Running in sports bra & shorts

_Josee_ Posts: 625 Member
Hi everyone!

I'm sitting here in my office, looking out the window, seeing snow falling down... And I'm thinking about how awesome it will feel to shred out a couple layers when spring will finally dare to show up! And that got me thinking...

Is it acceptable to run only in sports bra & shorts ? I wasn't comfortable enough in my body last summer to even think about it... But I would totally do it now on a hot summer day!

Is it ok? Will I get weird looks? Any one of you ladies do it ?

(Now I need to put 2 pairs of tights, 1 long sleeve shirt, a jacket, a neck warmer, a skull cap and gloves for my lunch run!)


  • rayvynn5374
    rayvynn5374 Posts: 272 Member
    I have done it and I don't care if people look. they have to catch up to keep looking....
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    Personally I don't mind at all if a woman is running in sports bra and shorts. I try to be discreet about looking but I *am* a guy, so...
  • greypilgrimess
    greypilgrimess Posts: 353 Member
    I've never been confident enough to do it. But a lot of sports bras are made now with the intention of being suitable as the only upper layer, so if you want to then go for it. I don't think I'd really notice if someone else did, I'd just be pleased for them that they were out running. Whenever I see a runner, no matter what they look like or what they're wearing, my inner monologue is always "Go you!"
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    People do it here (Boston) all the time. I see them more on the running paths at the pond and river rather than out on the street, but they do it. I don't. No one wants to see my gross mom stomach including me.
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    I do it almost everyday in the summer. I get off work at 3:39.. Start my run at 3:50 & the sun is BAKING during that time. I would rather just have my sports bra & shirts to wash than an extra tank! Plus my tan is better. Plus a shirt? Come on... WAY too hot out for that. I do it to be comfortable.
  • KateRunsColorado
    KateRunsColorado Posts: 407 Member
    I would totally do it...if I could ever manage to lose my stomach flab...that's my one area that I still hate! So giggly.

    But if I had a nice set of abs, I would totally do it!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    You probably wear less at the beach......

    I have more of an issue with middle aged, flabby males running shirtless. :tongue:
  • ZenInTexas
    ZenInTexas Posts: 781 Member
    i think it's totally acceptable when it's hot out and a lot of sports bras are made to be worn alone. I have done it myself a few times in the summer, although I run in the dark at 5 am so no one sees me. But if I was rockin' your abs I'd be doing it in the daylight!!
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I'm down with that.

    [insert Baywatch running gif here]
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I'll do it on the trails but not on the streets.
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    You probably wear less at the beach......

    I have more of an issue with middle aged, flabby males running shirtless. :tongue:

    What about middle aged, not flabby males?

    Edit: I should add, I'm an advocate of equal-opportunity in skin exposure. I think middle-aged, flabby males *and* females, if they choose, should run shirtless / in jog bras when the weather heats up. I'd rather look at the fit females with washboard abs, but it's fine with me if others want to be comfortable too.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    You probably wear less at the beach......

    I have more of an issue with middle aged, flabby males running shirtless. :tongue:

    What about middle aged, not flabby males?

    Edit: I should add, I'm an advocate of equal-opportunity in skin exposure. I think middle-aged, flabby males *and* females, if they choose, should run shirtless / in jog bras when the weather heats up. I'd rather look at the fit females with washboard abs, but it's fine with me if others want to be comfortable too.

    Me too. I love seeing people out there rocking it even when they aren't eyecandy.
  • RunConquerCelebrate
    RunConquerCelebrate Posts: 956 Member
    I would do it, once I tighten up and build some muscle I would totally run in my sports bra and shirts.
  • DavidMartinez2
    DavidMartinez2 Posts: 840 Member
    Depends where you are. A friend of mine used to run like that all the time in some parts of San Diego but when she tried it in others the gawking and whistles made her uncomfortable so she stopped running there.
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    Depends where you are. A friend of mine used to run like that all the time in some parts of San Diego but when she tried it in others the gawking and whistles made her uncomfortable so she stopped running there.
    Good point -- may be more of a safety / comfort issue than anything. Oddly I don't get much of that around here when I run shirtless, lol!
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    Depends where you are. A friend of mine used to run like that all the time in some parts of San Diego but when she tried it in others the gawking and whistles made her uncomfortable so she stopped running there.
    Good point -- may be more of a safety / comfort issue than anything. Oddly I don't get much of that around here when I run shirtless, lol!

    Lol this is very true.. When I was in my rinky dink college town I thought I was almost going to be murdered. I would go for 5 mile runs and it was BAD. I ended up doing mists of my summer runs in the trails for that reason. I find that I still try to run on less-populated roads/areas for that reason... I lived in a part of Minneapolis around a chain for 4 lakes ~20 miles & it was runners central. No one ever said/hollered/yelled anything. I agree that you have to watch where you run. I get embarrassed with cars yelling. I have gotten really mad at yelled back.. But then I remember they are in a car & could run me over :'( wahhhh this is why I like the treadmill lol.
  • _Josee_
    _Josee_ Posts: 625 Member
    You probably wear less at the beach......

    I have more of an issue with middle aged, flabby males running shirtless. :tongue:

    What about middle aged, not flabby males?

    Edit: I should add, I'm an advocate of equal-opportunity in skin exposure. I think middle-aged, flabby males *and* females, if they choose, should run shirtless / in jog bras when the weather heats up. I'd rather look at the fit females with washboard abs, but it's fine with me if others want to be comfortable too.

    Me too. I love seeing people out there rocking it even when they aren't eyecandy.

    I agree 100%! It's not about the way you look. If you are comfortable, go for it! The hard part is to feel comfortable haha

    I already have to deal with stupid men thinking gawking and whistles are okay when I'm wearing tights and a jacket... (What happened to discreetly looking like Dave?) I wonder if it would get worst wearing only a sports bra? They are already doing it anyway! lol
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I do it, and I see men and women of all shapes and sizes running topless or in a sports bra, and don't think anything of it. Well .... a topless woman or a guy in a sportsbra might make me look twice.
  • RenewedRunner
    RenewedRunner Posts: 423 Member
    I would if I felt comfortable. But alas, the white blob that is my stomach is still in the pendulous territory so gonna wait for it to shrink down to a little less before I start. That is MY personal issues, if you are my size and want to go for it, I couldnt care less.

    But I dont see anything wrong with it nor do I judge others who do. So go for it!!!!!!
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    Personally I don't mind at all if a woman is running in sports bra and shorts. I try to be discreet about looking but I *am* a guy, so...

    this x 1,000