Accessory lifts and bodyweight training?

New to SL. Just started this week. Here is my confusion.

Previously was doing an EOD total body workout also with push ups, sit ups, bridges, leg lifts, wall squat and plank. I just added in cardio this week with a brisk 2 mile walk EOD as well.

I feel lazy at this point as I haven't done any of my total body or body weight stuff since last week. I need to figure out if I should be, and if so how much?

Previous my workout included DB squats and DB deadlift & DB rows. Was thinking I would eliminate those since those are part of the SL program, and continue on my bodyweight/total workout on the opposite days of SL. Might seem like overkill, but I am starting out a big girl, at 231 and needing to lose at minimum 50-60lbs. I am also older at 43 and have those lovely wings along with a fat tummy from 4 c-sections, and an office *kitten* for lack of a better name.

The reason I am partial to keeping some body weight/total workout, is in 4 weeks of doing those I have seen dramatic changes in my wings( overhead extensions, push ups), tummy (sit ups, leg lifts, and abs on weight machine, plank) and bum (bridges, leg lifts, wall squat, plank).

OK. SO my goal here is to lose weight, but also gain some definition, not more flab. I am also coming from 2 years of muscle depletion due to hyperthyroidism which wasted my muscles to next to nothing.

Last week I took 5 days off in between workouts, and had to bump back down in DB weight and barely made in through my bodyweight stuff. So THERE is my concern. Seems I lose any gains I accomplish in a rapid rate of speed.

Any ideas, questions, concerns, or suggestions? Thanks!


  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    I think you might want to throw in the bodyweight stuff at the end of your SL workouts (or at least on the same day). Maybe do them in a circuit fashion so you can go all out and use that time as a conditioning session of sort. That way you still have full rest days to recover, maybe work on mobility, and you'll be overall fresher for your next SL workout.

    As for the strength loss in a week, that could be attributed to eating at a decent deficit (which I assume you are if you want to lose weight, correct me if I'm wrong?). Or just overall sluggishness which can be caused by many things, including stress, sleep deprivation, bad day of food, low carbs... Typically your next workout should be back to your normal weights.

    There will be good days, bad ones, some very average performances. The key here is consistency. Keep at it no matter what, and you'll see results in the end!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I'm going to agree with Krok about keeping the work on the same day as SL. Once you get to the heavier weights with the SL lifts, you will find more benefit from the full rest day. I tried doing accessory work on non-SL days and burnt myself out in a matter of weeks. I wasn't progressing well with all the work despite eating at maintenance.

    Right now, I'm lifting 2x/week and boxing 3x/week. The balance has been better for me and I am progressing well in my lifts. I might recommend that you look to do 3 days of SL and accessory body weight work with some form of cardio on non-SL days. So...basically the same thing you have been doing, just replacing the DB work with the SL moves for the day. I would also suggest looking at taking one day as a full rest day, or active rest day at a minimum, each week.
  • Thanks Ladies. That makes perfect sense so I will try that and see how it goes. I will do SL and bodyweight and then my walking on my off days.
  • Last night I did body weight before SL and some accessory like my tricep extensions afterwards. I feel I really got a good workout in and the squats were easier to do after warming up with my bodyweight so thanks ladies!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Glad you had a good workout! A