Day 95 and going strong!

Good Tuesday morning all!
The count down is going so fast!!! My goal by the end of this 100 days is to be in the 170's. I have currently just hit 200 and I am so close to the 100's!!! This challenge has given me a new fire! I finished strong yesterday. Now lets keep it going!!!

Goals for today:
1) Drink 14 cups of water
2) Reach for water first then eat if I am still hungry between meals
3) Stay positive and encourage others!!

Good luck today and happy healthy eating and fitness!!!

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  • yvonnejobin1
    yvonnejobin1 Posts: 10 Member
    Those are some good goals! I'm terrible when it comes to getting enough water. Congratulations on hitting 200!
  • Jeannieclark84
    Jeannieclark84 Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks yvonnejobin1! I use to be horrible at it but I have figured out adding certain frozen fruits helps me.
  • SexyLovinmeCook
    SexyLovinmeCook Posts: 1,393 Member
    Sounds like awesome plan... You did great today!
  • Helloo!! I'm in this diet for 7 days and I haven't lost any pound. I'm so upset. I am eating less then 1200 calories per day plus exercising...
  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    @Jeannieclark8: great job and great goals!! That's what its all about girlie!

    @Damarruda: I can attest to this fact...our bodies are amazingly complex and sometimes it might not respond to things the way we want them to depending on our hormones, stress levels, nutrient intake, caloric expenditure, etc. I am not a medical doctor nor am I in any way shape or form trying to tell you what to do but if you can stick to the MFP model for eating and picking mostly whole foods while allowing a few processed items, that should be a great start. Sometimes our bodies will shut down on us if we are overworking it and severely underfeeding it.