
AleksD3 Posts: 194 Member
Okay, I'm done double tracking. I'm becoming totally obsessed with macros and I need to just stop for a while. I'm going to do just WW and see what happens.

I'm going to keep checking in here for the message boards and friends but I need to go back to something I know has worked for me in the past.

Plus I like having the weight-loss ticker on my blog lol


  • highcountry8
    highcountry8 Posts: 9 Member
    Does the points really add up the same on here as ww? Just wondering. :)
  • brendacs21
    brendacs21 Posts: 180 Member
    aleksd3 i started WW on monday. it worked for me in the past. lets keep each other accountable!
  • AleksD3
    AleksD3 Posts: 194 Member
    Highcountry8, I'm not sure but it just wasn't going well for me.

    brendacs21, sounds great to me!
  • bobbi29
    bobbi29 Posts: 138 Member
    Hi just started WW this week going good so far. Doing online but found I really don't like there message boards.
  • jennscot
    jennscot Posts: 3
    I also have been crazy tracking in both MFP and WW. I thought it would keep me on track better to have to log the food twice, but it has not seemed to change my habits. I have been letting the weekends get to me and am seriously considering duck taping my mouth shut this! Any tips?

    Also, please friend me if your looking to add some new friends. I would love to see more in my feed :smile:
  • harmony_joy
    harmony_joy Posts: 20 Member
    Good morning I am new to this team. I have been double posting of my food intake and decided to only do Weight watchers but use MFP for my support. Been using MFP with another user name but I haven't had a significant weight loss. Although a few years back was able to reach my lifetime goal at WW. The sad part is that I gained it back. :grumble: :sad: Can't look back always forward.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    you have to find what works for you. everyone is so different. if it's not easy for you to work and incorporate into your lifestyle, it doesn't matter what the diet, food plan, etc is. they all work, if you work them.
    i am rejoining again WW tonight. i need the structure and discipline right now. otherwise for me i need easy, so i count calories. i had outgrown WW and had to go calorie route. it worked until my life took a sharp turn, now i need it back.
    if you don't have time, or patience to figure out the points on everything you eat, WW may not work for you. if you need quick, glance, read numbers and move on than rethink your plan. this site is great no matter what plan you do.
    good luck to you ladies.