Weigh-In March 12th

stellaluna431 Posts: 35 Member
I have a wonky work schedule this week and had to weigh-in today instead of tomorrow. Figured I'd get the thread started :)

I'm down 3.7 pounds this week (thank you Jillian!) for a weight of 157.8.

Hope everyone had a great week!!


  • aprilh47
    aprilh47 Posts: 250 Member
    my loss is also thanks to jillian, 30ds, c25k and my hubby

    Pw 230
    CW 226.

    I have definalty had an active week.
  • Melij
    Melij Posts: 95 Member
    Happy weigh day to everyone.
    I lost half a pound this week and was thankful to see that little bit. I was really afraid I was going to show a gain. Dr. increased my cortisone and I'm swelled like crazy. This med is making it much harder but I'm sticking to my eating plan and have finally started exercising again.
    If any of you have special challenges to deal with just hang in there. Stay on your plan, it is better than the alternative :)
  • Melij
    Melij Posts: 95 Member
    Looks like my ticker is rounding up...I think I've lost 14.5.
  • lboon190
    lboon190 Posts: 14 Member
    Lost 0.6 this week, love everyone's positive attitude above!