What is diastasis recti and how o check yourself for one

Do You Have A Mummy Tummy?
This occurs when the abdominal muscles separate as your growing uterus pushes forward. If the core muscles (transverse abdominals) aren't strong enough to support your changing body, your superficial "6-pack" muscles will separate into two 3-packs. Your organs will protrude through the thin connective tissue separating the muscles and you'll still look pregnant.
What is Diastasis Recti?
It is pronounced 'Die-*kitten*-ta-sis." This core injury is very common, but infrequently diagnosed. When the rectus abdominal muscles separate, (the 6-pack muscles become two 3-packs) the connective tissue that joins them stretches sideways. The "mummy tummy" is the protruding organs against this thin connective tissue. Diastasis typically does not close-up on its own – that's where we can help.

How to Check for Diastasis
A diastasis can be checked both during and after pregnancy. The object is to determine how many fingers will fit in the space between the two recti muscles.
Five Easy Steps
Lie on your back with your knees bent.
Place your middle three fingers in your belly button pointing in the direction of your toes.
Relax your abdominal muscles and lift your head. If you are holding your abdominal muscles in as you check it will give you a false reading as this will make the diastasis appear smaller.
Check yourself when you first start feeling the muscles coming together. Come up and down a few times so you can feel how the muscles work.
Use 4 to 5 fingers, if you do not feel the two ridges of the muscles with 3 fingers. If you see the football- like ridge you may even have to use 2 hands if your diastasis is very large.
NOTE: If, when you raise your head, you simply feel your stomach muscles tighten underneath your fingertips (as opposed to tightening on each side) then you do not have a diastasis.

symptoms include looking pregnant even if you are not....(.my last child is almost 5 and I still looked 4 months pregnant), your stomach protrudes more after eating, your belly button becomes outie, you suffer from chronic back pain or have gastro intestinal issues

The symptoms I have are the outie belly button, i look pregnant and my stomach would protrude alot with each meal. I could actually feel the gap between my muscles when lying down and doing crunches which were apparently only making my condition worse!


  • mggriso
    mggriso Posts: 35 Member
    Hi, I am sure that this is what I have got is called! Mine is the result of a major abdominal operation 3 years ago, the stomach muscles were cut in a scar that runs downward from just below my belly button. I had another operation in January for a Hernia, and the surgeon had to attach the patch to scar tissue as my muscles have migrated east and west! As a result I have a large belly and want to try and get rid of as much as possible. I am very overweight (4 stone) so am hoping to reduce some of the size of the belly with dieting. The surgeon did say I could have it repaired with major corrective surgery but I have declined as at 57 my bikini days are over.
  • hello130s
    hello130s Posts: 14 Member
    What a great idea to have this group! Currently my separation is 4-4-2. I know some of the issues I am having is because of the diastasis, but I know alot is fat too :( I think learning what exercises are doable/allowable is important during this weight loss journey to ensure we are not doing more harm than good. I really want to believe that it is possible for us to have a flat tummy.
  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member
    I am so happy I figured it out a few months after giving birth via c-section I had it. Anyone else had a c-section and get rid of the pouch? That is what I'm left with now once I got the separated abs taken care of.
  • aas1277
    aas1277 Posts: 67
    I did not have c sections. I think this occurred during my second pregnancy. One of the important things I've learned so far is absolutely no crunches! Planks or Pilates 100s.... Nothing in the hands and knees position or that puts your body in a jackknife position....this only makes your abs push forward....which makes diastasis worse....it's amazing how you have to change your everyday movements to avoid such positions...lol
  • aas1277
    aas1277 Posts: 67
    I started at 3-4-1 1/2 if I measured correctly. At week three of tupler technique I measured about. 1 1/2-3-1/2. ...waist went from 27 1/2 to 24 1/2... Tomorrow I start week 6 so next Thursday I ill measure again.
  • hello130s
    hello130s Posts: 14 Member
    Tupler technique definitely works! What do you think of the splint? I found it unbearably uncomfortable. It's been keeping me from restarting, but maybe I should just suck it up. I did it for about 4-5 weeks and had great results.
  • aas1277
    aas1277 Posts: 67
    Yes definitely uncomfortable....some days I do forget its there and others I can't wait to rip it off! The Velcro is already starting to not stick after 8 weeks...gotta fix that somehow!
  • mrsmarquez11
    mrsmarquez11 Posts: 27 Member
    I have about a 3 finger gap. I have started doing the exercises to correct it. Has anyone had any luck correcting the gap with the exercises? I just started so haven't noticed a difference yet, I just do the naval tilt and lift my head off the ground while squeezing my muscles back together.
  • aas1277
    aas1277 Posts: 67
    I have started to see a difference. I remeasured after 3 weeks of following tupler technique and it has definitely started to close. I have to re measure again next Thursday at end of week 6. First 3 weeks was only seated exercises. At week 4 head lifts were added. I have a feeling that its going to be a few months before its (hopefully) completely closed.
  • fit4ever_OHIO
    fit4ever_OHIO Posts: 4 Member
    How are your results so far? I got my splint yesterday evening and put it on right away. I woke up about 4am and took it off because my back was hurting. Maybe it was too tight? But I put it back on at 7am. I can't wait until I remeasure...
  • kalonzo2
    kalonzo2 Posts: 2
    Hi! Did you get results? I just put my splint on tonight and it is very uncomfortable but I'm hoping I'll get used to it. How have you been doing since starting?
  • Feelin_fat
    Feelin_fat Posts: 2 Member
    Can you still be successful without the splint, just by doing the exercises? I wore a splint for about 2 weeks post partum and definitely noticed when I stopped wearing it. But I don't want to wear a splint the rest of my life!!