Hi just joined 60 and over

yturie47 Posts: 170 Member
I am 66 but mostly feel the same as I did when younger. Until I look in a mirror haha. But that's OK. We have all earned our silver hairs and wrinkles and I kind of like them, sort of, But this extra weight has got to go! I look forward to the challenge. I have ignored my weight for a long time and felt like dieting was impossible. However, I am learning a lot here and logging in everyday makes me so accountable and aware of how much food I am taking in. I have lost 9 lbs since starting at MFP and have about 35 more to go. I haven't tried any challenges yet but look forward to it soon. Not sure how that works? Do you post your progress for the week on this discussion board? Have a great weekend, everyone and stay active. I have a cold this week and it is keeping me down right now. Susan :(


  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    Welcome to the 60's +. The best way to work a challenge is to read up on them and how people are going about it. Start off with something you know you can do and start harder the next time. You post your results in the thread that the challenge started. Californiagirl posts weekly exercise challenges. That is a good place to start.

  • phylsyl
    phylsyl Posts: 284 Member
    Welcome to the Over 60's! It's a great group of people, and very supportive. Regarding Challenges, it depends which challenge you're doing. Californiagirl's is an exercise challenge, which is within this group. I also belong to a Summer challenge group, which is under Groups, but is not exclusive to Over 60's. You can post under the specific group, wherever it is. if you have a general comment for all over 60's, you can start a new topic. I generally post on my wall, so all my friends can comment, most of whom actually are in this group. I'm sending a friend request, if you'd like to add me.

    Phyllis, aka phylsyl
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    welcome to the over 60's. I hope your cold, gets better soon
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Hi, I'm a newbie too.

    I've been "dieting" all my life.
    That said... I just want to lose 50 lbs.

    I'm trying to exercise more, I'm tracking every bite I eat (what a drag) and (again) attempt to change my outlook about food
    and myself.

    Good luck to US!
  • Pamela_June
    Pamela_June Posts: 342 Member
    Hello... this is a great site... and (because I am so old... hehehe I can't remember IF I have joined this group) would love to join ...if I haven't already!!!

  • yturie47
    yturie47 Posts: 170 Member
    Thanks for the welcome!
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Welcome to everyone...hope you all enjoy this group .... we all support each other, help each other along and have a bit of a laugh too...... :smile:

  • cloeyeddie
    cloeyeddie Posts: 30 Member
    I've come back after being out of the site for aprox 1 1/2 years - lost some weight the first time, gained it all back plus more. So Sad! Oh well, today is the first day of starting over - hopefully with the support of these posts, I'll lose some and keep it off. what does the number of posts under someone's name mean?
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Welcome back.....fingers and stuff crossed this time!

  • PrairiePride49
    PrairiePride49 Posts: 45 Member
    Welcome back. This is a great group and very supportive. Keep up the positive attitude.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Welcome back!!!

    We can do it!!!

  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member


    I've been a member of the monthly "Too Inspired 2 Be..." for almost a year. Great group of folks with the over 60+ crowd well represented, :bigsmile:

    This month we are asked to estimated our goal and being placed on teams, great way to meet other folks. Of course, you don't have to state a goal or be on a team, just sign up.

    Check it out!
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    I've been "dieting" all my life.
    That said... I just want to lose 50 lbs.

    Crisbtrue I brought your quote down to tell you all this silly (or is it?) thing that I tell myself. Any challenge or lesson that we are given in this life that we don't master, is going to be given to us again in the next!!! With that in mind, I have worked at overcoming certain issues that I don't want to face again for a whole lifetime!!! In addition to not wanting to face health issues for another lifetime, I also want to have a healthier final chapter to my life now!!!!!

    At present I am telling myself, and I do truly believe, that part of my health and fitness issues have to do with the fact that we have SUCH stressful lives these days and so little time to focus on US! It has only been six weeks since I stopped working (and health problems were the main reason for this early retirement) and I wake up thrilled every day that I don't have to go to work!!! ( A lot of that has to do with the fact that I left behind a 3 hour total commute a day and having to wear wrist braces on both hands due to carpal tunnel) I am loving focusing on my health and things that I love doing!! Now if I can just find a house and get moved, I will feel as if I have really moved into a new life chapter!!
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    I've been "dieting" all my life.
    That said... I just want to lose 50 lbs.

    Crisbtrue I brought your quote down to tell you all this silly (or is it?) thing that I tell myself. Any challenge or lesson that we are given in this life that we don't master, is going to be given to us again in the next!!! With that in mind, I have worked at overcoming certain issues that I don't want to face again for a whole lifetime!!! In addition to not wanting to face health issues for another lifetime, I also want to have a healthier final chapter to my life now!!!!!

    At present I am telling myself, and I do truly believe, that part of my health and fitness issues have to do with the fact that we have SUCH stressful lives these days and so little time to focus on US! It has only been six weeks since I stopped working (and health problems were the main reason for this early retirement) and I wake up thrilled every day that I don't have to go to work!!! ( A lot of that has to do with the fact that I left behind a 3 hour total commute a day and having to wear wrist braces on both hands due to carpal tunnel) I am loving focusing on my health and things that I love doing!! Now if I can just find a house and get moved, I will feel as if I have really moved into a new life chapter!!

    I believe in you...and you can do it. And thanks, for saying these things this morning, because this is one of those "how am I going to survive this" days, when it seems IMPOSSIBLE. I won't bore you with my angst, but..

    Thanks again.

  • lucifur401
    I am trying this, too, after having seen it recommended in an online health article. What is probably true for all of is that we KNOW what should go in the old pie hole. We are inundated with information and facts. But we just block out when we grab for our favorite forbidden food like crackers, chips, cheese, cookies or ice cream. Long ago in my 30's I was very successful in Weight Watchers, having reached goal, maintained it for years and achieved "lifetime status." I was thrilled when one group leader told me to go home and eat a brownie, not realizing it wasn't exactly a compliment. I eat healthy for a day or two, then get on the scale and wonder why it hasn't dropped 10#s!! But as I have aged, now almost 66, I have blossomed into someone I don't recognize when I pass by the mirror. I am active and exercise but do not eat correctly. You might have done what I do. I try not to look but that is hard when I am putting on a smidgeon of makeup. But from past experience I KNOW I can do it again. And I will. I keep telling me that when I "cheat" on my choice of foods, I am only "cheating" on myself. Forward!!
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Welcome to the club!!!

    The other problem we face is bombardment by pictures EVERYWHERE of foods we "can't" have.
    We got the weekly junkmail coupons/ ads today, full of photos of burgers and fries LOADED with cheese. dripping with fat.. all on white bread.
    Honestly, most of that stuff doesn't even look good to me anymore. But it's pretty easy for me to justify having 'just one' cookie or whatever the temptation of the moment is.

    and.. hardest of all is getting motivated to exercise and then to continue ON more than the 20-30 minutes I've built up to.

    I went to Weight Watchers a lifetime ago and did pretty well.
    Then, one week I went for my weigh-in and they had changed from a 'regular' scale to a new digital scale.
    According to my home scale that morning, I had lost at least another half pound, but when I got on their new gadget (wearing the same clothes I'd worn the week before) I was UP 8 pounds. I almost had a seizure. I was livid. I tried to convince them that it is physically impossible to GAIN 8 lbs in a week and I wanted to weigh on the other scale.. any scale..anywhere...

    They were unconvinced and unsympathetic. I stomped out.

    I didn't go back. I don't remember for certain, but I may have stopped for a hot fudge sundae on the way home. :devil: