Bananas & Dates as a staple(video)

What do you guys think about this?

Bananas and dates are much more available and easier budget wise where I am right now, specially during the winter. But, I have noticed that I feel significantly better all around when I have an abundant amount of juicy high water content fruits around. These two foods are great for beginners who tend to need to have that really full feeling after a meal. Or that have a hard time getting in enough calories at once.

If you are able to get your hands on fresh ripe juicy fruits I highly recommend it. I was lucky enough to find some great inexpensive mangos at Costco the other week.

Hydration is very important. You might find you feel a lot better increasing your water intake if these are your staples. Increasing the amount of tender leafy greens may also help. You can also soak your dates in water for about 15-20 minutes so they can re-hydrate a bit.


  • BigVeggieDream
    BigVeggieDream Posts: 1,101 Member
    If you are able to get your hands on fresh ripe juicy fruits I highly recommend it. I was lucky enough to find some great inexpensive mangos at Costco the other week.

    Question about the mangos. I've had them before and love them, but never purchased them myself. Someone else always had them cut up and ready to eat. Anyways, I bought one last week and waited until the outside started to feel soft, as someone told me. I cut into it and I had the worst time removing the flesh and getting anywhere close to the pit. Am I missing something? Or is there some super secret way to cut them up, lol.
  • danikanoodles
    danikanoodles Posts: 150 Member
    That's a pretty good how-to video. Hope it helps.

    When I get the side sliced I usually just use a spoon to scoop the flesh off. I peel the remainder skin off the middle with the pit and then just use a spoon to scrap the flesh off of that. Mango slicers are amazzzinng if you are able to get one!

    Yum mangos!!!
  • BigVeggieDream
    BigVeggieDream Posts: 1,101 Member
    Thanks. That video was great!