March Madness - Challenge Day Six

jpilley Posts: 78 Member
Today's challenge is to eat your daily allowance of FIBER. Make sure you do NOT exceed your calorie and carb allowances for the day. Most of us do NOT meet our recommended allowance of fiber each day.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Increase your fluid intake for the day as fiber absorbs water and you can easily become dehydrated or constipated.



  • Susie_1
    Susie_1 Posts: 128 Member
    Ok am enjoying these, its amazing what different foods you can find when you make a concerted effort to look x
  • jpilley
    jpilley Posts: 78 Member
    Susie - doing a great job. Actually, you got me beat.
    Just makes you think a bit more about healthy eating.
    Get ready - next week's focus will be on fitness.

  • cjvvus
    cjvvus Posts: 89 Member
    Love these challenges can't wait for the fitness ones.
  • Susie_1
    Susie_1 Posts: 128 Member
    Oh I think I will fall down on the fitness ones with my bad knee, but will see how I get on, can always adapt xxx