needing more protein - some ideas please

Hi All, I am really struggling to hit my protein macro I should be having around 140 per day and I am only managing about 70-80 way below... what do people eat for protein? I tried adding nuts but that hardly made a difference (thought nuts were higher in protein!) I could try a protein powder but if possible I would like to try it more naturally first.

Oh I don't eat fish or olives(oil) but everything else



  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    Cottage cheese. I often buy one of those 16oz containers and eat the whole thing for a snack = 55-64g of protein right there, depending on the brand. Be careful of the sodium, though! It does tend to rack up in commercial brands. :-)
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Meat! Cheese. greek yogurt. protein powder shake. Quest bar. I'm always over on protein. Add some bacon and eggs to breakfast. Have a protein shake/quest bar if you need a snack on the go. cheese sticks. hard boiled eggs....protein is super easy once it's part of your routine! :-)
  • Tallbeautie
    Tallbeautie Posts: 8 Member
    I was running into that same issue in the beginning until I started to build every meal and snack around protein. Some of the protein sources I have are protein shakes, sea food, meat, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, eggs, snack bars with protein, and cheese sticks. You can also add nuts, just watch the fat on those. If you make protein your main focus you don't have to worry too much about going over on your other macros.
  • Thanks all!

    cottage cheese - yuk ha ha might give it another try though as used to be zero fat versions!! protein bars will look into and I usually have protein with most meals but still not quite working out - I think I am putting protein into current menus vs redesigning menus round protein!

    I was thinking about greek yogurt - as wondered so that is one to add to my list !

    and yeah sodium its scary my sodium barely registers until I have pre processed (rare) and bang wow does it shoot up!
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    My protein is always low, I do like meat & love fish but never in the quantities that it requires.

    I might have to 'steal' some of these ideas. Thanks for asking & good luck with your increase.
  • steal away! - protein up to 100 today if all goes as planned - so nearer that 140 so getting there!
  • FitterBody
    FitterBody Posts: 367 Member
    Chia seed, hemp seed, flax seed, sunflower seed, .........
    Lentils, lima beans, black beans, garbanzo (chick peas),kidney beans, .........
    Millet, oats, brown rice, ........
    Spinach, kale, broccoli, oyster mushrooms, collard greens,garden peas, ..........
  • seeds and beans - yes thank you - I think I got nuts and seeds mixed up in my head!!
  • paj315
    paj315 Posts: 335 Member
    Greek yogurt for sure, It's a staple in my diet. I pretty much echo the same as all the others. I don't eat protein powder usually though because I get enough from whole foods. Watch the protein bars and premade shakes because a lot of them also have a lot of added sugars.
  • btwinkyb
    btwinkyb Posts: 7 Member
    Will have to try some of these! :-)
    I take a Premier Protein shake every other day or so. I've only had the new strawberry and vanilla flavor, but it's yummy! Plus it has low sugar and fa :-D

    I've also found 1oz of fat-free feta cheese has only 35 cal but 7 g protein! By itself it tastes meh, but it's tasty mixed with Greek yogurt and honey.... seems bizarre, but it's my current fave late night snack!
  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member
    I'm glad you asked this, I'm having a bit of trouble with this myself.
  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    I plan every meal around protein. The hardest meal was breakfast. I eat egg whites, eggs, lean meats, fish, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, nuts, etc. I like the Daisy Cottage Cheese. Not sure if you can get that in your area. I drink a protein shake before I go to the gym on weight lifting days. This really helps me get up into the 140-150g range. My protein shake has 30g and it is low sugar.
  • jbnl1991
    jbnl1991 Posts: 149
    On the days I am low in protein, it is always because I missed my afternoon Greek yogurt. I like it with frozen strawberries or with pudding mix and a bit of whipped cream on top. I build my lunch and dinner around protein. I love all kinds of meat, so it is easy for me. I haven't found a protein bar or powder that tastes better than a piece of meat or a bowl of scrambled eggs.
  • kathleenjoyful
    kathleenjoyful Posts: 210 Member
    I echo what others have said about planning my meals around protein. Some other high protein food sources not mentioned here are brown rice, cous cous, some rye breads (so I get my carbs in too), and beef jerky.