall one.
    Its two extremes,the realy short one who want to get in a fetish conversation ,
    or the average ones ( in size ) who need to grow on the inside to be man enough to stand next to a woman that is taller than average….
    Have a great day!!!!!
  • AmazonRDH
    AmazonRDH Posts: 203 Member
    I'm also 6 feet tall, I really wasn't comfortable dating men too much shorter than I am, I don't want to feel like "the guy". I dated a 5'9" guy for a few dates and just hated having to lean down to kiss him. On the other hand, I went out with a 6'2" guy who, after asking me out again and me declining, told me that HE wasn't comfortable with MY height. Sigh. That's the only time in my life a man told me that, usually if they don't like tall women or aren't comfortable with it they don't ask you out in the first place. Anyhow, at first I was really hurt and debated going home and throwing all of my high heels in the trash. Then I decided his insecurity with my height was his problem, not mine. Tall women are beautiful, and I kept my high heels. I also dated a man 6'6" and felt funny with that too! Being that much shorter than a man was so ODD for someone who usually towers over most people. We all have our comfort zones I guess and when someone falls way outside of it, it just feels odd or needs some getting used to. I've personally found that I'm happiest with men 5'11" to 6'2". Of course now that I'm married I don't need to worry too much about it, LOL. Hopefully I won't find myself single again! :noway:
  • einzweidrei
    einzweidrei Posts: 381 Member
    Aside from people who actually lie, I have found there are so many people who really don't know how tall they are or have been told a number and just stick with it. They are probably the same people who look at me and say, "What are you 6' tall or something?" Yeah, no.

    My husband, for example, always said he was 5'10" but since I'm just over 5'9" and I'm a little taller than him, I know that's not true. Now he tells people he is 5'8" and even changed it on his license when he had to get a new one. LOL.

    I feel like when you're a tall chick, you always inevitably have an argument with a guy who claims he's XYZ tall and then you guys stand back-to-back to prove it.
  • divainsneakers
    divainsneakers Posts: 397 Member
    I understand the benefit of the doubt, but I find it frustrating and/or funny (depending on the day) to show up to a date and a 6'0 guy is "not as advertized."

    I feel like I'll forever be at a 6th grade dance, slow dancing with a guy who comes up to about boob height! :laugh:
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    In my experience, men add vanity inches. If he says he's 5'10, he's going to be 5'9 on a good day. If he says he's 6' tall, he will actually be 5'10 in shoes. I can't count how many times I have been out with a friend-of-a-friend who says he is 6 ft and I'm taller than him in flip flops (I'm 5'11).

    You can always start asking the guys their inseam ;)
  • kamalelwa
    kamalelwa Posts: 44 Member
    I for one do not agree with the lying part. I know they do it because of being insecure, but I expect more when men reach a more mature age. My husband and I are the same height when we are barefoot and if I put on a heel it is over but the one thing I love most is he has never made a big deal about it. He encourages me to wear what I want. I often tease him because I do have longer legs than he does but in the end it works out well. I have always been upfront about my height and expect the same out of men. :wink:
  • vanessalillian82
    vanessalillian82 Posts: 350 Member
    I've started online dating in the last few months and have somehow, by some miracle, managed to score ten dates this year so far, all with men who claimed to be over six feet tall (my preferences are filtered to 6'0" and above, myself being 6'1.5").

    Only two stand out in my mind as not being the "advertised" height. I don't know whether they were just delusional or had been misinformed at some point in the past. Both were keen to keep dating so they obviously didn't have a problem with me being a little taller, but I just wasn't interested, and it was unrelated to their height. I also don't memorise how tall they said they would be, given my settings are 6'0" and above, which means occasionally I go out with a guy who is miles taller than me, and that's seriously weird for someone who is normally amongst the tallest in the room!

    There was one guy I went out with who seemed to be intimidated by me, but seeing as he was quite a bit taller than me I'm inclined to think that it has more to do with my occupation (I work in the construction industry as an on-site environmental manager); perhaps because I present in a confident way and have never been ashamed of my height (although inside I'm a wobbly mess!); and defintely also because I drive a manly car (he sounded displeased when he found out). The manly car is for my job, by the way - I drive a ute (pick-up) with a bull bar, spot lights, mud tyres etc. and on some jobs basically spend my day 4WDing in remote areas while we build infrastructure (pipelines, roads etc.). Apparently I out-manned him, despite the fact that I also out-girl plenty of girls - I bake, I sew, I read, I drink cocktails or white wine, I paint my nails...!

    In general, I have never had a boyfriend that was clearly taller than me. I had one who **thought** he was my height, and he may or may not have been correct, but some days he definitely seemed shorter and I found myself slouching around him. I guess I was less confident in those days. One thing the guys I have had a relationship had in common, though, was broad shoulders - being bigger, I need to feel small and feminine to feel attractive, so either the guy has to be taller or he has to be more muscular, preferably both.

    I went out with a guy (okay, so he was a wonderful friend who eventually, after many years of dancing around each other, turned into a FWB at a wedding we both attended - I was living interstate so a relationship was never going to happen) who was probably about 5'4". He was muscular enough for me to not feel like I was going to crush him like a bug, but I hated the reaction we got when we went out in public together, and kissing when standing up was awkward to say the least. I'm not sure how he felt about it, and I don't know whether that was the reason we didn't last, but I do know that he was the first guy that opened my eyes to the fact you can be attracted to someone for their mind.

    I'm now onto Date #3 (and many text messages) with a 6'5", paleo-eating, weight-lifting, science-geeky hottie. Wish me luck, ladies - I really like this one and hope he sticks! :)
  • LuvMyCapt
    LuvMyCapt Posts: 13 Member
    I guess I tend to care more about what is on the inside of a person than their outward appearance. My husband asked me out 17 years ago. He is 5'10 and weighs 135 lbs. I was 6' and weighed about 240. I was so insecure about my size. When he asked me out I spent the night saying," I am going to break him in half!" Well 16 years of marriage later I am still trying to break him in half!:laugh:

    My weight has fluctuated throughout our relationship, anywhere from 240-180. Somedays I ask myself why is he attracted to me??? You will know when you find unconditional love, regardless of height, weight. hair color ect.

    Good luck ladies!
  • divainsneakers
    divainsneakers Posts: 397 Member
    LuvMyCapt -

    I am open to dating people who are shorter than me. I agree love can come in all shapes and sizes. My original point was - don't lie to me because I am a tall lady and you are going to be found out pretty quickly....and "yes" I'll still be wearing heels. :smile:
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    I've started online dating in the last few months and have somehow, by some miracle, managed to score ten dates this year so far, all with men who claimed to be over six feet tall (my preferences are filtered to 6'0" and above, myself being 6'1.5").

    Only two stand out in my mind as not being the "advertised" height. I don't know whether they were just delusional or had been misinformed at some point in the past. Both were keen to keep dating so they obviously didn't have a problem with me being a little taller, but I just wasn't interested, and it was unrelated to their height. I also don't memorise how tall they said they would be, given my settings are 6'0" and above, which means occasionally I go out with a guy who is miles taller than me, and that's seriously weird for someone who is normally amongst the tallest in the room!

    There was one guy I went out with who seemed to be intimidated by me, but seeing as he was quite a bit taller than me I'm inclined to think that it has more to do with my occupation (I work in the construction industry as an on-site environmental manager); perhaps because I present in a confident way and have never been ashamed of my height (although inside I'm a wobbly mess!); and defintely also because I drive a manly car (he sounded displeased when he found out). The manly car is for my job, by the way - I drive a ute (pick-up) with a bull bar, spot lights, mud tyres etc. and on some jobs basically spend my day 4WDing in remote areas while we build infrastructure (pipelines, roads etc.). Apparently I out-manned him, despite the fact that I also out-girl plenty of girls - I bake, I sew, I read, I drink cocktails or white wine, I paint my nails...!

    In general, I have never had a boyfriend that was clearly taller than me. I had one who **thought** he was my height, and he may or may not have been correct, but some days he definitely seemed shorter and I found myself slouching around him. I guess I was less confident in those days. One thing the guys I have had a relationship had in common, though, was broad shoulders - being bigger, I need to feel small and feminine to feel attractive, so either the guy has to be taller or he has to be more muscular, preferably both.

    I went out with a guy (okay, so he was a wonderful friend who eventually, after many years of dancing around each other, turned into a FWB at a wedding we both attended - I was living interstate so a relationship was never going to happen) who was probably about 5'4". He was muscular enough for me to not feel like I was going to crush him like a bug, but I hated the reaction we got when we went out in public together, and kissing when standing up was awkward to say the least. I'm not sure how he felt about it, and I don't know whether that was the reason we didn't last, but I do know that he was the first guy that opened my eyes to the fact you can be attracted to someone for their mind.

    I'm now onto Date #3 (and many text messages) with a 6'5", paleo-eating, weight-lifting, science-geeky hottie. Wish me luck, ladies - I really like this one and hope he sticks! :)

    ^^^ I hope it works out! I will jumping into the online dating scene again in another 6-8 weeks once I move and get situated in my new surroundings! I'm 5'11'' so I'm hoping for somebody a bit taller than myself this go around. My ex is 5'8'' but it never bothered me...I just never wore my higher shoes with him. I guess I'll see what's out there soon!
  • I had a creep who liked me in college. I tried to play him off a lot, dropping small hints, then big hints, then flat out telling him I was not interested. After asking why, I told him honestly he was not my type. He did not believe me and kept thinking he was just such a catch, he was ANY girl's type, so he kept asking to hang out, why won't we go on a date? I finally was fed up and blurted out "I can't date men shorter than me!" (completely lie) but that bruised his ego enough to cause him to stop bothering me. I felt kind of bad, but then he pulled the same thing on a friend of similar height and she said the same thing. Last I knew, he was now creepily pursuing more shorter women. Only use that line when it is absolutely necessary!
  • hellomanen
    hellomanen Posts: 96 Member
    omg I apologize for laughing so hard but your story is so funny XD
    but no, being real gurl, well done keeping it short, not worth your time if he's lying from the start!

    Now for funny stories of my own... I live in a small city (all the puns intended) and guys have to stand on their toes to greet me (here we greet people with a kiss on the cheek) so just by that most guys are terrified for some reason? idk must be a confidence thing... oh well their loss :)
  • jadzia11
    jadzia11 Posts: 17
    My boyfriend is a few inches shorter than I am. That used to bother me, but we are now almost 8 years togehter - I guess, it didn't bother me enough ;).
    Before I met him, I went on dates with several guys that were a bit older than me (find a 16 year old boy that is taller than 6'2" - I was the tallest person in my class until my brother failed 10th grade and got into my grade...), but I soon found out that it is not good only to focus on height.
  • gonesewing
    gonesewing Posts: 63 Member
    How about this ... my DH is both taller and shorter than me :huh: . If he stands on his left leg he is shorter if on his right taller. LOL, one leg is about 1 inch longer than the other. The funny part is we did not know this for years. It was about 10 years ago when his chiropractor discovered it and now he has an insert for that shoe to help. I always thought it was funny that some days he seemed taller than others :tongue: . All depended on the leg he was leaning on, lol. He is between 5 11 and 6 ft and ironically I am 5 11.5 :smile: . He put 6 ft on his drivers license for sure, lol.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Amen for tall women! Where have you been all my life. Didn't think you existed. Rock on.

    Just so you know you are not alone. I'm am truly 6'3" barefooted and weigh 245 lbs. and we men are looking for you but can't find you,lol.

    PS: I know this is a woman's group by the way and you can kick me out if you want. Just needed to let you know.

    Cheers to you.