I quit....smoking

I have been on this healthy/ fitness journey for a while and my smoking addiction has always interfered. I eat nutritious foods, smoke. Exercise, smoke. Check MFP, while smoking. Three days ago I decided to quit again (I have quit tons of times). Gaining weight has always been a fear. I quit last year and gained 20 lbs in 2 short months. I re-lost that with MFP

I figured I better quit while i'm still resetting and can say my weight gain is helping my bulk, lol. I want to be FIT and HEALTHY.


  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I'm on mfp because I quit smoking 4 years ago. I gained 50lbs :(

    Good for you for quiting!!!! You have got this. :)
  • Thanx.. I figure i can lose weight but I can't lose, heart disease, cancer, or emphysema. I hope all the heavy weights i'm lifting and my above maintenance calories will give me some muscle in the process. Just a few days ago I posted on dropping weight and feeling full off of my calories. Yesterday and today I am STARVING. my food diary is full of crap. I might not complete my diary for a couple of day. I know I will eat more than enough, lol.
  • ashleyisgreat
    ashleyisgreat Posts: 586 Member
    Congrats to both of you! That's a hard thing to do, but it's so worth it.
  • ewartluft
    ewartluft Posts: 79 Member
    I made this decision about 2 weeks ago. It seems to finally be getting a little easier.
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    Yay for you! I quit over a year ago in January.....I did it cold turkey and was stubborn about it. It was as simple as never putting another cigarette to my mouth again....ever!

    Getting over the withdrawl and cravings wasn't so simple. lol. My family had to bear the brunt of my mood swings and irrational behaviour for a few weeks. They were very understanding and basically just got out of the way. haha

    I did gain, but my choices were totally to blame, and not just the fact that I quit smoking. It was winter and the bootcamp that I was going to was in a transitional phase. So....no running outside (which I was doing regularily), and no bootcamp. PLUS I have a horrendous sweet tooth and was eating sugar for breakfast, lunch and dinner!! I think I was substituting a sugar rush for the nicotine rush. Don't make the same mistakes I did and you won't gain the 15 lbs like I did. Now over a year later, I am so completely thrilled to not be a slave to that drug anymore!

    You can do it, and you will be oh so glad that you did!! Keep moving forward!!
  • clairejackson83
    clairejackson83 Posts: 8 Member
    I gave up smoking last january at the same time as losing weight and starting mfp. I haven't had a cigarette in 15 months and have lost 4 and a half stone. Stopping smoking does not make you gain weight - replacing the cigs with cakes, crisps or chocolate does. It's simple go to the gym instead of smoking and you'll be fine. However you need to really want to be a non smoker so i just told myself when i am a no smoker i can do this or have that - like i always wanted to run a 5k i couldn't have done that as a smoker i would have been sick! I can now run 5k in 27mins and have treated myself to a day at the spa! It gets better after about 3 weeks so stick at it i cant believe i ever was a smoker now
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    Congrats! That is a fabulous step towards a healthier you - well done!!
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    YAY! GOOD FOR YOU! March 19th will be 7 months for me!

    IT TOTALLY SUCKS *kitten*!!!!!!! Some days I will be hit with a brick wall of needing a cigarette... I'll have these really intense dreams about smoking and wake up and think that I've actually had one!

    However, I feel SO MUCH BETTER. Cigarettes used to be my "reward" for exercising....go for a run and get a cigarette! But no cigarette until the run... except the days I don't run...and the mornings I'm extra stressed out blah blah blah.

    Turns out-- running is not supposed to feel like you're dying. Food is supposed to taste good. You don't need to have SUCH a horrible hangover.

    and is that money left over from my last paycheck!?!!?!? yes. indeed it is. Quitting was one of the best decisions I ever made.

    Good luck! Stick with it. When you feel a craving drink a full 8 oz of water instead. That's what I did. I used to prowl through the cupboards and consume everything, but this last time-- the real time-- If I found myself meandering through the kitchen I would drink a full glass of water and pace around until the moment passed (or, realistically, I found something better to do).
  • hig17
    hig17 Posts: 159 Member
    I have been on this healthy/ fitness journey for a while and my smoking addiction has always interfered. I eat nutritious foods, smoke. Exercise, smoke. Check MFP, while smoking. Three days ago I decided to quit again (I have quit tons of times). Gaining weight has always been a fear. I quit last year and gained 20 lbs in 2 short months. I re-lost that with MFP

    I figured I better quit while i'm still resetting and can say my weight gain is helping my bulk, lol. I want to be FIT and HEALTHY.

    GOOD FOR YOU! :bigsmile:

    Keep going on MFP and you should be fine, I gained weight when I quit smoking but it was because I stopped my weight loss journey to quit smoking thinking it would be too difficult to do both at the same time. I had lost 20 lbs on WW and after quitting smoking I gained that back plus 10lbs. YOU CAN DO IT, even with just quitting smoking and not eating healthy and not exercising I felt like a different person after giving smoking up! You will not regret it =) You can add me for inspiration if you need it. hig17 I quit smoking October 3rd 2012 and still going strong!
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    Oh how did I miss this! Wow congrats on your quitting smoking! Good idea quitting during your reset, put those extra eats to good use!! Keep up the great work!