Week 10 Weigh-In

morzolas Posts: 59 Member
Hello, all! I didn't see the board posted for this week's weigh in, so I created one.

SW: 203.5
CW: 194.2
GW: 191.5
Loss so far: 9.3 lbs.

Ohhh how hard it is to adjust those numbers for a gain! It was a minor gain (less than half a pound), but it's still not what I wanted to write. I know two factors that directly contributed to that gain, so I am still feeling confident with my progress.

Spring is quickly approaching, and it's really motivating me to bust some *kitten*. I want to look cute in shorts. I want to enjoy myself in warmer weather. I have to put the work in if I want the results.

Our challenge is almost finished, and I know I can finish with my goal accomplished!


  • boulevardMto180
    CSW: 237.4
    CW: 229.8 (-0.6 this week)
    CGW: 220
    -7.6 overall

    I'm surprised I loss anything @ all because last week was kind of "off" for me.
    On the upside I'm finally out of the 230's!!!!
  • emilynbanks
    SW: 183
    LWW: 180
    CW: 181.5

    Stupid baseball and softball season. I barely have time to work out!
  • kikalique
    kikalique Posts: 52 Member
    SW: 228
    CW: 212.4
    GW: 210

    Down 1.4 lb lost this week. My mom was in town for the past few days, and we ate out more than usual, but I made sure to log everything, make better choices (or save the food for later), and get some exercise in when I could. This week is Spring Break, and although I'll be working on school things, I'm looking forward to getting back to eating well and exercising regularly.
  • morzolas
    morzolas Posts: 59 Member
    On the upside I'm finally out of the 230's!!!!

    Awesome! I know how much you've been through to get here. Keep it up!

    Stupid baseball and softball season. I barely have time to work out!

    But you're still here posting. You're still in this, and I've got to tip my hat to you. It's hard when you've got a bunch of stuff going on, but I applaud the fact that you're still in this thing.

    Down 1.4 lb lost this week.

    Great job! Sounds like you've really found a balance.
  • AtLeastOnceMore
    AtLeastOnceMore Posts: 304 Member
    On the upside I'm finally out of the 230's!!!!

    Awesome! I know how much you've been through to get here. Keep it up!

    Stupid baseball and softball season. I barely have time to work out!

    But you're still here posting. You're still in this, and I've got to tip my hat to you. It's hard when you've got a bunch of stuff going on, but I applaud the fact that you're still in this thing.

    Down 1.4 lb lost this week.

    Great job! Sounds like you've really found a balance.

    My dear and darling Morzolas - you are a treasure! Thanks so much for stepping up to be the main support for the group these last few weeks. Congrats on your loss and keep up the positive attitude!

    OK, peeps, I'm back. Finally, we seem to be on the right track to figuring out what's going on with me health-wise, as I apparently have contracted a virus that is causing my blood pressure and BGLs to plummet randomly through the day, explaining the dizzy spells, lethargy and weakness I've had for the last while that have been making me cranky and blah. Had a barrage of tests (seriously, it was ridiculous - I honestly think my family doctor realised how long it had been since I had the full write up and went "eh, she'll be there anyway, may as well get her to have EVERY TEST EVER") this morning and looking to get results later in the week. Sucky part: No more gym for the next few weeks :sad: Better part: I've been cleared to swim, so I'll be at the pool often. :smile:

    So that's my latest. Onto the facts and figures!

    SW: 125.0kg
    LWW: 118.8kg
    CW: 117.4kg
    Loss this week: -1.4kg
    Total loss NSC: -7.6kg
    Total loss 2014: -12.6kg

    Water intake; so bad. Just, so bad. 5 glasses average.
    Exercise: 3hrs/week, so 25mins/day average.

    Goals this week:
    - Pay more attention to the signals my body is sending me. Pushing through is good when fully healthy, less advisable when sick.
    - Be more positive and stop whinging so much.
    - Up water intake! I've been told to aim for 3L a day until we resolve the BP issue.

    Good luck to everyone! Hopefully, I'll be able to be more active on the message boards again soon xx :flowerforyou: Love and hugs to all from Oz!!! xx
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Moving this over from the Week 9 topic since there's now a place to put it :)

    Weighin from 03/08:

    SW: 264
    CW: 236.6 (-2.0...total of 27.4 since joining MFP)
    GW for 90 days: 235 (1.6 to go!)
    Final Goal Weight: 150-170
    BMI: 35.8 (-.3)
    Body Fat%: 35.0 (-.2%)

    On March goals:
    1) Water consumption: 6 cups twice, only averaged 4.2, -.8 from goal of 5
    2) Extra exercise: Got extra 30 minute walk in one on one day, otherwise not even close. Weather has improved so it should be easier to get more walking/jogging in.
    3) Strength training X3week: Monday, Wed., Fri. - even upped my weight on a couple things this week.

    Not sure how I ended up losing weight, had a calorie overage vs. goal calories 5 out of 7 but I'll take it. Will need to be stricter THIS week though.

    Just started "Run for God" 12 week program so I'll be adding 30 minutes of exercise 3 days a week so that should get me closer to accomplishing #2. (It's similar to C25K with a BIble study component. If that sounds interesting to you, they are nationwide...check http://www.runforgod.com and click "Classes" to find one near you.) Also bought some new running shoes :bigsmile:
  • RosieRaz
    RosieRaz Posts: 282 Member
    SW: 207.7 (beginning of 90 days)
    LWW: 197.3
    CW: 200 (+2.7 lbs, -7.7 lbs total)
    GW: 190 (at end of 90 days)
    UGW: 150

    Gained this weekend. Grr...Hopefully it will drop back off by Wednedsay.
  • CulturedCowgurl
    CulturedCowgurl Posts: 136 Member
    Moving this over from the Week 9 topic since there's now a place to put it :)

    Weighin from 03/08:

    SW: 264
    CW: 236.6 (-2.0...total of 27.4 since joining MFP)
    GW for 90 days: 235 (1.6 to go!)
    Final Goal Weight: 150-170
    BMI: 35.8 (-.3)
    Body Fat%: 35.0 (-.2%)

    On March goals:
    1) Water consumption: 6 cups twice, only averaged 4.2, -.8 from goal of 5
    2) Extra exercise: Got extra 30 minute walk in one on one day, otherwise not even close. Weather has improved so it should be easier to get more walking/jogging in.
    3) Strength training X3week: Monday, Wed., Fri. - even upped my weight on a couple things this week.

    Not sure how I ended up losing weight, had a calorie overage vs. goal calories 5 out of 7 but I'll take it. Will need to be stricter THIS week though.

    Just started "Run for God" 12 week program so I'll be adding 30 minutes of exercise 3 days a week so that should get me closer to accomplishing #2. (It's similar to C25K with a BIble study component. If that sounds interesting to you, they are nationwide...check http://www.runforgod.com and click "Classes" to find one near you.) Also bought some new running shoes :bigsmile:

    Great job and thanks for the run for GOD info,,,sounds interesting
  • Spambo16
    Spambo16 Posts: 223 Member
    No change this week for me:
    CW: 152
    CGW/UGW: 145
  • Ry04
    Ry04 Posts: 21 Member
    Since starting this group, I haven't lost any weight, so I haven't taken the time to post.
    However the point of starting was not only to get on track but to interact more and be more involved.

    So for the last two weeks my success has been measured by the fact that I have done some form of excercise every day in March, I have been drinking almost a gallon of water a day, and I have logged in for almost 25 days in a row!
    So I am going to let my body adjust a little, and I will check in with you all next week!

    SW: 303
    UGW: 200
    CW: 284
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    SW: 183
    LW: 167
    CW: 167
    CGW: 160
    UGW: 145-140

    Loss this week: 0 lb.
    Total loss so far: 16 lbs.
  • sharebear2012
    sharebear2012 Posts: 122 Member
    We are into the final month of my favourite challenge! I am so inspired by this group and the progress you are making. Great people. My goal was 10 pounds. It doesn't sound like much but those final 10 pounds take longer! I have had weeks of travel where I was not as good and it shows.

    SW 130

    CW 123.8 (.6 down since last WI)

    GW 118

    Total loss so far for challenge = 6.2