Single Serving Recipes?

Makoce Posts: 938 Member
Going through all the Paleo sites .. all the recipes are serving for 4 - more people.
A lot of times, I cook separate dinners for myself because my family isnt on the band wagon.
I'd love it if anyone had any single-serving recipes available that they use or have a site for?

The issue with making multiple servings is a lot of recipes just say "makes 6 servings", but doesnt have any information on calorie count or what exactly a serving is. I have no idea how to split it equally into individual servings to use for later or how to decipher calorie count or whatever ... unless anyone knows an easy way to do this?? Because I like my diary to be accurate as possible


  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I cook for only two people (me and a 6 year old) and I often cook 12 servings! Trust me, cook the multiple servings then you always have something quick to grab in the fridge. Or freeze some. One of the most common complaints about Paleo comes from people who are cooking far too many small portion meals and run into trouble because there is nothing quick on hand for hunger emergencies. I do huge cook-ups every weekend just so I have left-overs all week. I just do not have time/am not willing to spend 2+ hours in the kitchen on week nights. I eat my cook up leftovers for lunch and supper. It looks like I'm cooking for an army rather than 2 people.

    I enter most of my recipes here, ingredient by ingredient, and the calories macros are calculated for me. For simple recipes with few ingredients I might just enter it in the daily log without creating a recipe.
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    I cook for only two people (me and a 6 year old) and I often cook 12 servings! Trust me, cook the multiple servings then you always have something quick to grab in the fridge. Or freeze some. One of the most common complaints about Paleo comes from people who are cooking far too many small portion meals and run into trouble because there is nothing quick on hand for hunger emergencies. I do huge cook-ups every weekend just so I have left-overs all week. I just do not have time/am not willing to spend 2+ hours in the kitchen on week nights. I eat my cook up leftovers for lunch and supper. It looks like I'm cooking for an army rather than 2 people.

    I enter most of my recipes here, ingredient by ingredient, and the calories macros are calculated for me. For simple recipes with few ingredients I might just enter it in the daily log without creating a recipe.

    But when you cook stuff all together, how do you figure out whats what in terms of how much of a serving, such as stews etc. when entering it individually.

    And when you make a recipe in the MFP recipe maker, you enter servings and it tells you how many calories per serving .. but I can never figure out how much 1 serving is because most sites dont say.
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    "And when you make a recipe in the MFP recipe maker, you enter servings and it tells you how many calories per serving .. but I can never figure out how much 1 serving is because most sites dont say."

    I had the same worry -- but I figure that one serving equals the amount I want to eat! Go by how hungry you are. If a small cup of stew is enough, divide the recipe by the number of cupfuls you made. Or, if a big bowl is what you need, divide the recipe by the number of bowlfuls.

    MFP just goes by what you enter per each recipe, then divides by the number of servings you enter. So, say I add 1 cup of almond flour, 2 tbsp of peanut butter, 2 tbsp of coconut oil, for example. The total calories of that is divided by the number of servings I make, 8 for example. I just try to be sure the serving number matches what I actually made.
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    Okay.. so if I made soup or stew, I would have to take each out say, by 2 cups at a time if that's what I used .. and if I got 5 bowls of 2 cups, thats 5 servings? (Sounds like a lot of dirty dishes :B. )
    Makes sense .. so you really dont have to follow what a recipe says in terms of serving size - you can make your own depending on how much you want. Makes sense for liquid stuff ... but it still makes me nervous for treats, baked stuff, and regular plated meals. Ill see how it goes and watch the scale/measurements to see if I can figure it out LOL
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    I live alone and cook for myself all the time. I rely heavily on the MFP recipe calculator and my little kitchen scale. Typically, I will build the recipe in MFP, make it, weigh it, and then divide it into whatever the serving yield is for the recipe. I then have my leftovers until they run out. It makes future meal planning super easy.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I cook for only two people (me and a 6 year old) and I often cook 12 servings! Trust me, cook the multiple servings then you always have something quick to grab in the fridge. Or freeze some. One of the most common complaints about Paleo comes from people who are cooking far too many small portion meals and run into trouble because there is nothing quick on hand for hunger emergencies. I do huge cook-ups every weekend just so I have left-overs all week. I just do not have time/am not willing to spend 2+ hours in the kitchen on week nights. I eat my cook up leftovers for lunch and supper. It looks like I'm cooking for an army rather than 2 people.

    I enter most of my recipes here, ingredient by ingredient, and the calories macros are calculated for me. For simple recipes with few ingredients I might just enter it in the daily log without creating a recipe.

    But when you cook stuff all together, how do you figure out whats what in terms of how much of a serving, such as stews etc. when entering it individually.

    And when you make a recipe in the MFP recipe maker, you enter servings and it tells you how many calories per serving .. but I can never figure out how much 1 serving is because most sites dont say.

    I'm a bit confused cuz this is simple stuff, a bit of basic math…. enter the ingredients in the recipe. Estimate the amount of servings. At the end, if you want, you can measure how many servings are in the entire dish. For instance, I usually call a serving one cup, or half of a cup, or a tablespoon etc depending on the item. Sometimes i know how many cups are in the dish based on the measurements of the ingredients that went in, or I scoop it all out and measure it. Use a big measuring cup, or use a small measuring cup and dump it in a big mixing bowl…. why would you need to divide it all out in little bowls? There are kitchen spoons (often ladles) that hold exactly a half cup so they make things even easier.

    Who cares if the recipe says 6 servings and there is 8 cups- just enter 8 servings, or 4 or whatever you want. Recipes can also be modified after they are saved. I stick to easy sizes. Even if I plan to eat more than a cup I can always put 1.5 or 2 servings in my dairy instead of just 1. No matter.
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    Thanks. I have a tendency to over-complicate things.
  • HaggisWhisperer
    HaggisWhisperer Posts: 125 Member
    As you said you have a problem calculating baked goods this is my example from yesterday. I made some paleo cookies for a treat yesterday, I entered all the ingredients from the recipe first. Although the recipe said I should get 18 cookies, I actually only managed to get 16 from the batter, so I added 16 to the servings.
    The problem I now have is I have 14 cookies left (I ate one and so did DD1) and despite being paleo are still very calorific ( about 190kcal per cookie) and I try to limit my treats to one day a week. These cookies will keep screaming at me from the tin!
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    If I'm reading this right, it's not a hard as you think. Make a large recipe and divide it into the servings you want it to be (it doesn't matter what the recipe says, some recipe state 6 servings but I divide it into 4 others say 6 and I get 8 out of it). Then put it into the recipe builder as the number of serving I ended up with. If you need help with how much to put in a serving, it doesn't matter as long as they are all equal.
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    Okay, Im back and bumping this because while I understand the concept for stews, soups, baked stuff and things that are mixed all together, I dont quite get it for meals yet. Bear with me, Im a little .. well, slow


    I was planning on buying a whole chicken ... and making this meal because it sounds yummy!

    Okay .. step one .. I make a MFP recipe, right?
    Do I make it for the whole recipe, or make a recipe for the mashed cauliflower, gravy, and chicken separate?
    ( I looked up "whole chicken" in the database and there was really no results?.. )

    Then, do I weigh my serving of cauliflower, gravy, and chicken ( carved without the bone ) separately...?

    Add it back in, and then weigh the entire chicken carved, all the cauliflower and the gravy separately and divide each item by the amount I had as a serving to create a serving size for each thing?

    Or is there a simpler way? I just confused myself. Or do I have it right

    This is going to be my first time ever cooking a meal that isnt for one person.
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    Make an MFP recipe for each recipe you're making. In your case that could be one recipe for the chicken, one for the cauliflower, and one for the gravy.

    When you're creating the recipe, you may have to play around with the search to find a suitable ingredient. If you can't find what you're looking for you can always add to the database.
  • Lizzard_77
    Lizzard_77 Posts: 232 Member
    From looking at this recipe, this is how I would do it: Create a recipe for the gravy and the cauliflower. After you have cooked your meal, take your portion of each item. Enter the chicken separately as in, chicken breast @____oz or thighs @_____oz. Then divide your recipe by how many servings you will get, if you took 1/4 of the gravy then there are 4 servings (you can go back and alter your number of servings in your entered recipe at that point). Same with the cauliflower. When you enter the recipe into your log it has already been calculated per single serving.

    If you want to create a recipe for the chicken plus the gravy, you can but, you will have to enter it like, 2 breasts @____oz+2thighs @_____oz+2 legs @____oz etc. then add in the rest of the ingredients. Pain in the butt that way!!!

    If the recipe were more like a casserole rather than a meal with different components I would enter the entire recipe into MFP. When it is done, portion out your serving and divide the recipe into that many servings. Example: Lasagna, after you take your portion, you can see how many of that size portion is left, say 11, then that recipe serves 12.

    I hope this was slightly helpful, feel free to hit me up if you need clarification or have any questions :)