MrsMac97; Kellydeutsch1; Worstycat



  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Gracious God and Creator of the Universe,

    We praise your name for the mighty works you have done. We cannot begin to fathom the eternal and infinite nature of who you are.

    Especially bless MrsMac97; Kellydeutsch1; and Worstycat with your power and grace, enabling them to resolve their challenges, heal from their infirmities and be restored to whole health and fitness.

    Bless us all, for we cry unto you, just as Moses lifted up the serpent, we seek healing and wholeness and life.

    In Jesus name,
  • MissSharon2013
    MissSharon2013 Posts: 536 Member
    Dear Lord,

    Please bless MrsMac97; Kellydeutsch1; and Worstycat today with your loving grace and meet their needs, solve their problems and make their burdens light. Lord, we depend on you for our every need! Bless them with what they need, over and beyond anything they expect!! We give you all the praise, honor and glory in Jesus' holy name, Amen!
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Dear God,

    We praise you this Palm Sunday and rejoice in your day.

    Bless MrsMac97; Kellydeutsch1; and Worstycat with total health and fitness. Bring them to complete recovery and achievement. Watch over them and grant them the desires of their hearts.

    Bless us all. May this be a glorious day to celebrate Christ.

    In Jesus name
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Creator God,

    We celebrate that we are a royal priesthood--all of us. You have called everyone of us to service and you have a plan to implement our service for your Gospel. Empower us to live above the shadow line and be good representatives of you, so that others will be drawn to follow Jesus.

    Especially bless MrsMac97; Kellydeutsch1; and Worstycat with your grace and love. Continue the healing begun and bless them with health and fitness. Shower them with goodness and plenty.

    Bless us all that we might find our place at your table to serve you as pleases you.
    In Jesus name,
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Almighty God,

    In the Scriptures, we see the great faith and obedience of the prophets and apostles. We learn amazing events happen when you work in our lives and we are persistent to wait on your plan.

    Empower us to follow in their footsteps and be faithful and obedient to your will. Especially bless MrsMac97; Kellydeutsch1; and Worstycat with your love and grace. Help them accomplish their goals and please you with their choices. Strengthen their health and bodies--bring wholeness and fitness to them. In all these things, we will praise your name.

    In Jesus' name,
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Almighty God,

    Today's lessons focused on the harsh realities of people, claiming to be God-followers. Some are dastardly and hypocritical. Empower us to recognize them for what they are. Teach us to be discerning.

    Especially bless MrsMac97; Kellydeutsch1; and Worstycat. Bless them with health and fitness. Watch over them and the people they work and encounter. Give them discernment and encouragement, as they face the unexpected and the hidden agendas that life presents.

    Bless us all Lord to do what pleases you.
    In Jesus name,
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Creator God,

    We recognize that we have an obligation to respond to the Word of God and how much we pay attention and invest of ourselves directly contributes to how much we are able to do. When we listen and obey we are able to do so much more with amazing results.

    Bless MrsMac97; Kellydeutsch1; and Worstycat especially with your love and grace that they may be able to accomplish great things in your service.

    In Jesus name,
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    Gracious God,

    We give you thanks and praise for the countless ways you bless us, save us from our sufferings and bring us up out of the pit. We cry unto you for help when things go awry.

    Pour out your blessings especially on MrsMac97; Kellydeutsch1; and Worstycat. May you grant them the desires of their hearts.

    We also lift the family and friends of Robin Williams who died today. He made the world laugh. You gave us one who took his pain and converted it to laughter. May his family find their solace in you and may you convert their sorrow into comforting peace. Help us as a community to reach out to those who feel all hope is lost, who feel suicidal. Help us to be attentive and caring for those in need that we might offer them a hand, like Jesus offered his hand to Peter and lifted him from the tempest and churning waters.

    Bless us all with your grace.
    In Jesus name,
  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    God of love,

    You keep wanting us to show love in the way Christ did for us. Forgive us for not living above the shadow line. Help us to hunger to please you in all we say and do.

    Pour out your blessing upon MrsMac97; Kellydeutsch1; and Worstycat with your Spirit that they might accomplish great things in your name. Bring health and fitness; heal the bodies and uplift the minds and help us all to bring glory to your name.

    In Jesus name,