Mad March workout check in thread



  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    Workout A today and week 1 is complete!! 11 more weeks and I'm pumped :glasses:
    Squats 5x55
    Bench 5x45--did the bar again as I'm still working on form and am not confident to move up as of yet
    Row 5x70--I've never done shoulder exercises and earlier my right shoulder was having some difficulties to say the least. I believe it was muscle pain but in any case I'm going to move back down to 65lb and work on my form to make sure everything is cool. I did notice that when pulling up my right arm tends to pull faster than my left arm?? Probably because I'm a righty but in any case I'd like to perfect it to where it isn't noticable.

    Workout B on Sunday :)

    Boom! 1st week in the bag :drinker:

  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Just cardio for me today...25 mins on the elliptical at a pretty good pace. I also went into the weight room to do skull crushers. I'm beginning to really like these. Anyhoo, while I was in there, a young guy was squatting 225 lbs with really good form and to parallel, which is the first time I've seen anyone go to parallel in there. He had a guy spot him while he was doing front squats with the same weight. I asked him if they were hard and he said they just frame your back better than back squats and he likes to alternate them because it forms an "awesome collision." He normally does 10x10, total.

    I might like to try these. Has anyone or does anyone do them? How do they compare to back squats?

    Let me be the gal that has a video for everything! Haha xD

    Basically, a trick for front squats if you want to work on your shoulder mobility bit by bit is to use lifting straps to hold the bar. It's a lot easier on the wrists, works your grip, and as you get more flexible you can work your way down the strap.

    I typically will do a few sets with a clean grip, then move on to arms crossed though. I'm just lazy I guess? xD I should probably try that on my front squats saturday :)
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Thanks ladies for the encouragements! I know the whole intimidation is in my head, but I can not help how I feel. Before kids I used to workout before work, but with 2 little one who get up at 6 am at the latest that is not an option on weekdays.

    I 'll go back tomorrow evening and let's hope the Friday evening will draw the guys away from the gym. After I'll try the suggested Sunday morning. In any case before I left yesterday , I singed up for an orientation / program setup for next Tuesday evening. I am curious if the guy will be any help to showing me what I want or he will be pushing some silly machine based workout program.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    ahh the sweet quietness of the last day of classes before spring break in the gym. so nice. (even if it means I have to workout after work next week due to reduced hours)

    Squats: 3x5x120 - felt really "easy" which i though odd. Probably those cookies I ate last night!
    OHP: 60lbs 5, 4, 3. Obviously didn't rest long enough. But my fractionals should be coming in tomorrow so that'll help a lot!
    DL: 145lbs 1x5. Although I did them 3, 1, 1. My hands were killing me (just being rough, not necessarily grip). Hoping the liquid grip helps a little with that because my legs are still telling me I can go higher, just my hands holding me back.

    Spring weather is in the foreseeable forecast from tomorrow onwards so I'm ready to enjoy some warm sunshine for more than a day at a time! Happy weekend!
  • dapunks
    dapunks Posts: 245 Member
    Workout B (slightly modified)

    Warm-up 2 mins on stationary bike
    Warm-up set
    10 squats just body weight
    Working set

    Arnold Presses (barbells)
    Warm-up set
    Working set

    Warm-up set
    1x10bar no weights

    Working set

    Then just some core work and streching.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Today was OHP day (thank gawd cuz my knee is a mess right now :/)


    I think that's a Rep PR! The last rep was a grind, but not so much that I didn,t feel like I could've maybe tried for 9 (but we're not supposed to go to absolute failure, so I dropped it) I was using the thick bar, and I had the heavier collars on, too. I dropped them for my BBB sets

    @50 10/9/9/8/9 so, first lift I don't get all the reps in. I was expecting it. The extreme version will do that. But I'd rather go more weight less reps than have it be too easy. I gotta say though I felt like puking through these. Never thought the first lift that would do that to me would be OHP. Squats okay. Deadlifts? sure. But OHP?!

    Then went on to do close grip bench
    45x8, 75x8, 95x7, 95x7

    A giant set of DB Incline flyes, overhead seated triceps extension and incline DB curls. 3 times around.

    And my swinging burpee burnout finisher, 40lbs KB, finished in 9:50 (I think that's 4 seconds less than last time... progress?)

    Aaaand now I think I might have a refeed day. Or a cheat day. I just need food today. That is all.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    Just cardio for me today...25 mins on the elliptical at a pretty good pace. I also went into the weight room to do skull crushers. I'm beginning to really like these. Anyhoo, while I was in there, a young guy was squatting 225 lbs with really good form and to parallel, which is the first time I've seen anyone go to parallel in there. He had a guy spot him while he was doing front squats with the same weight. I asked him if they were hard and he said they just frame your back better than back squats and he likes to alternate them because it forms an "awesome collision." He normally does 10x10, total.

    I might like to try these. Has anyone or does anyone do them? How do they compare to back squats?

    On my squat day I will do squats, front squats and then paused squats. It's good to get a mix in there to build up your back squat :smile: it's also good for shoulder mobility if you rack it in front like a clean. Also it hits different stabilisers as you are upright plus you can rally go deep on these helping your quads to pull u out the hole :bigsmile: I can't front squat what I can back squat though.

    Yeah, he was front squatting 275 when I left. :love: I'm probably going to see how the bar feels and then possibly work my way up to 95 today (if I can) I'm attempting 190 lb back squats today, so I don't want to over do it.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    Just cardio for me today...25 mins on the elliptical at a pretty good pace. I also went into the weight room to do skull crushers. I'm beginning to really like these. Anyhoo, while I was in there, a young guy was squatting 225 lbs with really good form and to parallel, which is the first time I've seen anyone go to parallel in there. He had a guy spot him while he was doing front squats with the same weight. I asked him if they were hard and he said they just frame your back better than back squats and he likes to alternate them because it forms an "awesome collision." He normally does 10x10, total.

    I might like to try these. Has anyone or does anyone do them? How do they compare to back squats?

    Let me be the gal that has a video for everything! Haha xD

    Basically, a trick for front squats if you want to work on your shoulder mobility bit by bit is to use lifting straps to hold the bar. It's a lot easier on the wrists, works your grip, and as you get more flexible you can work your way down the strap.

    I typically will do a few sets with a clean grip, then move on to arms crossed though. I'm just lazy I guess? xD I should probably try that on my front squats saturday :)

    Thanks for the video! I've never used lifting straps, so if I can't get my form or it doesn't feel right, I'll have to look into getting them.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    Aaaand now I think I might have a refeed day. Or a cheat day. I just need food today. That is all.

    me TOO. I added an extra egg and slice of bacon to breakfast AND had some cookies. Deadlift day makes me go nuts with food.

    It'll help that I'm doing some celebrating this weekend and not worrying about food though. That'll be nice.
  • rdkstar
    rdkstar Posts: 260 Member
    Funny- I'm usually extra hungry the day after a workout.

    I had an awesome day.

    Squats - 5x50 I completed them all!!! I have been so scared to try 50 but just worked up the guts. I was a little slow in the last set so I will repeat once before increase. Today, an exercise class of women came in to use barbie weights. When they saw me squatting 50, they were all OMG. It felt so good to hear that. Privately, I'm thinking that they haven't seen anything yet when I think of people in this forum.

    Bench 5x75 I finally completed all sets. I think that I will repeat once before going up.

    Row 5x50. Working on form. Kept bumping my knees going up.

    Just have to add that I am so happy that I'm better educated now on heavy lifting. Everyone is so helpful on this forum. Watching that exercise group, made me realize how far I've come. Plus all I saw was them doing really bad form even the instructor.

    One more yippee - I just completed my fourth week of SL.
  • dapunks
    dapunks Posts: 245 Member
    60 minutes power yoga.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    ok, feeling pretty frustrated right now. My workout kinda sucked (in my mind). I was feeling pretty weak today.

    squats: 190 lbs...failed. 3-4-4, then deloaded to 185 and could only get 4 reps up :noway: I tried the front squats with just the bar and man does that not feel right! I'll attempt the 190 again on Monday and see how it goes.

    OHP: 75 lbs 5-4-4 Not terribly bad, but I could certainly feel the skull crushers that I'd done this week on this.

    Deadlift: 225 lbs. I know, I know, I should've added 10 lbs, but I seriously was afraid my body (and bladder :embarassed: ) wasn't going to be able to handle it. I had to stop and go to the bathroom twice during my squat session. :frown: I got all five of those up.

    I'm taking off the next two days. I'd normally go and do cardio tomorrow, but I think I just want to relax and spend the weekend focused on my lover. :love:
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies (third time is a charm I hope..tried writing this post and it's failed 2x...:explode: due to internet issues)

    *I lifted before I ate again..have to say great workout...might be something with this...I will have to try lifting after my dinner next least one day and see if that is the difference...

    So workout B for me today...Yah for Dead lifts...speak of which in this thread here is a quote from a guy
    but my guess is that once you start deadlifting over 200 or so (for a guy) you have to increase in size.
    meaning increase muscle mass...
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Yah he got set straight a few times...imagine...for a guy...psh

    But in all seriousness tried to talk myself out of moving up the full 5lbs on my squats today to 170....couldn't come up with a good enough excuse so worked myself up with some old music from my day (Def leapard...Guns n Roses) and added those 2 extra plates. But on my warm up I decided enough fooling around and grabbed my sharpie and marked my foot placement on my floor in my home gym....:drinker: yah for home gyms:drinker: so I wasn't constantly shuffling my feet around....Marked for my box too.

    Squats @ 170 5x5 Yah...felt a lean on rep 2 and 3 of set 2 and again on rep 2 of set 3...not sure if that is enough to stay for form or not...

    OHP @ 88.5 5x5 and Yah I did the whole RAWWWWWRRRRRR afterwards...finally past my hump on these...

    DL @ 200 (failed on monday) and my hands were already sweaty and made the comment that they were and I needed to invest in chalk then commented that it sounded like I was making an excuse pre lift just in case I failed....:bigsmile: so I found

    Eye of the Tiger by Rocky...cranked it and cranked em out...I know my back rounded on rep 5 but I call it a win.

    But I must be crazy...after this instead of sitting down and drinking some water I was hyped up so fixed the sofa, sweapt the living room floor, kitchen floor etc...had to do something...then I screwed up my post for the 2nd time...haha

    In between lifting days I have been doing HIIT sessions...finally found one I almost burpees in it...:bigsmile:

    So I think I will continue with this one until it's easy...I am not a fan of cardio for exercise but I find when I add in some HIIT the weight wooshes right off me...even with lots of food.

    Just want to say tho congrats to lwood on one year of lifting and ...and to the others just starting with 1week in or 4 weeks in...congrats and you watch in no time we will be saying congrats on your 6month anniversary or 1 year anniversary.

    @rdkstar Yah I was always hungry the day after too...not anymore tho...not sure if it's my protien and getting it in almost everyday (120g) or my body is used to it now... goodness I don't know where you find the energy are at it all the time...wowsers.

    Oh one more thing...just one I promise...was reading up on my groin (gracilis muscle) injury and exercises to help it as it still bothers me some...guess what is one of the exercises recommended to help strengthen it...SUMO joke...I say this because I switched to them as soon as I could start lifting again after it got healed...why because it felt better, more comfortable, more natural...guess it was my bodies way of telling me something.

    Have a great wonderful weekend's warming up that means Spring is just around the corner.....:drinker:
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    Stef, I saw your reply on that thread and I was cracking up! Heck, I DL 145-150 myself. :laugh:
  • westendcurls
    westendcurls Posts: 252 Member
    Hi all!
    I want to thank this group for the wonderful information. I've been doing sl 5x5 for a a few weeks now and really loving it so far! I lift with my husband occasionally but mostly with my girl MzNiz. she's rocken it right along wit me. I think we're booth hooked!

    today was OHP day

    Squats - 90lb 5x5
    OHP - 55lb 5x5
    Dead-lifts 120! <<< felt awesome nearly lifting body-weight! :-)

    There are a few things I'm a little unsure of the rows feel awkward...and the OHP seems like it should be easier any tips?
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    Welcome to the group!

    Here's a couple of videos that might help:

    Pendlay rows -

    Overhead press -

    Hope that helps!
  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    Yesterday was bench press day for Wendler's 5/3/1. I'm in cycle 4 week 1.

    I decided to do spin first since I only have time to do it once a week, by the time I got to bench it was late and I was hungry and feeling shaky. should have eaten my protein bar, but I didn't and failed on my last rep at 95 lbs, which I have done more than that before so I was disappointed. :sad: I didn't have time to do my accessory lifts, either, so all in all not a great day!
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member

    There are a few things I'm a little unsure of the rows feel awkward...and the OHP seems like it should be easier any tips?

    OHP can be tough for a lot of women, we just don't have that great upper body strength. What has helped me (besides watching videos) is proper breathing. Breathe in to get the bar up in the first place, then breathe in whenever the bar lowers and breathe out when you push up. If I pause for just a hair of a second I can't get it back up.
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    I'm back! Missed a week but starting again today. Sadly back at beginner weights but it's okay, I'll get there. Not sure how its going to go after getting a massive and crazy painful rope burn from the edge side of a flat leash, but I'm gonna try. Don't remember if it's A or B day either, but my cool 5x5 app will tell me. Yay Apps!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    After being quite rundown from that digestion issue on Friday night yesterday, I had to move deadlift 3s to today. I guess it wasn't a bad move at all!

    The 1RM calculator said I had to get 11 for a new PR so 2 more reps = HUGE! Hehe ^^ I might've gone in underestimating my 1RM for deadlifts tho. Ah well :)

    Then 135x5x10 asumo deadlift. Supersetted with knees to bows for the first 2 sets, then dip bar knee raises for the last 3 because my grip was really getting weak. Did not use my straps once, tho! Not here, anyway xP

    Front squats
    95x12 (had to switch to crossed arms grip halfway here cuz my wrist hurt a bit)
    95x10 (tried to do the straps but it was a lil weird)
    95x8 arms crossed again. It's actually harder to balance since you don't have the fingers out wide. I was just dead at this point haha

    Pendlay rows 100x5x5
    first 3 sets were supersetted with 35lbs back extensions. The last 2 sets I almost felt like passing out on the last rep xD

    And I finished with cable crunches 105x5x15

    no cardio work cuz I'm going back in tomorrow and I was already run down enough as it was. I'll just take a walk later. Knee behaved today, although it's still forever tight. Going to call places and get an appointment to get that checked out tomorrow.