
  • Emmie112
    Emmie112 Posts: 121 Member
    I'd like to join as well. My goal is to loose 10 pounds by end of April and the last 5-10 pounds by the end of June.

    My March goal is to weight train 3 times a week and to eat clean 3-4 days a week. And in couple of weeks I start a running clinic to train for a 5K run in May.
  • Christians_mom
    Christians_mom Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in; joinining a little late though. I'm currently 143 and ultimately would like to get down to 130.
    I was 135 at the beginning of February (yup I gained 8 pounds in a month). I'm starting Jamie Eason's LiveFit program. Has anyone else done it?
  • icha3x
    icha3x Posts: 54 Member
    i'm in as well....was hoping to be down 15 by the 21st since like years......sigh....need help not eating sugar.....oh how i love sugar.
  • I would love to be a part of this! This is a good head start to get ready for swimsuit season. My plan is basically staying at a minimum of a 500 calorie deficit (up to 640 at times during the week). I'm doing T25 5 days a week and hitting the gym on Mondays. In addition I gave up candy and Burgerville for Lent (pray I don't kill someone). I have in the past had a hard time sticking with any sort of weight loss/health schedule and hope that I can find some motivation within this group! Yay! Looking forward to the next 7 or so weeks :)
  • Fitfully_me
    Fitfully_me Posts: 647 Member
    I've gained 6 pounds since November and I still had a few to go to get to goal weight. So I'm shooting for 10 by end of April too. Have a 20 year high school reunion this summer so that is my motivation.

    Very similar... Up about 6 lbs since November and at the time was about 4 from goal. Shooting for 10. End of April seems like a decent goal, so I'll join as well. No reunion this year but I'm Maid of Honor this Summer so there's that. And also, Summer... & I like goals :)
  • noni1989
    noni1989 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in!
    like alot of you put on a few since November.. went to thailand then it was christmas... and all of a sudden im 135 pounds!
    have a ball to go to in 6 weeks so need to get my *kitten* in gear and fit into my dress!!
  • wassergottin
    wassergottin Posts: 154 Member
    Update: I've lost 1.8 lbs since the 1st.

    Only 8.2 lbs to go in order to achieve the 10 lb goal!

    I also managed to break my plateau, I haven't been able to get under 131 in FOREVER.
  • jami102
    jami102 Posts: 1
    I feel like I'm stuck at 130 lbs and just want to make it to 120 and be toned up the end of may/early april .So far ive started running for 25-30 mins and 15 mins of calisthenics. Wish you all luck :flowerforyou:
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    I'm in for the challenge. I've been actively trying for the last two weeks and already have seen a positive change. Losing 10 by the end of April would put me at 156ish. That'd be a wonderful number just in time for the nice weather! Good luck ladies!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,728 Member
    I'm in for 10 gone by the end of April. I'm having a bit of trouble with my trigger foods. My biggest problem, of course, is buying the darn things but in a moment of weakness...

    I was 139.4 yesterday morning...I would love to see 129.0 by the end of April.

  • emleeclaire
    emleeclaire Posts: 8 Member
    10 pounds.
    50 days.

    I'm in.

    I've bounced up to 129 from 114 since November (don't judge me - I turned 30 in December!!!)... So back down under 120 by May 1 would be fab!:drinker:
  • girlnamedanne
    girlnamedanne Posts: 22 Member
    Remember if we're toning up, muscle does weigh more than fat. :) That said, I want to hit my goal #1 (130 -which is 10 pounds from now; 11 actually) by the end of April...will be overseas in Africa on mission for a few weeks with little control over what I eat and no gyms to speak of (remote Zambia)...but I'm hoping to stay healthy and on track and say no to (too) many amazing African sodas!
  • lizzi633
    lizzi633 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in! Let's do this!
  • danabm
    danabm Posts: 47 Member
    So I am up two pounds in the last 2 weeks. Not happy about that. My downfall is the weekend. I can be very strict during the week and I get exercise. I hope to maybe mix up my weekends with work out DVDs and with the nice weather some outside walks. I also plan to do a purge this weekend and get rid of any bad tempting foods in my house. And as sad as it sounds I saw a plate for toddles that has special slots for what food portions they should be eating. I am totally getting one of these for myself and hanging it on my pantry door so I can look for what I need not what I want.

    Here's to hoping! :drinker:
  • pink427
    pink427 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm in! Just starting back up and need positive motivation and accountability! 10 pounds gone by end of June for my friends wedding! Day 1 back in the saddle has gone great...now just need to make a plan of attack for the weekend....date night at my favorite restaurant, my sister in law's going away party and drinks and dinner with friends. How does everyone incorporate a busy social life into weight loss? I don't want to sabotage myself but know my willpower diminishes Friday through Sunday!
  • kcentore987
    kcentore987 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi ladies! I am in, too! I am very new to MFP -- I have been tracking with LoseIt since December and unfortunately found it to be inaccurate..I lost about 4 pounds but not nearly the 15 I was hoping for in that time frame. I've been working out regularly (5x a week, at least 45 minutes) but just haven't seen much change on the scale. I am really hopeful that MFP will be a more precise measure! I'm at 140, and know I'm a bit late to the game here,but would love to be at 130 come the end of April. Happy losing to all!
  • grinnyowl
    grinnyowl Posts: 1 Member
    I'd love to be in this tgt w y'all! Gained 10 pounds over the winter and hoping to lose them all by April! let's do it!
  • I am so up for this! It's my first ever post on my first ever thread too :D. I hope to lose 10 lbs all ready for my hols in Easter. Am currently at 141 lbs this is my second week of eating well and exercising every other day working on cardio and strength work. Looking forward to the journey ahead !!
  • Shelli6
    Shelli6 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi guys. I'd like to join. I'm dying to be rid of the 8lbs I've I gained over the winter. Last week I lost 2lbs with Intermittent Fasting. I'll likely experiment further with when/what I eat. But I think I can lose 10lbs by my birthday in late April.
  • Stacy_Merrell
    Stacy_Merrell Posts: 35 Member
    I'd like to lose 10 as well; I put on about 7-8 lbs (of course depending on the weigh in day) and I just can't seem to kick it. We are taking a family vacation the end of May and I would definitely like to have that 10 lbs. off and work on toning and looking good in my bathing suit. Need motivation and accountability. Anyone willing to take the challenge face on with me; please add me. Would also like to join this group.