Focus T25 Support

I just started T25 last night! This morning I'm definitely feeling it in my calves! I felt a little discouraged afterwards just because I felt like I couldn't do the moves, which is usually why I give up, but not this time!! I'm going to do my best to stick it out and hopefully after a few weeks I'll be able to tell a difference in my strength/stamina. Along with T25 I plan to stick to a 1200-1400 daily calorie diet, which will be tough. I used to be able to go without eating or eating a very tiny bit just because I never had an appetite but after being pregnant twice I have discovered a love for food :-/ I'm hoping this journey will change my life. What's everyone else's plan?


  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    That's good your sticking to it I plan on starting today also and will be eating between 1500-1800 since I'm partially breast feeding still I plan on trying to commit to this 10 week program and it's great tht it's only 25 minutes can try to do it when my little one naps
  • Yay breastfeeding!! That can be a great help for losing weight too haha!
  • I'm going into week 3 tomorrrow. I was sick last week so I couldn't do a whole lot but I tried to at least get up and do what I could. I followed the modifiers mostly and rested a lot. I am also on a 1200 calorie diet and I'm finding it difficult. I sit a lot at my job so I tend to snack a lot and that is where all my calories come from even though I am snacking healthy (carrots, celery, grapes, etc.) but they add up. I feel like even if I go over at least I'm not snacking on potato chips and candy so I'm not too worried about it. Not seeing any change on the scale at all but I am losing in inches, which from what I've read is pretty common. It's funny, I actually started T25 because I stopped breat feeding after a year and gained weight! Now I have to make up for the calorie loss :)
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    Yeah bf is good but I lost what I needed to with it so these extra pounds won't shed easily lol and 1200 calories do you eat back exercise calories ?
  • It depends, I do somedays but other days I don't.. not really sure if I'm supposed to or not? My husband says I'm not (We're doing it together) but I am still hungry at the end of the day sometimes so I'll get a snack.
  • I don't think you are supposed to eat the calories back, at least my goal is to not. I've heard other ladies say that the nutrition guide says to follow a 1600 calorie diet. I bought the DVD's off a friend so I don't have the extra materials that went with it. I've finally come to terms with the scale... I have a goal of losing 40lbs but if in the end I fit into a size 10 or less jean then I'm cool with that! I have to keep reminding myself that muscle is heavier than fat. So as long as I am losing inches then I'm on the right track! I just finished my 2nd workout, WHEW my calves are falling off!!!
  • Breeca2
    Breeca2 Posts: 25 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    I started last night and had to laugh at myself as I couldn't even do the easier moves well. At this time, I am concentrating on working out consistently and once I get a grip on that, I will work on my calorie intake. However, I did purchase some protien drinks that do pretty well curving my appetite so I don't just eat junk. I am not too stuck on weight loss if I am losing inches and can fit into a different pants size. I would like to get down to a size 10; fitting 12 and 14 currently.

  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    That's good you guys re pulling through I might do the modified moves the first week just to get the hang of it
  • I don't think I can say this enough, my legs are killing me!! LOL I'm going to have a tough time doing workout 3 today because I can barely walk :-) I was disappointed last night that I ate half of my excercise calories back but I HAD to have strawberries and ice cream..if I had just said no I would have done great!! Oh well!
  • Breeca2
    Breeca2 Posts: 25 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,
    Okay, workout 2 done and my legs are KILLING me. I am doing the modified moves and obviously can't keep up with her either, how sad. At any rate, i'm moving and pushing through. The word of the day is OUCH as it hurts to lift legs, get up, sit down, etc.
  • Your legs are going to hurt for the first week or so. KEEP PUSHING! You are doing awesome! And it's completely fine to follow the modifiers, that is what they're there for. At least you are up and excersizing and that is the main part. You're doing great, keep it up! You're just going to keep getting better and stronger :)
  • savoy815
    savoy815 Posts: 88 Member
    HI everyone! I just finished day 3 of week 2 Aplha and i promise you....IT GETS BETTER! The first week is brutal and week 2 isn't a walk in the park but what workout is? It gets better and you will se progress right away.

    Keep pushing play is worth it!
  • I have a hard time keeping up with the modifier too!! Especially today (W1D3) I have never been able to do push ups and today had a segment with planks and push ups and spider push ups (I think that is what they are called) I basically sucked LOL! But even though I had troubles I was still huffing and puffing and drenched by the end! I agree that as long as we keep moving we're getting somewhere!
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    I have a hard time keeping up with the modifier too!! Especially today (W1D3) I have never been able to do push ups and today had a segment with planks and push ups and spider push ups (I think that is what they are called) I basically sucked LOL! But even though I had troubles I was still huffing and puffing and drenched by the end! I agree that as long as we keep moving we're getting somewhere!

    I can do some push-ups but certainly not as many as required in Total Body Circuit (at least in the beginning). I did work up to being able to do a good portion of them... but those oblique knee push-ups are a total killer, especially since they come after other taxing stuff!

    There's nothing wrong with doing the modified version.. you will improve. That's important to keep in mind - gauge your success based on how you're improving. The people in the DVD are professionals and do this stuff for a living! I try my best to keep up with them, but I don't always achieve that goal!
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    HI everyone! I just finished day 3 of week 2 Aplha and i promise you....IT GETS BETTER! The first week is brutal and week 2 isn't a walk in the park but what workout is? It gets better and you will se progress right away.

    Keep pushing play is worth it!

    Great advice... I agree!
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    HI everyone! I just finished day 3 of week 2 Aplha and i promise you....IT GETS BETTER! The first week is brutal and week 2 isn't a walk in the park but what workout is? It gets better and you will se progress right away.

    Keep pushing play is worth it!

    Great advice... I agree!

    I agree too that's how my experience was with insanity but t25 is def good I did day 1 today and I didn't think it would get intense but he brought it lol legs hurt def
  • Breeca2
    Breeca2 Posts: 25 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,
    I did day 3 of my workout and that was an EPIC FAIL, not happy about it at all. At any rate, kept pushing and onto day 4. I feel like someone has been beating on me literally, LOL. How are all of you doing?
  • Good Morning Everyone,
    I did day 3 of my workout and that was an EPIC FAIL, not happy about it at all. At any rate, kept pushing and onto day 4. I feel like someone has been beating on me literally, LOL. How are all of you doing?

    Day 3 is by far the hardest! Also, if you plan on doing the double on day 5 that is also pretty brutal but you feel like you could conquer the world at the end! I'm on week 3 day 2 and I am finally getting better. I did speed 1.0 and was able to keep up better than I have the past 2 weeks. Still had to take a couple 3 second breaks and modify a little but not as much as week 1. It gets better!! And I am definitely seeing results, keep pushing!
  • Breeca2
    Breeca2 Posts: 25 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,
    I did day 3 of my workout and that was an EPIC FAIL, not happy about it at all. At any rate, kept pushing and onto day 4. I feel like someone has been beating on me literally, LOL. How are all of you doing?

    Day 3 is by far the hardest! Also, if you plan on doing the double on day 5 that is also pretty brutal but you feel like you could conquer the world at the end! I'm on week 3 day 2 and I am finally getting better. I did speed 1.0 and was able to keep up better than I have the past 2 weeks. Still had to take a couple 3 second breaks and modify a little but not as much as week 1. It gets better!! And I am definitely seeing results, keep pushing!

    Happy to read that this is normal because I was like OMG, I am in trouble, LOL. Happy to read that I will start seeing improvement soon; that will keep me motivated also. Are you seeing more inches lost or weight loss?
  • I'm seeing both but my weight just now started to drop and not by much. The first thing to go were the inches. I've lost an inch in all categories (waist, hips, and chest all dropped by an inch). I don't have too much to lose so that is a pretty significant change for me. I didn't think it would be that fast honestly. I promise if you keep at it it will get easier and you will definitely see results :)