TDEE with fitbit? Need advice....

I have been thinking of buying a fitbit. My weight is stuck at 143 pounds for the last 2 months and I have a feeling I am going wrong with my TDEE calculations. Acc to scooby my TDEE is around 1909 ( that is if I choose light exercise though I don't know if I should use moderate exercise since I exercise 6 times a week)
My work outs are strong lifts 3 times a week with HIIT once a week. And I walk everyday for 30- 40 mins. Currently I eat around 1500 cal
My question is, if I buy a fitbit, can I use it without syncing it with MFP. I like to eat a fixed number every if I find out my TDEE from my fitbit( if I use it for a week) and I eat 20% less than that, will that help me ? I am also thinking the day I do stronglifts, I can add around 100 extra since fitbit doesn't track heavy lifting right? Also I have around 20-22 pounds to lose so is 20% deficit too much?
Have I got it right? I know I sound so ignorant:sad:
Any advice will be much appreciated


  • Suzd1976
    Suzd1976 Posts: 52
  • jbnl1991
    jbnl1991 Posts: 149
    I have a Fitbit and it is not synced to MFP. I use the Fitbit to figure out my TDEE and it gives me a monthly average. Then I deduct my 10-15% from that number and plug it into MFP as my goal. I try to focus on the big picture and love the Fitbit for helping me with that.

    On the Fitbit, I manually log my weight lifting for an accurate TDEE. I use the MFP exercise database to get a calorie burn for strength training. When I log my exercises on MFP, I log only a one calorie burn, but log the correct number of minutes.

    I log my food on MFP and use the reports to get a picture of what my average intake was for the month.

    This process seems to work for me. Hopefully other who sync their Fitbits will chime in with the benefits of that.
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    Sounds like a FitBit would be very useful for you. My guess is that you are underestimating your activity level. With those 2 strength training workouts, HIIT and the daily walking, you are surely at least moderately active... When you underestimate your activity, you are then also underestimating your caloric needs/intake. In addition, you are taking a pretty steep deficit (especially considering you are fairly close to your goal weight) I would try bumping your activity level up to moderate and go for a 15% deficit and see what you get with that.

    If you get a FitBit, yes you can definitely use it without syncing to MFP - that is how I use mine. I have set my daily calorie goal to my TDEE (I am just maintaining at this time). I got this figure by averaging my daily TDEE amounts on my FitBit over the course of a month, and then just plugged this number into MFP. I log my exercise on MFP (just so I have a record of it) but change the calories burned to "1" so that it does not mess with my daily totals and macros. I simply use the FitBit to keep tabs on my TDEE (as well as to motivate me to getting in my 10,000 steps a day...) My guess is, if you get a FitBit, you will most likely discover that you are undereating at 1,500 calories a day..
  • Suzd1976
    Suzd1976 Posts: 52
    Thank you both so very much. I am going tom to buy the fitbit one and also am planning to get by body fat checked just to be even more sure. I hope I can up my calories esp since I feel very hungry the day I do strong lifts
    Thank u again:)
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    Thank you both so very much. I am going tom to buy the fitbit one and also am planning to get by body fat checked just to be even more sure. I hope I can up my calories esp since I feel very hungry the day I do strong lifts
    Thank u again:)

    While waiting for your FitBit to arrive, try bumping your exercise level up to Moderate and drop your deficit to 15% and see if that helps -- my guess is that you will feel a lot better!
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member

    I have a fitbit and had it connected to MFP, on heybales advice on one of my earlier questions he said to disconnect it.

    From then I had a lightbulb moment & I figured I could see my TDEE from FB and adjust my daily cals accordingly. I am laid low with a virus at the moment so eating under my TDEE for the day but once I get back to normal I will work out my average then plug that into here for my daily aim.

    They are a great bit of kit I'm sure you won't regret getting one.
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    Hi I have a fitbit that is connected to MFP at the moment I just don't eat back my fitbit calories. At the moment I am using MFPs guidelines and eating back exercise calories but I am considering moving to the TDEE method. I might unlink my fitbit but I might just ignore the figures as I do now. It is kind if motivating to see the fitbit calories add up.