recoveryoga Posts: 17 Member
i wish this group was a whole lot more active so let's get it that way! some of the new yearer's might be falling off the wagon but how about remembering your goals for the year, month, week or day?
this week: do yoga 4-5 times
this month: get a personal trainer at school and start strength training
this year: be happy with my body and all that it does for me
what about you?


  • MatthewNSW
    I'd be happy if I managed the following:

    - yoga, minimum of 2 times a week at home.
    - running, minimum of 2 runs and 10km a week.

    If I could get to a yoga class or a Parkrun to supplement that, all the better. :smile:
  • ffargynnig
    ffargynnig Posts: 60 Member
    Trying to gain muscle, get healthier all around. Tired of being weak and flabby
    :(. In surgery recovery at the moment so right now Im trying to make sure I
    don't put on bad weight (flab) and maintain the good wieght (muscle).
  • Kathrynrbg
    Kathrynrbg Posts: 176 Member
    This year! be grateful for everything God has given us and drop 7% body fat. to be 110 lbs. 15% bf. lean, tight and toned.
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Great goals y'all!

    My goals are to do strength training 3X week, cardio (HIIT or kickboxing) 3X week, Pilates, yoga 1-2X week.
    My food goals are to eat 5 or more servings of fruit & veggies daily, eat out once a week, increase my protein & fiber. Drink 8 glasses of water daily. Eat more than 1450 calories everyday
  • MegRenee059
    MegRenee059 Posts: 11 Member
    My biggest goal is to make a permanent, healthy lifestyle change (rather than dieting every few months to make up for a few bad weeks.)

    - Fitness - Workout for 1 hour, 3 times a week: cardio + strength
    One goal I am on the fence about is to start running with my dog (I haaate running, but my dog is a big, hyper girl, and if I run with her for even 15 minutes a day, it will calm her down drastically.)

    - Overall diet - I am trying to avoid all "added sugars" (ya know, ice cream and candy and the like) and extra sodium (junk food and fast food.)

    One of the more annoying battles I've always fought is avoiding the alcohol calories. I by no means drink a lot but especially in the summer, it tends to be a weekly thing, so I'm also trying to switch to more responsible, health-conscious drinking habits (and avoid the dreaded drunk / hungover munchies.)
  • lhiett50
    lhiett50 Posts: 18 Member
    Hello, I am new to the group. My goal is to be able to do 5 pull ups on my own. I have zero upper body strength, and I want to change that. I am also getting married in the fall, and I want to have more muscular arms, and I want to maintain my waist size (however, smaller would be fine too!)