Introduce yourself!



  • ashleigh315
    ashleigh315 Posts: 87 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm Ashleigh and I'm a Navy wife. We're currently at NWS in Goose Creek, SC until my husband finishes the nuclear pipeline training. We are originally from Michigan, but I have to say I love this warmer weather! I was always very active in high school and college until I tore my ACL and MCL in my last year of college and had surgery to repair the damage. Instead of figuring out different ways to workout and continue to be healthy I gained weight and have had a hard time losing it ever since. I've lost 5 pounds now and hope to lose another 40!

    I've discovered I do much better at maintaining my fitness goals when in a group and since I'm so far from most of my friends and family I hope the My Fitness Pal community can help with that! :)
  • lorettabernhardt
    lorettabernhardt Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone, please add me! I need support! My name is Loretta. I am 28 years old. My husband is active duty Air Force and we are currently at Shaw AFB, SC. We have been married for 12 years and have 2 children (Jacob 9, Layla 6). I have never been so overweight in my life, not even during my pregnancies! I weigh 15lbs more today than I did with my heaviest pregnancy :( I have spent the last few years doing online school and recently began homeschooling my son. Staying at home full-time has been my excuse for being lazy. I feel mentally drained most days and very unmotivated to be active. My eating has also been less than stellar enjoying starbucks and fast food several times a week. I have recently went on a clean food plan limiting my take-out and starbucks to 1 time a week and eating mostly unprocessed whole foods. I have also recently joined the YMCA. I am hoping since they have a inside pool, and I love to swim this will be the fresh start to fitness that I have needed! I wish that my friends and family were more supportive of my lifestyle changes. I guess for now I am on my own, but maybe once they see this is not a temporary solution they will get on board....Anyways, I hope to hear from everyone! I would also love to help support and motivate everyone on this journey with me. Feel free to vent or share your successes with me! I am very happy to "meet" other military spouses on here :)