Brand New Here -- Due Sept 2014!

Hi all!

I'm new here, 11 w 2 d, and my EDD is 9/20/2014 and I couldn't be more excited!

My energy levels have come back to normal and morning sickness is finally leveling off, so I need some accountability/workout buddies to keep me motivated and to keep me from slacking off during this exciting time of my life. The majority of my workouts have been running and I had been running marathons and half marathons for a good 3 years prior to getting pregnant. Now, I'm trying to get more into other exercises as well (workout DVDs, swimming, yoga, etc) If anybody is interested, just send a request or reply to this post and I'll send you one! I look forward to "meeting" you all.


  • hiba_84
    hiba_84 Posts: 177 Member
    Hello and congratulations on your pregnancy. I will be 22 weeks tomorrow.
    Feel free to add me.
    I used to do the curves circuit training but since getting pregnant i limited my workouts to walking/ jogging.
    I am still very consistent on exercising and hope i can stay this way till the end.
  • StansGal
    StansGal Posts: 6 Member
    I am new here as well, am 26+1 and knocking on the third trimesters door - I have loved being in the second trimester, stopped running at end of December but have been walking the dog everyday, swimming and doing preggo-pilates and yoga - going to carry on but as the bump gets bigger I will no doubt get slower!
    Hope you are both well xxxx
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    I sent you a pm, but figured I'd post here, too! I'm also due Sept 2014! I'm due Sept 25th, though I will probably have an October baby since I tend to go late! lol This is my third. I love to exercise and eat fairly healthy. Despite all that, I always gain a lot while preggo. :) I am hoping to slow my second trimester gain down this time. (Last pregnancy, I gained 2 lbs a week for 14 weeks! :O ) So, I would love the extra accountability!

    I love to run, but have found myself unable to keep up with what I had been doing pre-pregnancy, so I mostly do walking on an incline and lifting. :) And once it warms up, my favorite stuff is gardening/yardwork/mowing/biking/swimming, etc. I can't wait! This winter seems to be lasting forever, right??! LOL
  • LilBean92014
    Oh man! I'm ready for the colder weather to be over, but I consider myself a little big more lucky being from FL. I definitely have to slow down a lot for running, but I still find that I feel great afterward. It is frustrating since us runners do seem to like to push ourselves to exhaustion...gotta teach ourselves to stop that for a little while. haha Anyway, loving the extra accountability! Hi all!
  • Erindolly
    Erindolly Posts: 35 Member
    Hi everyone! I just had my first doctor's visit yesterday, including an ultra sound--and I found I am 11 weeks along, due September 25th, about a week or so further along than I thought! The little bugger is a squirmer too-lots of movement on the U/S.

    I too am struggling with the colder weather and exercise. I went from being an avid exerciser, 4+ times a week, to a measly 2 times a week, if I am lucky. I am hoping as I transition into the second trimester, I will start to feel more energetic. Hopefully the spring weather will help too (when we start seeing it)!

    Anyone have any good recommendations for very supportive sports bras? I haven't been running because it hurts too much--any suggestions on this front are very welcome.

    Also, curious--when are you starting to tell everyone, or have you already?
  • LilBean92014
    Hi! I've pretty much told everybody....after my ultrasound where we saw and got to hear our lil bean's heartbeat for the first time :) I always sucked at keeping secrets :)

    If you're tired, don't feel discouraged, you've still done better than I did for a couple weeks where I did nothing but maybe a 20 minute walk 1 or 2 a week! I'm not sure about supportive sports bras, but I've been using the same ones even though I'm definitely bigger and they keep the girls from bouncing around. I will probably need to change soon!
  • jgolden3
    jgolden3 Posts: 44 Member
    Hey girls! I'm coming up on my 11th week, due September 29th. This will be my fourth, 16, 13, and 10. I'm going to have a senior and a newborn by the time summer is over ;) I know most people will think this baby was a (whoops!)but no, totally planned! My husband and I being 35 wanted one more and I feel so blessed and grateful to be here! Feel free to add me! By the way....are any of you ladies keeping calories in a certain range? I'm starting this pregnancy overweight, unlike the other 3, and I really want to gain as little as possible. Baby, not fat that is!
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    I try to keep my calories around 2000-2200, but that seems to be high for what I've seen other people doing. To compensate, I try to get in good calorie burns. I'd much rather exercise more and eat more, than feel hungry! lol I really don't like tracking food, so I'm pretty hit or miss with it, so probably not the best to answer this, but 2000-2200 is my goal. :)

    As for sports bras, I need to get a good supportive one, too. After my last pregnancy, I ended up doubling up with the dinky sports bras I had and that seemed to help with jogging. I was nursing, so they were way bigger than they are now, so I haven't tried this yet. I'm thinking of trying some of the name brand ones and seeing what works best.

    How are you guys feeling? Anyone starting to get uncomfortable being on their backs? I've noticed I am a bit when I'm laying flat on my back in bed, which is surprising b/c I"m only 11 weeks. Not much else going on, which I guess is good. I had carpal tunnel in my hands really bad with my first pregnancy (and a ton of swelling) and bad tail bone pain with my second (but no swelling....yay!). I'm hoping this pregnancy stays pretty comfortable!

    Anyone see a chiropractor? I'd like to start soon!
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    Oh, and I'm starting this pregnancy not exactly overweight, but at a higher weight than I was. I started my 1st pregnancy around 150, my 2nd pregnancy at 138 and this one at 145lbs. I'd gotten down to the upper 120's last summer, though, so I'm disappointed I put so much weight back on before getting pregnant this time. (My husband returned home from an 11 month deployment and I went into honeymoon, lazy, eat crap mode for several months! LOL Whoops!) SO, I AM trying to be careful, but also trying not to obsess. Whatever we gain WILL come off afterwards. It just takes a bit more effort when there is more to lose. I got up to 196 with my first! And 183 with my second. So as disappointing as it is to watch the scale go up, it WILL go back down, so don't stress too much! (hugs)
  • Erindolly
    Erindolly Posts: 35 Member
    I try to keep my calories around 2000-2200, but that seems to be high for what I've seen other people doing. To compensate, I try to get in good calorie burns. I'd much rather exercise more and eat more, than feel hungry! lol I really don't like tracking food, so I'm pretty hit or miss with it, so probably not the best to answer this, but 2000-2200 is my goal. :)

    As for sports bras, I need to get a good supportive one, too. After my last pregnancy, I ended up doubling up with the dinky sports bras I had and that seemed to help with jogging. I was nursing, so they were way bigger than they are now, so I haven't tried this yet. I'm thinking of trying some of the name brand ones and seeing what works best.

    How are you guys feeling? Anyone starting to get uncomfortable being on their backs? I've noticed I am a bit when I'm laying flat on my back in bed, which is surprising b/c I"m only 11 weeks. Not much else going on, which I guess is good. I had carpal tunnel in my hands really bad with my first pregnancy (and a ton of swelling) and bad tail bone pain with my second (but no swelling....yay!). I'm hoping this pregnancy stays pretty comfortable!

    Anyone see a chiropractor? I'd like to start soon!

    I noticed just yesterday that I was feeling uncomfortable a little bit when sitting up or bending. I just kept feeling pressure in one spot on the left side, but today nothing, so who knows?

    I am eating about 2,000 calories a day too--and trying to workout 2-3x a week. After my first doctors appointment, I really feel the desire not to obsess about weight. It is going to be difficult not too--I see a lot of women on this site obsessing. But, I'd rather be safe than sorry. My doctor told me that the minimum weight gain for a non-obese pregnant women is 18lbs. She said most women have no problem with this and gain more like 25-30, which is perfectly healthy. To me this all makes sense based on what I have read.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member

    I'd posted in the other September thread a little while ago, but this one seems to be more active so maybe I'll start posting here instead! I'll be 12 weeks tomorrow, and this is baby #2 for me and DH. #1 is a very busy 16 month old girl, who will be just shy of 23 months when the next one is born. Totally what we planned, but yikes! I'm a bit nervous about how I'll handle two under two when DH returns to work after the birth.

    I started this pregnancy at 138 lbs (was 139 with my first), and morning sickness induced carb binges and a lack of exercise (because of the cold weather and the nausea) have me up about 7-8 lbs already which is a bit high, but hopefully will slow down now that I'm starting to feel better and the weather is warming up to a more tolerable level of cold. I have my calorie goal set for maintenance, which for me is 1800 calories. During my last pregnancy I ate at maintenance the whole way through, updating my weight/calories every now and then. In the end I gained 36 lbs. I've slacked with the food logging over the past several months and I want to get back into the habit so I gain a healthy amount again. Prior to getting pregnant the first time I felt like I was becoming a bit OCD about calories/losing weight, and I spent the first few months of that pregnancy panicking about my weight. It took a while but I eventually got past it and realized it was healthy, normal, and needed, and I didn't want to restrict myself and jeopardize my baby's health. I'm much more relaxed this time around, and am focusing on eating as healthy as I can (with the odd treat!).

    Sports bras - The ONLY bra I've ever found that worked for me is the Lululemon TaTa Tamer. NOTHING moves! Pricey, but absolutely worth it.

    Discomfort-wise I don't have anything major at the moment. I suffered from a "mild" case of a separated pelvis during my last pregnancy, and I can feel it starting again already. I've heard/felt it click a couple of times, and yesterday I went for a short walk and could feel it starting to pull so I headed home much earlier than I wanted. Last time around I think my pelvis started acting up closer to the 3rd tri, so I'm hoping it's not too much worse this time! My mid-lower back, and my neck have been bothering me quite a bit lately, but it's not exactly new. I'm way over due to see my massage therapist, who worked wonders on me during my 3rd tri last time.

    Telling people - With my first I was super paranoid and we didn't even tell our parents until after our first ultrasound at 12 weeks! This time we told them at 7 weeks, but mostly because we were traveling together (we live far away from home) and I knew I'd have a hard time hiding the morning sickness. Two of my close friends and one of my neighbours are in the loop right now, and we'll likely start telling everybody else after my 12 week ultrasound on Monday. Last time I didn't feel pregnant during my first tri (I had an expanding waistline and my boobs ballooned, but nothing else), but I've definitely been feeling pregnant this time which is why I'm a little more relaxed about telling a few people before the u/s.
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    I'm starting a physical fitness challenge tomorrow and wanted to invite anyone along for the accountability, if they'd like! I just really want to be consistent with SOMETHING most days. My goal is 5 out of 7 days, minimum. It doesn't even have to be anything big! Often I feel like if I get my treadmill out, I'll have to do at least 3 miles and then I don't feel like doing it. So, if I tell myself...10 minutes and actually get on, I will probably go farther, etc. Or even throwing on dance music and getting a little cardio in for 20 minutes. Anything! Knowing people will be expecting me to post daily should be a great incentive to follow through with it! If anyone else wants to do it, friend me so our exercise shows up in each other's news feeds! :)
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    I'm starting a physical fitness challenge tomorrow and wanted to invite anyone along for the accountability, if they'd like! I just really want to be consistent with SOMETHING most days. My goal is 5 out of 7 days, minimum. It doesn't even have to be anything big! Often I feel like if I get my treadmill out, I'll have to do at least 3 miles and then I don't feel like doing it. So, if I tell myself...10 minutes and actually get on, I will probably go farther, etc. Or even throwing on dance music and getting a little cardio in for 20 minutes. Anything! Knowing people will be expecting me to post daily should be a great incentive to follow through with it! If anyone else wants to do it, friend me so our exercise shows up in each other's news feeds! :)

    Sounds good to me! My HRM battery just died, but if I can't log my burn I can at least log my time. I know what you mean about motivation. I'm fine once I get going with my workout, but some days getting started can be a challenge!

    I had my 12w u/s this morning and finally got to see the little stinker that's been making me nauseous for the past several weeks! I see my midwife next week and I'm looking forward to the appointment. When the tech was looking at my ovaries she asked me if I ever have any pain on my side (I don't) and I'm curious as to what she saw in there that made her ask.
  • jgolden3
    jgolden3 Posts: 44 Member
    I had a lot of pain on my right side during the start of this pregnancy. So much so that I thought something was seriously wrong(I had a miscarriage last summer and I've noticed every ache and pain). I've had two ultrasounds so far and turns out two cysts were seen on my right ovary. I wasn't aware and when the pain started that was the drs first thought. It may have ruptured but they were not too concerned. Apparently it's common in some pregnancies? I feel much better and so thankful as each week goes by. Prayers that each of you ladies have a happy, healthy pregnancy and baby :)
  • danitink
    danitink Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! Feel free to add me too, I'm due September 15, 2014 with number 2! I'm trying really hard this time to focus on eating relatively healthy, not over indulging, and keeping up my workouts. Would love to motivate each other throughout this journey :)
  • california_haley
    california_haley Posts: 220 Member
    Im 25 weeks tomorrow, baby boy Due June 27th. Feel free to add me.
  • Tish
    Tish Posts: 34 Member
    Hi I'm 15 weeks pregnant with my second child. This baby is due Sept 1. I have not been exercising because of tiredness and sickness. This is easing off now so I'd like to be more active. Anyone feel free to add me.
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    Hi all,
    I had also posted in the other September thread, but since this does seem more active I will post here too! I am 14 weeks pregnant with my husband's and my first child :) we are very excited and our EDD is 9/9/14. My first trimester was exhausting! I had nausea, food aversions, and fatigue. Now that my second is starting I am starting to feel less nauseous and tired and I would like to get back to exercising more.

    I was a runner prepregnancy and actually ran a marathon just weeks before I found out I was pregnant, but I had to put the brakes on running when I got too tired and exhausted. I would like to start running a bit again and I was also thinking about taking some prenatal yoga or pilates classes - has anyone else tried either while pregnant?

    With regard to back pain, I definitely started to feel some after waking up at only 11 weeks too. I was thinking about buying a maternity pillow to help with comfort and to try to train myself to sleep on my side and not my back - does anyone use one? which brand did you go with and do you like it?

    I told my mom the day I found out I was pregnant! but waited to tell the rest of my family until I was 8 weeks along, and then told my co workers at 11-12 weeks. We still need to tell my husband's family - we've been a little worried that they might have a negative response - also they live out of town and I would like to tell them in person. We are planning on telling them next weekend or the weekend after when we take a trip to see them. Hopefully it will go well.

    Excited to take this journey with other MFP moms to be!
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    I have my dating ultrasound today!!! I'm so excited to see an actual baby in there! It hasn't really felt that real, despite gaining weight and having a baby bump already! lol I'm almost 13 weeks, so he/she will be small, but fully formed! :D We plan on being surprised with the gender, so this one is more exciting to me than the 20 week one will be. I'm kind of nervous about the pap smear. I'm having my internal exam first. I have a history of abnormal paps and last May, my colpo came back saying I had severe dysplasia. I had to have the LEEP procedure done and I was terrified! I've been so afraid that it would affect my future pregnancies, so hopefully it hasn't. And hopefully they got it all!

    As for weight gain, I'm already up 13 pounds! I weighed myself yesterday for the first time in a few weeks and was a bit shocked! lol But I did just start my big exercise plan and now I am going to focus on actually tracking calories and substituting healthy snacks for the bad ones I've been eating. I expected to gain a lot b/c I always do. (45lbs both times before). But I'm hoping to slow the rate for the next 28 weeks! I know I appear to be one of the few people around here that actually do gain a lot while pregnant! LOL I'm ok with it since I always end up losing it and want to encourage anyone else who gains at the higher end that you're not alone! :)

    Anyway, thats my update! Whats up with you guys? :)
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    I have my dating ultrasound today!!! I'm so excited to see an actual baby in there! It hasn't really felt that real, despite gaining weight and having a baby bump already! lol I'm almost 13 weeks, so he/she will be small, but fully formed! :D We plan on being surprised with the gender, so this one is more exciting to me than the 20 week one will be. I'm kind of nervous about the pap smear. I'm having my internal exam first. I have a history of abnormal paps and last May, my colpo came back saying I had severe dysplasia. I had to have the LEEP procedure done and I was terrified! I've been so afraid that it would affect my future pregnancies, so hopefully it hasn't. And hopefully they got it all!

    As for weight gain, I'm already up 13 pounds! I weighed myself yesterday for the first time in a few weeks and was a bit shocked! lol But I did just start my big exercise plan and now I am going to focus on actually tracking calories and substituting healthy snacks for the bad ones I've been eating. I expected to gain a lot b/c I always do. (45lbs both times before). But I'm hoping to slow the rate for the next 28 weeks! I know I appear to be one of the few people around here that actually do gain a lot while pregnant! LOL I'm ok with it since I always end up losing it and want to encourage anyone else who gains at the higher end that you're not alone! :)

    Anyway, thats my update! Whats up with you guys? :)

    Congratulations! I hope your appointment went well! Seeing the baby definitely made it more real for me I am 15 weeks today and my next appt is on Thursday the 20th, I really hope I get to hear the heartbeat because so far I have only seen the ultrasound and they verified a heartbeat via ultrasound but I just can't wait to hear it! I think this is the first time that I get excited and can't wait to go to my doctor's appointments! Other than my joy and excitement I am doing well! This trimester is a lot more fun than the first, nausea, fatigue and food aversions are all going away, my baby bump is growing, lots of exciting things ahead!