Does anyone else here love hot tea?



  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    I'm pretty sure there is more tea in my pantry than actual food or ingredients! I'm not an addict though. I could stop any time I wanted... I just don't want to...

    I was actually not aware that people drank tea iced until I visited the USA a decade ago. Up until then, I'd only ever known hot tea (and felt a shudder of revulsion any time I accidentally took a sip of tea that had gone cold... to think that people actually PURPOSELY drank it cold was a real mindbend).

    This, I am English, and on first visit to US asked for tea, got a cold cup, eeeewww

    I brew from loose leaves in a teapot, splash of milk, job done
  • jenb1830
    jenb1830 Posts: 19 Member
    I have been drinking a TON of hot tea lately! So glad to have found this thread! I am not a fan of super fruity teas, but I do enjoy lemon and ginger teas on occasion. I typically like drinking black teas and rooibus teas. Lately I have been exploring some chocolate varieties. I bought a chocolate mate from World Market, and I also picked up 2 kinds that Republic of Tea offers (also at World Market) in Red Velvet Cake and Coconut Cocoa. They are amazing!
  • KeepingChocolate
    KeepingChocolate Posts: 45 Member
    Great thread - I see several kinds listed here that I haven't tried yet. Yay! I don't like plain water so I have been brewing a LOT of tea to get my water in.

    My husband surprised me this Christmas with a Teavana tea set as well as the gravity brewer and 4 teas. I have found that I LOVE their Matevana. I didn't think I'd go for mate (figured it would be too strong or cause me to be too jittery) but it has chocolate bits in it and it smells fabulous. Tastes good and I haven't had any issues with feeling over-caffeinated.

    I usually keep some of the Republic of Tea's Blackberry Sage and their Ginger Peach teas around.
    I also drink a lot of green tea. Right now I've got some from Trader Joe's here, but after reading Melwillbehealthy's comments on the green teas and radiation contamination concerns, I need to seriously reconsider it.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    Would love to get recipe for this. What protein powder, how much, and what chai tea? Homemade? Store purchased? Sounds wonderful!
    Also, brewing a big cup of STRONG chai tea mixed with vanilla protein powder and topped off with water to thin out as you wish = protein chai latte :)
  • Mistizoom
    Mistizoom Posts: 578 Member
    Thanks for this thread, I'm going to go make some tea right now!
  • mixelated
    mixelated Posts: 23 Member
    My cousin just gave me some Lipton Yellow Label, which is proving to be a really tasty everyday tea. It's assam, but a better quality - not as bitter as the assam and irish breakfast blends I've been drinking - almost tastes like an assam/darjeeling blend. Anyone else familiar with this one?

    It's usually available in middle eastern / indian groceries.
  • PinkMartiniPls
    I actually switched from coffee to tea when I began my LCKD because I absolutely have to have real sugar in coffee. Now, I drink about four cups of tea a day (green, herbal, chai) and love adding regular cream and stevia drops to it.

    On the rare occasion that my sweet tooth acts up (almost never happens now) a stevia-sweetened cup of lemon tea does the trick!
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    I love tea!! Any and all tea. I love fancy tea cups & tea pots. I was raised by a British Grandmother and tea was a big deal in our house :) .

    I don't know if you all have David's Tea where you live but its awesome!! Tons of different kinds of teas & flavors. My go to tea is Yerba Mate with a drop of milk. But I also love Davids Santas Secret (a bit minty & chocolatey), Davids Coffee Cake (smells just like its named,so yummy) and my good old Orange Pekoe,Tetleys or Typhoo.
  • MistressPi
    MistressPi Posts: 514 Member
    I love tea, too. I alternate drinking coffee or tea depending what I'm in the mood for. I usually try to keep my consumption of caffeine to no later than early afternoon, though, then switch to non caffeinated beverages for the evening.

    Some of my fav blends are:

    Moroccan Mint
    Jasmine Pearls
    Gunpowder Green
    Assam (with cream & Sweetzfree)

    I also love an iced herbal blend that is sour - usually hibiscus based. Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf has one ("Swedish Berries"); Starbucks has one, too - just be careful to ask for it without sweetener of any kind, as if you don't specify, it will be sweetened with sugar.