Hello...I am new to this group!

Just wanted to introduce myself...
My name is Megan, I am 35 and happily married. My hubby is also on this journey with me so that is AWESOME! I am a non-working nurse, I am homeschooling my 15yr old step-son. I restarted my journey on 12/24/13. I am currently 272.8 lbs. as of today - my restart weight was 292.2. So I am doing pretty good. I actually gained some this week. Not sure how...look at my diary, I log everything - so the key to the gain is there. I am sure it has to do with sleep and dehydration. I know I didn't eat enough a couple days. I was frustrated but then I changed how I was thinking about it. I got into a dress on Saturday that I bought when I was 20 and it fit perfectly! So, even though the scale didn't reflect a loss, I know it's in their. I am focused this week on exercise, water and eating a minimum of 1200 calories each day. I have mini-weekly goals as well to try and push myself. For now I have removed goals of weighing a certain amount. I think for me, at this time in my journey that I can't focus on the scale but rather my journey and actually changing my thought pattern related to food and exercise over how much I weigh. I have a blog that I just started - it is dealing with relationships/health/weight loss, etc - all linked in to my challenge of health, if you are interested in reading it let me know I will post a link. I will read back some of the way but don't think I can catch up on 58 days worth... so forgive me. Can we have a roll call? Looking forward to joining you as we each face our own challenges and motivating each other. Cheers as you face your day! - Megan


  • hippie_spirit
    hippie_spirit Posts: 104 Member
    Hi Megan! Welcome to the group :-) I'm not a very vocal member ... but wanted to welcome you! Being accountable to this group has really helped me stick with my weigh loss! Great bunch of women here :flowerforyou:
  • grasshoppermegan
    I went ahead and added my info to the spreadsheet. Since I weigh on Mondays it all lined up! Which was cool - so even though I didn't start this group until after - I figured my numbers should count as a total - since I have been working hard :) I had an hour of PT this am and then came home and did a Biggest Loser workout on the wii! I will walk 2-3 miles tonight as well. I am enjoying life being more active. Hope everyone is having a good day. What are you all struggling with right now?
  • hippie_spirit
    hippie_spirit Posts: 104 Member
    i am struggling with knee pain which is not allowing me to exercise right now ... so i have to lose this weight with diet only. kind of a killer :sad: i am only 5' tall, so my calories allowance isn't that high. the dr. says it's my weight, so i will see what happens as i lose lbs.
  • amccord2
    amccord2 Posts: 363 Member
    I went ahead and added my info to the spreadsheet. Since I weigh on Mondays it all lined up! Which was cool - so even though I didn't start this group until after - I figured my numbers should count as a total - since I have been working hard :) I had an hour of PT this am and then came home and did a Biggest Loser workout on the wii! I will walk 2-3 miles tonight as well. I am enjoying life being more active. Hope everyone is having a good day. What are you all struggling with right now?

    WOW! You had a fabulous day of activity!!! My struggle is making the time to get in consistent workouts. Then, there's SUGAR!!!! :grumble: My weakness. I know I must be allergic to it, because when I do without, I manage to lose weight just fine! :laugh:
  • amccord2
    amccord2 Posts: 363 Member
    i am struggling with knee pain which is not allowing me to exercise right now ... so i have to lose this weight with diet only. kind of a killer :sad: i am only 5' tall, so my calories allowance isn't that high. the dr. says it's my weight, so i will see what happens as i lose lbs.

    I'm sorry about your knee pain. Standing tall at 5'10" I do get to eat a bit more. Are you able to walk any at this time? If not, you will do best by eating as clean as possible (more food/less dense calories) until you are able to resume exercise. Feel better soon.:flowerforyou:
  • hippie_spirit
    hippie_spirit Posts: 104 Member
    yes angela, i can walk ... but i hurt everyday. i do have some days that aren't as bad. i am eating clean, no junk food and meeting my calorie goal everyday. i want to add some upper body strength training these last 30 days.

    i am struggling with knee pain which is not allowing me to exercise right now ... so i have to lose this weight with diet only. kind of a killer :sad: i am only 5' tall, so my calories allowance isn't that high. the dr. says it's my weight, so i will see what happens as i lose lbs.

    I'm sorry about your knee pain. Standing tall at 5'10" I do get to eat a bit more. Are you able to walk any at this time? If not, you will do best by eating as clean as possible (more food/less dense calories) until you are able to resume exercise. Feel better soon.:flowerforyou:
  • 24Sept
    24Sept Posts: 178 Member
    Hello Megan,I'm Wanda welcome to the group. I am struggling right now with the little bit of pain in my foot, arthritis. I'm doing okay. other than that I find that when I don't go to the gym I sit on my butt and do absolutely nothing. I have to make sure that I get to the gym.

    Tati I read an article that said weight loss is entirely possible without exercise. It also went on to say that some folks don't lose while exercising because they over estimate their calorie burn and end up eating more than they burned. I know I feel better when I exercise. Because I am having some discomfort in my foot I will be using the bike for my workout.
  • hippie_spirit
    hippie_spirit Posts: 104 Member
    hi wanda! yes, i know it's possible. it's just frustrating! i LOVE my bike and i can't wait until the weather breaks enough for me to get out and ride. i thought about joining the gym, but i think i will just wait for slightly warmer temps! i have lots of weights at home, so i need to at least work on my upper body!
    it's great that you looked back to see what times were good for you! awesome idea. it's all about how bad you want it. wrap your head around it and let's do this girl! you know you have it in you!.
    i just put my hand weights next to the couch. if i watch tv, i make sure that while i'm watching i can do a few sets of different routines :-) you used to get up and walk during every commercial. that was good! hit that gym girl!!
    Hello Megan,I'm Wanda welcome to the group. I am struggling right now with the little bit of pain in my foot, arthritis. I'm doing okay. other than that I find that when I don't go to the gym I sit on my butt and do absolutely nothing. I have to make sure that I get to the gym.

    Tati I read an article that said weight loss is entirely possible without exercise. It also went on to say that some folks don't lose while exercising because they over estimate their calorie burn and end up eating more than they burned. I know I feel better when I exercise. Because I am having some discomfort in my foot I will be using the bike for my workout.