3/7/14: H2O

Water is essential indeed our bodies are made up of anywhere between 51%-75% water! If we don't ingest enough fluid, dehydration can set in quickly. To gauge the importance of water relative to food, consider that severe dehydration can lead to death within a matter of days, whereas we can go for weeks without food.

It's important to realize that we can get our fluid requirements from the food we eat, as well as the fluids we drink. For instance, an orange is 87% water! Good sources of water are:
 Fruits & Vegetables
 Drinks, especially non-caffeinated ones like fruit juice
 And the best source of all… good ol water!

On a scale of 1-10 (1 being poor and 10 being great) how would you rate your overall hydration? What are some things you could do to increase this number? What are some good tips to staying hydrated throughout the day?


  • I rate my hydration as an 7. I can carry a water bottle everyday and refill it everytime it gets empty. You can take water breaks or have a water bottle with you.
  • I would rate my total hydration as an 8. I drink lots of water whenn im at home and here at school. What i could do is carry a refillable water bottle in my bag.
  • i rate my hydration a 6 or a 7 it really is not that good. i do not drink water alot but i should since it is good for me it just does not appeal to me. I will start to drink more water daily in order to be healthier.
  • ornelask
    ornelask Posts: 2
    I would rate my hydration as a 6. I can start bringing water with me to school. I can start dringing more water other than pop.
  • i rate my hydraition as a 8 . i carry a water bottle everywhere with me i never drink pop all i ever drink is water its refersing and better.
  • Maypan56
    Maypan56 Posts: 2
    my rate would be between 7-8, i thinks its important to keep yourself hydrated everyday, and bring a water bootle with you everywhere
  • On a scale from one to ten I would rate myself about a 6 or 7. Ways to improve it can be by eating more fruits such oranges and watermelon. I can also drink more water while in school and before and after my meals.
  • 97lauren
    97lauren Posts: 2
    i would rate my hydration a 10. im always drinking water all day every day. i would need to keep drinking water to keep my hydration good.
  • I would rate myself about a 8. I constantly drink water during meals and throughout the day. I can improve by asking for a glass of water when I go out to eat with others.
  • I would rate myself a 7. I bring a bottle of water to school everyday.
  • i am a 0 i never drink water only coke
  • I would rate myslef a 6. I drink water once in a while. I could change this by drinking more water during school and at home. Since those are the places im most at. Also when I go out to eat.
  • reyese10
    reyese10 Posts: 2
    i would rate my hydradtion as a 6 probably. I'm not too fond of water but i do stay hydrated when i get thirsty. I drink healthy drinks like juice and gatorade.
  • paaau25
    paaau25 Posts: 1
    i rate my hydraton a 5 i drink water but not alot. i could get in habit to drink water but then i lose it
  • My hydration rate is about 2 i don't get that thirst quick i keep a water bottle in my backpack all times so i keep my self hydrated at all times.
  • I would rate my overall dehydration as being a 7. Somethings I could do is eat a lot of fruit and water whenever I can. I could bring an apple as a snack or bring a bottle of water.
  • i am ia an 8 i drink a lot of water in the hole day. its the thing i drink all day.