keto website?

blablues Posts: 37 Member
Hey all,

I was thinking about starting a (free) keto website that would be a central resource for all things keto. It would have links to keto websites, books, recipes, forums...have a whole getting started guide, faqs and other information, and I think I would setup a forum with multiple categories so you can more easily find answers from the community in different areas.

Is this something you think would be useful? If so, what would you like to see in that kind of website?



  • ejdp254
    ejdp254 Posts: 342 Member
    Is redditt keto not very similar?
  • blablues
    blablues Posts: 37 Member
    First, thanks for replying. :) I don't want to spend time building a website if no one but me will be interested in it.

    To answer your question, it would be similar to redditt keto, and I would link to those various reddit groups as resources. The difference I'm thinking of is having things be more organized and easier to find information. There is no centralized information other than the single faq page that is very long and not user friendly. So, you get what info you can from that mass of text and have to search around for the rest. The FAQ is also missing things I'd think were essential - like it just mentions ketostix, and doesn't get into blood ketones and why thats a better way to test. It's also missing several websites that I would recommend (like living la vida low carb blog). But then, the page is already so long that maybe they don't want to keep adding to it.

    The forums would be also be organized by category in one forum instead of multiple groups with just one list of forum posts - so, Keto getting started (introduce yourself, ask questions, etc), Keto Health (diabetes, heart disease, obesity), keto exercise (keto for runners, weights, etc.), Keto food (recipes, restaurants), Keto resources (websites, books, tools, etc). And I would plan to add information from the forums to the information pages where it seems like a lot of people find something useful.

    Any thoughts?
  • ea101367
    ea101367 Posts: 175 Member
    I think that sounds great. I would love to see menu plans as well as resources to help make informed decisions. So many do not know what to eat and avoid veggies and stick mainly to meat and fats. I find I get bored with my food options.( ham and eggs again!!) . Breakfast and lunch tend to be the same daily on work days. I find keto/low carb easier in summer with BBQ options for grilled veggies and meats. I agree that Reddit is not very user friendly. I find myself googleing whatever I am looking for.It would be nice to have it all in one stop!
  • Deborah105
    Deborah105 Posts: 183 Member
    Yes, I agree that the Reddit (spelling??) site is confusing and hard to maneuver. I'd love and support a new option.
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    Did I see menu plans? In for that.
  • ReachingForTheRandom
    Menu plans! I would love to have easy access to weekly menus with shopping lists. It's so much easier to just follow a plan, especially starting out, than it is to do the macro math.
  • blablues
    blablues Posts: 37 Member
    Okay, I could add in some menu plans and have associated shopping lists. Anyone else interested? Have any other requests?
  • karryann2008
    It definitely interests me :-)
  • LilMamaBear125
    LilMamaBear125 Posts: 21 Member
    Menu plans! I would love to have easy access to weekly menus with shopping lists. It's so much easier to just follow a plan, especially starting out, than it is to do the macro math.

    ^ This!! :love:
  • traerjudy
    traerjudy Posts: 36 Member
    Yes, yes, yes and ...oh yeah YES!
  • lrmall01
    lrmall01 Posts: 377 Member
    Here are some I know of for inspiration or just so you know what is already out there. Note that these are the ones referred to as LCHF. I'm assuming you've already googled for the Keto websites.
  • blablues
    blablues Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you for those links. I hadn't seen the second two. I will definitely keep them in mind for a resource and types of information to include. Please feel free to send me any other links, I have a number of keto websites that I've visited for information but I'm sure I don't have them all. :)
  • fangirlish
    fangirlish Posts: 100 Member
    Just an FYI as another resource/example:
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    If you are on Keto, this is something you should read.

    This is Dr Attia's website, he not only follows keto diet with exercise but tests himself and publishes his findings. Very honest and scientific opinions on advantage and disadvantages of ketosis. I usually take the blogs and stuff I read on the internet with grain of salt, unless it comes from a Dr or some one who works with patients. I do love websites with lots of recipes and links to other articles, just not opinions.
  • sassy247
    sassy247 Posts: 5 Member
    very interested as well. I would love some additional thoughts on menus and recipe ideas. Keto has been working for me, so I am hooked. Changing my eating habits shows my childern better options for food choices also. Family friendly meals would be great to see. Thank you for taking this on!
  • blablues
    blablues Posts: 37 Member
    Sorry I haven't replied, work has been insanely busy recently.

    fangirl - thanks for that, I do have that one, it was a great help when I was first getting started.

    Leonidas, I love Dr Attia. He's definitely got some useful research that I'm planning to point to, especially around the subject of exercise and performance.

    sassy247: Family friendly meals, got it. I think the idea of kids on keto is an interesting one. I'm not sure there is a lot of information on it right now, but I would definitely add a section on that topic to the forums. Just as a tip for now - make sure you've checked out: She has a lot of great keto recipes available for free, as well as cookbook you can purchase. And she has a facebook page - she posts lots of free low carb kindle books that amazon does in their daily deals, as well as contests and stuff.

    I'm also planning to add a Keto/pregnancy section (and womens issues in general section), especially since my husband and I are looking to start our family in a few months. I want to stay on keto, but there are no studies on that kind of diet's affect on a pregnancy. Most advice I've seen has been to switch to Paleo during pregnancy, but I have seen some women say they stuck to keto just fine and have happy, healthy kids. We haven't decided yet how that's going to go.

    Any other thoughts, additional interested parties?

    Also, for the website name, I grabbed - - like that?
  • dperri471
    dperri471 Posts: 29 Member
    Yes please.... I'm still kinda new to Keto and really want to make this my new lifestyle but afraid I will get too board with the food. I also like articles regarding the real science with Keto not just opinions for Keto. I found few sites I like but if I could combine them all into 1 site without having to remember where I saw what would be fantastic!!!! Good luck!
  • MistressPi
    MistressPi Posts: 514 Member
    Your proposed name for the site is very clever! :)

    two more sites of interest:

    Don't forget Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution - he's the guy that started the movement...

  • Skoster1
    Skoster1 Posts: 134 Member
    ...Also, for the website name, I grabbed - - like that?

    Kinda long. Have you used to see open names?

    A couple short, catchy ones:

    My personal favorites:

    Just some thoughts.
  • tffnylou
    tffnylou Posts: 8 Member
    I would definitely be interested, there aren't a lot of places to look for keto information!