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  • SheRock05
    SheRock05 Posts: 82

    Name: Sheena
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'3"
    Your current weight: 138 lbs
    Your goal weight: 125-130 lbs

    Reasons why you want to lose weight: I want to be healthy. I don't want to focus on being thin or the ideal. I want to focus on finally, for once in my life, looking in the mirror and being happy and comfortable with who I am.
    Reasons why you don't want to stay the weight you are now: I may not be fat, but I don't eat healthy and don't treat myself healthy.

    I have been using MyFitnessPal for years but have never had friends doing it or any form of accountability. I feel I need that. Here is some of my history. MI suffered from eating disorders beginning in 2004, the summer after my first year of college. In high school I played on two competitive softball teams and exercised 20-30 hours a week, easily. In college, I didn't play sports, gained the freshman 30! and freaked out. Since then I have battled anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating.

    I live in Houston and joined a two-month intense out-patient program for borderline personality disorder patients (I don't quick have BPD, but it is the closest of the diagnosis). With 15 hours of therapy a week, I have nearly overcome my problems but I still relapse occasionally and have many relapsing thoughts. With crappy health insurance currently, I am not able to do my weekly or monthly check ins with these professionals to keep me accountable.

    WORKOUT: Today, I have finally found a form of working out that I enjoy and I have a beautiful boyfriend who knows that I need to workout -- for my mental health and anxiety -- who helps pay for the classes while I am only part time working. I do Krave Maga 4 times a week -- usually the martial arts class 4 times a week and twice a week I also engage in the 30-35 minute META class which is conditioning and strength training. Two days a week I walk on the treadmill, uphill at 3.6-3.9 mph for 45 minutes (and occasionally I will job a little). I have a really bad back -- one back surgery and it has been suggested I have a second so I can't run much. Sunday I give myself one day off.

    EATING PLAN: My goal is to net 1400-1500 calories a day, Here are my two problems -- I eat WAY too much sugar. For instance, I love Clif bars for heavy workout days, but they have 23 grams of sugar. I just bought two new boxes though. SO I was going to eat only 3 a week instead of 5 a week. On days I eat Clif bars I will have an egg for breakfast, and days I don't have Clif bars I will have a Special K bar for breakfast -- until I get rid of these. I also usually eat a little candy at home, less tan a serving through the day, and my nightly dessert is more than a serving. So I want to cut back by at least half on these random sweets and keep my dessert to just a serving or cookies or ice cream or whatever. I rather not live than go without sugar completely, so this is my plan to get started at least. I plan to start this on Ash Wednesday (March 5).

    WEIGHT OBSESSION: To try to not be depressed about weight, I don't count calories on special occasions -- my mom's birthday bash, valentine's day, Christmas, a day of a wedding perhaps. Recently though, I have had one of these days or one day with a binge per week. Last weekend I had a Casino night at my mom's church, which we went to for her birthday, and I didn't track food. Then I did pretty good all week. And last night (I did start my period) but I have been craving Menchie's fro yo for a week so we went for it. My boyfriend knows when I have been obsessed about something for this long, it is better to fulfill the craving -- but I still go overboard. So I need to reduce these binge a free-be days.

    I need some accountability. Somebody to help look at my food and give me advice and suggestions. I will do the same for you. I want to meet some new people and I look forward to supporting each other.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    183lbs? 178.5lbs?

    I have many reasons for wanting to lose weight.. primarily to be stronger like I was 7 months ago before I became inactive. I lost a lot of weight last year on MFP going from a size 13 to size 6 US pants size and would love to fit into nice clothes again. Last year I wore a bikini for the first time in my young 24 years and I know that 20lbs was all it took to look and feel my best.

    I don't want rolls anymore.. I want to see my butt! I regret becoming inactive because now I remember how hard I had to work to get the body I want.
  • deeohcee
    deeohcee Posts: 15 Member

    All of the cliche reasons but most importantly, I want to be fit and consistently so. I'm tired of the fluctuations --times when I can run 2 miles and be fine and then climbing a few flights of stairs and I'm out of breath--and since I've joined MFA, I've been more accountable as what I do or don't do is right in my face. I feel that this group is just the last push I need to really stick with my changes.
  • Name: Corey
    Age: 27
    Height: 5"4
    Your current weight: 159lbs
    Your goal weight: 135lbs
    Reasons why you want to lose weight: I want to feel good in my clothes!
    Reasons why you don't want to stay the weight you are now: I still feel my love handles overhang over my jeans. My goal I think is simple - to be able to wear jeans and a tight tank top - without any spillage lol. I started at 174 so am on my way!
  • sarahcyr3
    sarahcyr3 Posts: 28 Member
    Name: Sarah
    Age: 25
    Height: 5'3
    Your current weight: 76kg (166lb)
    Your goal weight 65kg (145lb)

    Reasons why you want to lose weight
    I want to lose weight because I live in asia and thus I am a giant "oh! big size" monster here. I also love fashion but it is very hard to shop when everything is size small and a us medium is now a size xl. I also care about the future and I want to be as healthy as I can. I have recently gotten into running and found that I actually love it (when I do it instead of napping) I want to be better and go farther and look good in all the crop tops I bought.

    Reasons why you don't want to stay the weight you are now
    I want to change because I don't physically see myself as the size I am. I see myself as smaller so I want my body to match my self image.
  • Bunnyfaceoops
    Bunnyfaceoops Posts: 1 Member
    Name: Tilly
    Age: 25
    Height: 5'3
    Your current weight: 143lbs
    Your goal weight 119lbs
    Reasons for losing weight:

    I have always been slim until about a year ago when i changed jobs and this weight doesnt feel right on me.

    I have recently starting running again and am clocking up around 5 miles 3 times a week now and am aiming for my first half marathon next months (!!) i know i have a long way to go!
  • TristansHawk
    TristansHawk Posts: 114 Member

    Name: Tristan
    Age: 25 (as of yesterday!)
    Height: 5'5.5" (My driver's license says I am 5'7", but I have always known that was wrong. I figured I was 5'6", but apparently I am smaller lol.
    Your current weight: 140 lbs
    Your goal weight: 125 lbs

    Reasons why you want to lose weight: To feel confident in a bikini and clothes that show my arms, legs, tummy etc. I am currently applying for vet school and the school I am very interested in is on a tropical island! I want to not have to worry about how I think I look while there (I will get in!) and focus on having fun and doing well in school instead.

    Reasons why you don't want to stay the weight you are now: In university I gained around 30 lbs. I have since gone from 156 lbs to 131 lbs, but gained some back over the holidays etc. I worked really hard to lose that weight and was disappointed. I know I can do it again! I was unaware of how much bigger I had gotten in university until I saw a picture of me in my belly dancing costume...I never want to see that again. My profile picture shows the picture I mean, and when I was around 131 lbs.
  • hmp126
    hmp126 Posts: 1
    Currently 146 lbs
    Goal Weight 125
    Wanting to lose weight because I am tired all the time and can't stand how I look and feel in all of my clothes.
    Used to be so much lighter and had more energy and was so much more confident.
  • deeohcee
    deeohcee Posts: 15 Member
    Umm so that was supposed to say MFP not MFA ha! I do love the Museum of Fine Arts but I'm not sure becoming a member will do anything for my weight lol
  • Hi my name is Laura
    Age: 22
    Height: 5'-4"
    cw: 69kg (152lb)
    gw: 59kg (130lb)

    Why I want to lose?
    I want to feel confident in all my clothes, and be able to wear some of my old favourite jeans. But even more than that I want to also feel strong physically, mentally, and emotionally.

    Why don't I want to keep same weight?
    I gained all this weight when I was in university, and that was my excuse. and everyone knows I used that excuse. But now I dont have an excuse but I am still in same place as when I graduated....and I dont want to stay there. I want to improve myself, and this is one way I want to do so.
  • Name: Naomi
    Age: 18
    Height: 5' 5
    Current weight : 154 lbs
    Goal weight: 130 lbs
    Why I want to lose weight:
    I want to look good for summer, and I want to feel better about myself.
    Why I don't want to stay the weight I am:
    I wand to be able to wear some of my older clothes and feel confident.
  • Name: Amanda =)
    Age: 25 (I will be 26 in June)
    Height: 5'6" ish
    Your current weight: 134.4
    Your goal weight: 115, but only if I can be tones at that weight... I don't mind a higher number if my BF% goes down
    Reasons why you want to lose weight: for my wedding! August 9, 2014
    Reasons why you don't want to stay the weight you are now: my wedding dress didn't zip last time I tried it on =( haven't had it on since I weight over 140, though, so we will see!
  • SeeAmandaRun
    SeeAmandaRun Posts: 55 Member
    Name: Amanda
    Age: 27
    Height: 5'4''
    Your current weight: 162 lbs
    Your goal weight: 135 lbs

    Reasons why you want to lose weight: To feel comfortable/confident in my own skin again and to be healthy and fit. Also, I have a closet full of cute, too small for me dresses that I would LOVE to wear!

    Reasons why you don't want to stay the weight you are now: Since I've been done school and working full-time (at desk jobs), my weight has been increasing. 174 lbs is the highest that I know of. I want to get my weight under control now before it gets worse. Looking at pictures from Homecoming last fall made me so embarrassed of the weight I've gained - I want this year to be different!
  • LTKeegan
    LTKeegan Posts: 354 Member
    Name: Lindsay
    Age: 25
    Height: 5'6"
    Your current weight: 134
    Your goal weight: 120-125
    Reasons why you want to lose weight: lower % body fat to climb harder
    Reasons why you don't want to stay the weight you are now: I want to look and feel good in my clothes
  • sadietaber
    sadietaber Posts: 1 Member
    Name: Sadie
    Age: 24
    Height: 5'3.5''
    Current weight: 142
    Goal weight: 125-130
    Reasons why you want to lose weight: I am shorter and pear shaped. I really want to lose weight to fit into the shorts I have for the summer and feel confident in a bathing suit
    Reasons why you don't want to stay the weight you are now: I hate the way I feel in my clothes. I am uncomfortable in the jeans and shirts that I used to be able to wear.
  • jetortola
    jetortola Posts: 198 Member
    Name: Joanne
    Age: 35
    Height: 5'4"
    Your current weight: 158lbs
    Your goal weight: 140lbs
    Reasons why you want to lose weight: to lose the flab (especially around my middle), to have more energy, to improve my confidence.
    Reasons why you don't want to stay the weight you are now: If I'm OK with being this weight... in a year I'll be OK with being 5lbs heavier... and so on... and I will never be happy with my body. NOW is the time to change. Just think, if I started this 3 months ago, I could have reached my goal by now!
  • Name: Rosy
    Age: 28
    Height: 5'6
    Current weight: 149 lbs
    Goal weight: 133 lbs
    Reasons why you want to lose the weight: I want to feel healthy and look good in a bikini! I want to be able to enjoy clothes again and wear what I want not what is slimming. And I'd like to fit back into my old dresses!
  • BriTyler3
    BriTyler3 Posts: 110 Member
    Name - Brianna
    Age - 21
    Height - 5'5
    Your current weight -170 Maybe 167 haven't weighted myself yet
    Your goal weight - 140
    Reasons why you want to lose weight - to look good inside & out
    Reasons why you don't want to stay - to have more confidence
  • YAHhwaiting
    YAHhwaiting Posts: 3 Member
    age: 18
    Height - 5'3
    Current Weight: 116 lb
    Goal Weight: 95-99 lb
    Reasons why you want to lose weight : To become slimmer and lose fat in certain areas.
    Reasons why you don't want to stay the weight you are now: I've put on some unwanted weight, i was successful at going down to 105 lbs during the summer of 2013 but gave up and gained even more weight.
  • jsjp
    jsjp Posts: 51 Member
    Cw 150
    Gw 135
    Tired of looking chubby in my clothes, and to be healthier.