
Tracydpips Posts: 13 Member
I have a very stressful job, I work shifts and only get 1 in 3 weekends off. This weekend was my first off since I joined mfp. Unfortunately I had 2 birthday parties to attend, the thing is for 1 of them I counted everything and felt really empowered, it was much the same for the second then yesterday had a lazy day and wanted to eat myself silly. I often see food as a treat and during a low mood yesterday was mad with myself because I couldn't hold on to the empowered feeling from the 2 days previous. I won't have parties to attend on my next weekend off but I have got a hotel break for 1 evening bought for me as a present. Does anyone relate to this and what do you do to keep the right mindset.


  • MichelleSawatzky
    MichelleSawatzky Posts: 44 Member
    YES! I can totally relate! My job is very stressful during the summer months, but then very "boring" during the winter. So my mood can affect my eating all the time! I can do so great for a few days and then all of a sudden I want to eat everything in sight.
    When I'm in my eating right "zone" and am having a tough day I try to just think 1 hour at a time. Once I get through the tough part I feel great that I've accomplished another day. Be kind to yourself, not everyday is going to be perfect and realize that you are not alone in your journey! We all struggle with staying on track and keeping a good mindset. Think of how far you have come, not far you have to go. I hope you are having a good week so far. :wink:
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    During my last weight loss journey, I ate only healthy foods 6 days/week and 1 day/week I ate whatever I wanted--without logging. It really worked for me. I lost 40 lbs in a year. I probably could've done it in about 9 months, if i'd been more strict, but it helped me to have 1 free day/week. I was also working a lot and raising 3 kids.

    This time around, I have been logging and expecting myself to make healthy choices every day, but allowing myself "treats" when I really, really want them. Like, when I was in Maui and they had azuki bean donuts (not commonly seen here), I ate two! I also ate way too many chocolate covered macadamia nuts. I didn't lose any weight that week, but it was worth it to me. Also, because I was mostly eating healthy, I didn't gain any weight.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    I work weekends in home health. My client is the sweetest lady ever. She also thinks 5'9" and 150lbs is anorexic. You have to love the South after growing up in LA! LOL. She will literally figure out what junk food I like to eat and ply me with it! With my handy cache of fruit I am able to persevere but sometimes it's hard not to laugh at her very sweet determination to save me from starvation.