
Some say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Discuss your breakfast habits and any changes or improvements that you could make. What are some advantages to eating a regular breakfast? Feel free to share any favorite breakfast tips or recipes that you feel that may contribute to the group discussion.


  • Sometimes I skip out on breakfast because I dont hathe busve the time to eat. Often times i will bring along whatever is in the kitchen to eat on the bus.Some advantages with eating a regular breakfast include having more energy throughout the day, and being more focused in class.
  • jonesj50
    jonesj50 Posts: 6
    Some days i really don't eat anything for breakfast and its a disatvantage for the rest of the day because i'm tired. On regular days i'm fine throughout the day until its time for lunch. I say its very important to me anyways.
  • I try to have breakfast everyday. If I dont have anything to eat I still usally try to drink some milk or water. When I do eat breakfast it isnt big even though I know it is the moast important to get your day started but it doesnt always work out. I could try to eat a healthy breakfast that is a resonable portain.
  • I dont really eat breakfast. Even if i did i'd eat cold pizza or cereals or drink a glass of milk with cookies.
  • If you eat a regular breakfast then you will have energy to do things for the rest of your day. I eat anything for breakfast and other days I eat nothing since i don't have time to. I can change this buy trying eating something before I go to school and even maybe i could bring a snack and eat it when I'm on my way to school. If i do this then i can be able to concentrate in my school work and be able to do things without getting tired of doing it.
  • what
  • 2160364
    2160364 Posts: 3
    I dont eat breakfest that much I skip breakfest sometimes when I do eat breakfest I either eat a bowl of cereal or a toasted bagel with cream cheese on it and thats it.
  • That is very true.
  • i eat breakfast every day, and it helps you stay awake all day
  • Sometimes I don't eat breakfast because I am on the run but I should work on it because breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
  • I don't usually eat breakfast, but when I do, it helps me stay focused and energized throughout the day. It probably is the most important meal of the day just for that reason
  • I dont really have breakfast in the morning , only sometimes like on a sip day ill eat a cereal. I should probably start eating breakfast though because i get really tired during the day and i get sleepy. Eating a healthy snack in the morning can give a person energy through out the day and can help you focus in school.
  • i agree on the dont really eat breakfast part. also with the drinking milk or water or grabbing a healthy snack with me.
  • jonesj50
    jonesj50 Posts: 6
    I'm sometimes on the run too and don't all the things that i need to for the day. Maybe put something in your bookbag the night before so if you have to run out of the house you can eat something while your at your locker or in the hallway. Or maybe try and wake up alittle earlyer like start slow with one minute or something then slowly increase to a good 5 minutes.
  • I dont eat breakfast either i would just have a snack whenever im hungry in the morning. It would be best if we did have breakfast though because it gives us enrgy throughout the day.
  • I think because food is our source of energy that perhaps because breakfast is our first meal of the day we should consider it more than most of the other meals. Lunch is like about midday and your body will get tire if you don't consume at least a cereal bar for breakfast.
  • i dot eat breackfast because it makes my stomac hurt for some reason when i eat in the morning. i havent ate breackfast seince i was lil
  • I do know if I eat a good breakfast it will do exactly that. I will feel better in the mornings rather than feeling tired or hungry. Eat your breakfast!
  • I usually don't eat brefast in the morning because I chose to sleep those couple extra minutes in the morning. It would be helpful to me to eat in the morning because I usually stay after school for sports. It could keep me going for a good amount of time.
  • I don't really eat breakfast. If I do eat breakfast, I will only have a bowl of cereal. I can inprove by eating breakfast everymorning.
  • I feel you Alejandra. Don't worry I'll eat my brefis
  • I believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I don't eat a healthy breakfast, so I should change the type of food that I eat to improve my healthy life-style. I usually would eat pizza or doritos or cookies in the morning. To improve my health I should start eating apples, bannanas, or eggs.
  • to me Breakfast is just Unheard0f... but i usually tend to try my hardest to eat breakfast, but when i dont i cant go the whole day super energetic. but i only miss eating breakfast because imi running late, or im just super lazy to do anything.
  • well, my opinion about this would be you should have atleast like a banana in the morning or a milshake at least. If i don't have time in the morning then i take it on the way to school. I feel the difference when i do eat something small in the morning and when i dont eat nothing at all. I feel more energetic, and I can think straight. In the middle of class my stomach is not growling.
  • I do eat breackfast but its not al full meal. Some of the days i just hae a glass of milk and that is it i don't have nothing els with it. Or someonther times i just have frute with nothing. Tho sometimes i know that it will be better if i have a good full breackfast.
  • I eat breakfast every day to and im still sleepy tho out all of the day.
  • I usually dont have a full breakfast becuase I just simply dont have time. I think that breakfast is definately one of the most important meals of the day because it gets you mind and metabolism going to start your day. I usually have a granola bar in the morning, I should probably start having a little more than that every day.
  • Even though breakfast is mostly important for everyone and it helps us to keeps. Sometimes I forget to eat breakfast but if you don't eat breakfast it can make you feel sleepy.