Need friends with 15% Body Fat goals or 15% stat.

Kathrynrbg Posts: 176 Member
Hi my name is Kathryn I am 5¨4" 119.2 lbs. 22% bf working for a 15% bf maintained all year around.
Who in this group want or have already achieved this goal? Need your friendships.


  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    I am nowhere near to the BF you are aiming for, not that I ever want to go there.
    I am just curious why do you want to go there permanently? It is unhealthy range for a women. Your menstrual cycle will shut down and generally is not something that meant to be sustained. Bodybuilders and figure competitors cut down to 15% for for a competition, but even they do not keep their body fat that low in normal times.
  • Kathrynrbg
    Kathrynrbg Posts: 176 Member
    I am nowhere near to the BF you are aiming for, not that I ever want to go there.
    I am just curious why do you want to go there permanently? It is unhealthy range for a women. Your menstrual cycle will shut down and generally is not something that meant to be sustained. Bodybuilders and figure competitors cut down to 15% for for a competition, but even they do not keep their body fat that low in normal times.

    They go lower than 15%
    (but thanks for the concern.)

    If you're already in the low end of the athlete range (14%-20%) and what you want is a more muscular figure competitor look with body fat that is 13% or lower, then first you must realize that achieving ultra low body fat takes a lot of work and a lot of sacrifice. (with pictures)
  • Kathrynrbg
    Kathrynrbg Posts: 176 Member
    Hi my name is Kathryn I am 5¨4" 119.2 lbs. 22% bf working for a 15% bf maintained all year around.
    Who in this group want or have already achieved this goal? Need your friendships.

    Women of different body fat percentage picture:
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I think this is a very individual thing. I would like to get down to a BF% to have a fully visible six pack, which for different people means a different percentage based on genetics and muscle mass, etc. However, I am not planning on doing this until after my first bulk. But one day!! :D I don't think it's unrealistic, just have to pay attention to your body and make sure it's the right decision for you.
  • Kathrynrbg
    Kathrynrbg Posts: 176 Member
    I think this is a very individual thing. I would like to get down to a BF% to have a fully visible six pack, which for different people means a different percentage based on genetics and muscle mass, etc. However, I am not planning on doing this until after my first bulk. But one day!! :D I don't think it's unrealistic, just have to pay attention to your body and make sure it's the right decision for you.
  • Kathrynrbg
    Kathrynrbg Posts: 176 Member
    I hear you.
    I want a body fat percentage that i can keep all year around, I hope to see my abs at 15% but if i don´t i wouldn't continue lowering the percentage unless of course is gaining muscle mass but that would mean gaining a lot of muscle to make a difference in the percentage and i know is not that easy to accomplish.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    I'm on a cut right now and am aiming for 20%. Less would be okay too but I'd be content with 20%. 15% is very hard to achieve, much less maintain. Good luck!
  • LoveMyLife_NYC
    LoveMyLife_NYC Posts: 230 Member
    I'm at 20% and aiming for 16-17%. Hoping my abs will show through and that the pooch will disappear. I hate the idea of a cut, so my bf isn't really moving at the moment. I'm focusing on strength gains right now and hoping those improvements make a difference in the way my body looks.
  • Kathrynrbg
    Kathrynrbg Posts: 176 Member
    I'm on a cut right now and am aiming for 20%. Less would be okay too but I'd be content with 20%. 15% is very hard to achieve, much less maintain. Good luck!

    Slow and steady wins the race if i cut 100 calories i would get there in less than 1 year so it wont be difficult to achieve nor maintain, it will only take a while.
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    God that's a % I can only dream of right now. Gotta admire the commtiment it takes to get down to that though. Good luck!
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race if i cut 100 calories i would get there in less than 1 year so it wont be difficult to achieve nor maintain, it will only take a while.

    Depends on what kind of "look" you're looking for. Do you want to be @ 15% and be skinny fat or @ 15% with lean mass? I could easily get to 15% be drastically cutting my calories, but I desire a lean mass look, maintaining the muscle I've worked so hard to obtain. That said, getting to 15% and maintaining lean mass takes a little more than just cutting 100 calories a day. :wink: Your macronutrients and your workout regime need to be spot on to get there...and stay there.
  • Kathrynrbg
    Kathrynrbg Posts: 176 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race if i cut 100 calories i would get there in less than 1 year so it wont be difficult to achieve nor maintain, it will only take a while.

    Depends on what kind of "look" you're looking for. Do you want to be @ 15% and be skinny fat or @ 15% with lean mass? I could easily get to 15% be drastically cutting my calories, but I desire a lean mass look, maintaining the muscle I've worked so hard to obtain. That said, getting to 15% and maintaining lean mass takes a little more than just cutting 100 calories a day. :wink: Your macronutrients and your workout regime need to be spot on to get there...and stay there.

    I hear you, so I guess I am currently aiming for the 15% skinny skinny. Not skinny fat is 15%, I am skinny fat right now at 21% with 117.6lbs. then I can start working on gaining lean mass but for now I want to keep the one i have, while dropping fat.
    I appreciate your knowledge.
  • karinefitness
    karinefitness Posts: 336 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race if i cut 100 calories i would get there in less than 1 year so it wont be difficult to achieve nor maintain, it will only take a while.

    Depends on what kind of "look" you're looking for. Do you want to be @ 15% and be skinny fat or @ 15% with lean mass? I could easily get to 15% be drastically cutting my calories, but I desire a lean mass look, maintaining the muscle I've worked so hard to obtain. That said, getting to 15% and maintaining lean mass takes a little more than just cutting 100 calories a day. :wink: Your macronutrients and your workout regime need to be spot on to get there...and stay there.

    Exactly. I was at around 17% and I was just skinny... I had a decent muscle mass prior to the cut but then just ended skinny (not skinny fat either, but not muscular enough for me).

    I don't think 15% is that unrealistic; but it isn't easy to get there either. My goal is probably around 18-20%. I want to get pregnant soon so any lower and I'm scared of not being able to conceive. I am 5'5 and 123 pounds, probably around 22-23% right now.
  • Emmie112
    Emmie112 Posts: 121 Member
    I want to see my abs too and I need friends. My body fat is around 24%. I'm going to do a cut in April and then slow it down in May/June as it will get harder and I don't want hangy skin.
  • nakima
    nakima Posts: 37 Member
    I just started a cut not long ago I dropped about 300 cals a day and I lift 4 days a week along with 20 to 30 mins of cardio on workout days and 45 mins on what I call my cardio day 1 day a week. 2 rest days. I eat clean and so far I am able to maintain my strength so from what Ive read as long as I'm seeing a change in the way my clothes fit or inches lost etc I'm losing fat and keeping muscle but if my strength goes down to much then theres the possibility of losing muscle.(don't want that :) So you just have to pay close attention to whats going on with your body and I have one cheat meal on sunday and I keep my protein up to help preserve muscle. I am seeing positive changes for now. I think my bf% is about 23% and I would like to get to around 18% for now to see where I'm at. I can see the top of my abs but I still have lots of lower belly fat,love handles and a little back fat to get rid of so we'll see. Well good luck with your journey! p.s I've lost about 5 lbs this past 6 weeks another indication that it's fat loss and I have lost 1 inch around the middle while legs,chest and arms are still the same. Sorry so long.
  • freefallebby
    freefallebby Posts: 26 Member
    Been there and going there again, I bulked for 9 months from mid summer until just last week when I started my cut. I aim to be 15% by July, which then I'll increase the calories slightly and then maintain at 17% indefinitely again for an undetermined amount of time. This bulk I was dead set on gaining some much needed balance in my upper to lower body symmetry as well as just recovering from being lean for so long. I'm pretty much in love with the fitness look for myself and strive to maintain it as healthily as possible using a variety of different methods. When that lean almost all my training starts to tank though, so I switch into a different gear doing more walking/Pilates/yoga and body weight training only. I've tried to "do it all" at that leanness and learned the sufferance it can cause. You feel like a train wreck sometimes.
  • I am about 20% and my goal is to go down to at least 18% by June 1. Feel free to add me. :) Good luck!
  • freefallebby
    freefallebby Posts: 26 Member
    LOL holy hell, just noticed how old this thread is... oh noes! Hahaha. :D
  • Hi, interesting conversation, I am bulking now, 1 month in. It is so much easier with MFP to keep track of MACROS, I am 5'5", 147 pounds, at 2310 calories, with protein 140s, fat 70s and carbs 260s. Making nice gains, larger muscle size, not gaining on scale. I do lift 6 days a week and cardio 3 to 4 times a week. Does anyone have any contest goals? Goal is NPC.
  • riveragirl15
    riveragirl15 Posts: 48 Member
    hello! I'm at about 22% BF and my current goal is to break 20%, then I'll see where I'm at and readjust my goals. Anyone feel free to add me!!!
  • nakima
    nakima Posts: 37 Member
    ok must have had a whoosh! lol! I am now at abt 22% bodyfat and I have lost 2 to 2 1/2 inches from my core and I'm down to138lbs from147lbs this has been 2 months on a cut. I'm also maintaining muscle and strength yay!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    LOL holy hell, just noticed how old this thread is... oh noes! Hahaha. :D

    OP said she was going to cut slow enough to get to her goal in a year... I wonder if she has?