Phase 3 makes me want to die!!!

amyannie Posts: 139 Member
So I just started phase 3 and OMG Jillian is not kidding around! I feel like I am in "decent" shape and I have definitely gotten stronger and have lost about 10 pounds with this program already but how does she expect us to get through this phase?! I seriously need to pause it about 10 times to make it through! Anyone having these same struggles that want to vent together? :)


  • gatx
    gatx Posts: 179 Member
    I think in one of the workouts Jillian says something like, 'Do you want to die? NO! you want to live to be 100'. Trust me, you can do it... I did JMBR last year and pop in workouts now and again... but you can get through it and you'll feel like a rock star!

    Good work! Hang in there! :)
  • morty1966
    morty1966 Posts: 250 Member
    I'm on phase 1, feeling like " what's all the fuss about" so I decided to watch phase 2: workout 5. Omg, she is so tough, I can't imagine what phase 3 is like. I can't wait until I am that fit.
  • amyannie
    amyannie Posts: 139 Member
    BElieve me.. DON"t LOOK AHEAD! Since your body is adjusting and getting stronger the things she does later on looks impossible but it really isn't. It's A LOT of hard work but definitely worth it! I'm on the first week of phase 3 and I can already tell my body is getting stronger and changing, not to mention that I am down 11.2 pounds! So we just gotta tell ourselves that the pain is worth it right?!
  • harphy
    harphy Posts: 290 Member
    One step at a time. Adjust workouts or stop. You can do it!
  • PolkaDot_Princess
    PolkaDot_Princess Posts: 314 Member
    yep just started phase three, work out 9 and DAMN!! She's tough!! I did what i could but i always notice by the second time on any workout and definetly but the 3rd i can do more and more each time, do what you can, break if you have to but DON'T STOP!!! (as Jillian always says)

    At at one point i think she says "if you need to stop and die do it, then resurect your self and keep going!" LOL
  • amyannie
    amyannie Posts: 139 Member
    I can honestly say workout 9 and 10 were the worst!! I am very much enjoying workouts 11 and 12 and am starting to get the hang of cardio 3! I am on my 12th week but think I will go until 13 weeks. I'm loving my results so far and can't wait to do the program again!! :)
  • morty1966
    morty1966 Posts: 250 Member
    I am halfway through phase 2, WO 5 is a killer but I've looked ahead (I know I know, I was told not to!) WO 7 scares the bejesus out of me.

    Oh dear!
  • Chelfit
    Chelfit Posts: 36 Member
    I'm in my last week of workout 7&8 and will start Phase 3 on Monday. I'm excited and scared all at once! I did some previewing...and yikes, the crab dips are back!
  • morty1966
    morty1966 Posts: 250 Member
    I can't believe I am now in phase 3. I love WO 9, it's awesome. Looking forward to WO 10 tomorrow.
  • clarebailey355
    clarebailey355 Posts: 113 Member
    I felt like that the first time I did the programme. I'm now on my second go round and whilst I still find Phase 3 really hard, it is easier than when I first did it. I'm not modifying as much and I'm using heavier weights when I can.

    Don't be disheartened - like Jillian says, you start where you start and do your best. If you stick with it, you'll soon surprise yourself with what you can achieve!