Closer you are to your goal weight..?

Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
In the main MFP forum, you often hear people say "the closer you are to your goal weight the slower you lose the weight." The weight comes off faster the more you have to lose. But is that true in ketosis as well? Is it a slower loss if you have say 20 pounds to lose versus 130 pounds to lose?


  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    I think so... It seems to be inevitable, those last 10 - 20 lbs are the hardest!
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    Well, I've never really been close to my ultimate goal weight so I can't really say by experience.

    However, it will probably also be slower because the gap between your maintance calories and let's say 20% below that will close. The actual number will be lower so the deficit calorie won't be as large as it once ones so it would take longer to lose weight. That's the best way I can explain it, and I'm not an expert.
  • chownot
    chownot Posts: 46 Member
    From personal experience I say yes, I had 20 lbs to lose, after losing 12, I am high normal BMI. It has become quite difficult to lose a pound a week. It took about 7 weeks to lose the 12 pounds. I exercise but not at high intensity.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Thanks everyone...:smile: