I did it!!!

kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
After a month of lurking in this group, researching to death, and tons of thinking about it, I went to the gym Friday night and did Workout A. I was able to deadlift the 45-pound bar. My squat and OHP were 20 pounds which still impressed myself. I was (and am!) SO sore the next day so I'm guessing I made something happen! I'd planned on going today for Workout B, but would I be better off waiting until I was less sore? Today is mainly normal muscle soreness but I have a nagging pain in my left hamstring (a little worried it might be a pulled muscle) so would I be better off taking the day off?

Side note: I'm surprised at how much I didn't care about other people there...I was more concerned that they would feel like I was looking at THEM!

Thank you all for the confidence you have given me to start my strength training chapter!


  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Congrats on finishing DAY 1!!!!!

    My rule related to soreness for myself is: Normal tightness/sore - Go workout. Pain/pinched nerve/strain - rest. I find working out when sore actually helps reduce the soreness. It can take some time knowing the difference between tightness and a pull/strain. If you really don't know if it is pulled, but want to go and try the workout, I would say, go, do a really good warm up of light dynamic exercises and stretching. If it is STILL feeling pulled, don't push it. For me, sometimes tightness gives me that pulled feeling, but if it loosens up with a few min of light activity, I know I'll be okay. If it doesn't, I don't continue.

    The fear of people staring in the weight room is usually more in our own heads than anything. Yeah, people may watch a little bit, but usually only during their rest and most of the time it isn't even directly at people, but might just be in their direction. I know I get the "1000 mile stare" going and I'm not looking at anything in particular, but might be in someone's general direction.
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    I have convinced my husband to come with me (for this week at least, we'll see how long it lasts) and figure we can switch off in between sets...90s felt like a long time to be staring into space! haha
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Congrats on starting.

    I agree with jstout...if it's just sore muscles from the lifting I would exercise...
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    Congrats on Workout A and welcome to the group! :flowerforyou:

    Have you tried a foam roller? I use it both before and after working out. It really works. If you don't have one at home, check and see if your gym has one. They're definitely worth the money! Google Simple 6, Agile 8 or Limber 11 for tips on how to use one.
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    I have not tried a foam roller... I will check tonight if the gym has them! I have been gently stretching and using a hot pack on and off and feel confident to do Workout B tonight. I'm excited!
  • dixoncrew
    dixoncrew Posts: 186 Member
    Woohoo! That's awesome! Good for you for taking the plunge :D
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Alternate ice and heat for better results.
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    Good job! I listen to audiobooks or podcasts when i lift, helps the time pass :)
  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    That's great!

    If I'm really sore, I still work out, if it's bad I'll take some ibuprofen before.

    A few times I have really strained my back (old injury) I take a break till it is better or at least de-load significantly for awhile.
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    I apparently am an idiot, and did Workout B last week when I started >.< I'm guessing it doesn't matter a whole awful lot, I just did Workout A last night. I am actually feeling great today, much less pain than yesterday!

    I have a question though...is it ok to use a fixed bar for squats? When I started, that's what the trainer showed me, so that's what I've used...but now I'm wondering if I'm doing it wrong :-/
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    You're not an idiot! You just did the hardest one first. :tongue: At least it is to me. Overhead press and deadlifts are tougher to get the form down. But, deadlifts are the most fun, because you can move a lot of weight!

    Fixed weight bars are fine. You work with what you've got, or what you can lift. I think squats are easier with the Oly bar, because you can start with the bar at the right height in the rack and it's easier to balance the longer bar. I actually did goblet squats, until I felt comfortable with the bar. I think you might be surprised at how soon you can squat 45 lbs.
  • griffithm1
    griffithm1 Posts: 130 Member
    Yeah you! You did it! :)
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    Heading in tonight for workout B (again! haha). I'm laughing at how much my husband is complaining that HE is sore!!
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    I have convinced my husband to come with me (for this week at least, we'll see how long it lasts) and figure we can switch off in between sets...90s felt like a long time to be staring into space! haha

    The nice thing about having your husband along is that if both of you watch youtube videos of correct form, you can help each other on correct form.

    My husband is a perfectionist, so having him watch means tiny form corrections constantly, well, less these days, but he took it very seriously! :)

    And congratulations on getting the first one done. I always work out when my muscles are sore, but not when I have an actual injury or strain. You'll know the difference, the first is an ache that gets better as you move your muscles.
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    I have convinced my husband to come with me (for this week at least, we'll see how long it lasts) and figure we can switch off in between sets...90s felt like a long time to be staring into space! haha

    The nice thing about having your husband along is that if both of you watch youtube videos of correct form, you can help each other on correct form.

    My husband is a perfectionist, so having him watch means tiny form corrections constantly, well, less these days, but he took it very seriously! :)

    And congratulations on getting the first one done. I always work out when my muscles are sore, but not when I have an actual injury or strain. You'll know the difference, the first is an ache that gets better as you move your muscles.

    We are the opposite...at first he didn't care about the form, he was just doing it. But now we help each other...he was kind enough to point out that my squat wasn't low enough yesterday -.-

    Week one COMPLETE!