TMI? Mid cycle spotting and exercise

peabean26 Posts: 78 Member

I just found this group and am really happy there is a support place for those of us with PCOS on mfp! I have been on my journey for about 3 months now, and have found that since I started working out, I have spotting in the middle of my cycle (day12-14).

My exercise primarily consists of cycling, I bike to and from work each day, which is ~10 miles round trip. I also lift weights ~1-2 times per week.

I've never had this spotting before, is this something that other PCOS ladies have experienced? One of my primary reasons for wanting to lose weight is to increase my chances of getting pregnant, but I don't think that can happen if I spot every month.

I have an appointment with a OB/Gyn in April (earliest appointment I could get!) but I was wondering if people here had any ideas. I find that it helps to go into those appointments with an idea, since not all OB/Gyn's are good with PCOS.



  • Bethie8585
    I understand your frustration! :)

    One of the reasons I scheduled an appointment with my Dr. and was diagnosed with PCOS 2 years ago was because I was constantly spotting. They put me on the Depo shot which just stopped the spotting and period all together but I recently got off it because I would like to get pregnant like you :)

    Now that I'm not on the shot the spotting has continued, what my Dr told me was that it's a symptom that can be frustrating but theres not much they can do besides putting me on hormones which they won't do because I want to get pregnant.

    Still see your dr (maybe they know something mine doesn't which would be amaaaazing lol) but know you're not alone in the battle. Its frustrating and annoying and every other word I can think of...the joys of PCOS can seriously bite me ha :)
  • princesslucylou86
    I was put on Northisterone for my spotting and im just about to finish the 21day course...he said that after i have finished them i should have a big bleed and then possibly i will then have normal cycles. ill let you know how i get on! Im also trying to get pregnant! xx
  • peabean26
    peabean26 Posts: 78 Member
    Thanks for the info! I will ask my doctor about Northisterone. I am really irritated about the spotting. Now it's going on two days, and quite heavy. It is very frustrating to realize that yet another month is wasted for trying to get pregnant!
  • angelarose111
    angelarose111 Posts: 10 Member
    I have noticed mid-cycle spotting since I started exercising in January. Its so minor I don't worry about it but will mention it next Dr's appointment.
  • Bethie8585
    What is this Northisterone and why have I not been told about it!? Some times I just want to punch Dr's in the face (ha), would someone be able to give me a little more info?