ankle pain

lindsayvernon Posts: 56 Member
I started lifting about 5 weeks ago and have really been enjoying the strength gains, but now I'm starting to get pain in my right ankle. It started about 2 weeks ago in the front of my ankle. Some days it's fine, other days even just walking is painful. When I do my squats is when I really feel it, there is a lot of pressure where my shin bone meets my ankle. Is it possible that I'm lifting too heavy? I've been doing the 5x5 routine and have been increasing by 2.5kg each workout. Last night I was squatting 42.5kg, which I was able to do all my reps with good form but today my ankle is throbbing even without weight on it. I've spoken to my physiotherapist who wasn't exactly sure what was wrong, I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything like this...and if so, what they may have done to try and correct it.


  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    The only potential help I could offer would be to suggest that you post a video of your squats in our form critique thread. As far as diagnosing the pain or treating it, that's something best left to people who specialize in that area and can look at it directly.
  • lindsayvernon
    lindsayvernon Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks for the reply. I've got an appointment booked for monday with my physiotherapist, so hopefully I'll get some answers and possible help with this pain. But I'll also ask my husband nicely if he'd mind taking a wee video of me doing my squats and hopefully get that posted as well. Anything to stop me from limping about would be great!