March 17/2014 WEIGH IN



  • March 18

    SW 150

    GW 135

    CW 150

    I am turning 45 in two days, I have a daughter of 3years old, I work full time, I'm in school fulltime, I intern at a hospital and am crazy busy! I think I am a stress eater since Im always stressed and always eating....I got up to 199lbs when I was pregers, but have not been able to get past 150. I loose 5 then gain 5. Oh, and I do not exercise, but do have a membership. LOL :(
  • kmouse2
    kmouse2 Posts: 93 Member
    SW - 258 3/17/14
    GW - 216 8/25/14
    CW - 258

    ABOUT YOURSELF - I am 57 years young - mother of 2 grown children (a boy and girl) and 3 fur kids. Due to a few injury mishaps - I gained a lot of weight - so now that I am pretty much healed it's time to get this weight off and gain my strength back - So glad that I just found this group and look forward to working will all of you. Good luck everyone! Oh one more thing my son is getting married and I want to look good at his wedding - so I will need mega support to keep me focused and on track.
  • Shauna2626
    Shauna2626 Posts: 196 Member
    SW: 172 on 2/17/2011
    LW: 126 on 1/25/2012
    CW: 134.5
    GW: 128 - maintain and tone

    I'm around 5 ft 2 in. I have more or less maintained a 40 lb weight loss, but I am now about 8 lbs heavier than I was at my lowest weight.
    My current goal is to get back to near what my lowest weight was, then focus on maintaining and toning.
    I am 22 and married to a wonderful man, and I work as a Mental Health Counselor.
    I do a lot of Zumba workouts at home with DVDs and the Xbox 360 World Fitness Party game. I also do some light weight lifting. I am looking forward to Spring so I can do more running!

  • tracys2166
    tracys2166 Posts: 15 Member
    SW - 232.2 lbs
    GW - 150.0 lbs
    CW -187.0 lbs

    ABOUT YOURSELF - 42 year old,Single, Work full time,Mother of a 14yr and one beagle, Have lost 48lbs and 32lbs to go...
  • SW: 192
    CW: 184.2
    GW: 145

    I'm 5 ft 2in. and have yo yo dieted for years. I am finally in a good place in my life so I think this time I will achieve my goals. I try to work out at least 30 minutes a day and trying to stick to a 1200 calorie diet. I have a wonderful girls vacation coming up in June and want to look and feel my best. I am going to be 53 in May and have 2 grown children and a grand child.
  • Kathrynrbg
    Kathrynrbg Posts: 176 Member
    SW - 30.1 lbs. of fat mass /118.4 lbs of Total Body Weight. (On February 24/2014)

    GW - 17 lbs. fat / 110 lbs. weight

    CW - 25.8 lbs fat / 119.4 lbs. weight (On March 17) 25.6 lbs./119.2 lbs. (On March 18, today)

    ABOUT YOURSELF - My name is Kathryn, I am 5`4" I track body fat mass and total body weight since I am all for body re-composition instead of weight loss.
  • musicfan4life30
    musicfan4life30 Posts: 543 Member

    I would love to lose 16 lbs by summer! :) i have never been 150 before so that would be amazing but that is a lot of weight so if it takes me more than by summer that is totally okay.

    good luck everyone! :)
  • 2dare2dream
    2dare2dream Posts: 104 Member

    sorry just noticed this group and joined. Married, foster mother to two wonder little boys. [fostering 19 yrs]. Have been on this journey since june 2013 and MFP in Oct 13. I have been doing strength lifting since January this year.
  • s258705r
    s258705r Posts: 96 Member
    SW- 230 (3/3/14)
    GW- 199 by May 26 (my 27th birthday)

    I am 26 and going to school to get my Master's degree in English. My weight loss plan includes Jillian Micheal's workout dvds and MMA style training combined with reducing my carb intake. I was diagnosed with PCOS in December, and my doctor recommended cutting carbs.
  • Cindylorena967
    Cindylorena967 Posts: 5 Member
    SW: 148
    GW: 132
    CW: 148

    About myself: I'm 18 I just joined this website but I've already lost 34 lbs :). I look forward to talking to people and getting motivation.
  • bbert8
    bbert8 Posts: 1
    Height- 5' 4"

    About me- I'm 5'4", 18 years old and I want to get healthy and bikini ready!
  • SW: 165
    CW: 153
    GW: 135

    About me: 24, graduate student . I joined MFP in February and already lost 12 pounds (thunder clap). I hope to help others and vice versa stay motivated, so best wishes to you all! :)
  • SW=197

    I am a single mother with two children. I have been told by my Dr's that I need to lose at least 30 lbs. due
    to high blood pressure. I also get migraines and my neurologist said my migraines would decrease if I lose
    weight. I did lose 30 lbs before on WW a few years ago but gained it back. I have heard about MFP and
    I am interested in joining this group!
  • discoveredamber
    discoveredamber Posts: 379 Member
    GW: 125
    CW :162

    ABOUT YOURSELF - I am 25 years old. I Have been on my journey since September 1, 2013. I have completed C25K and am on stage 2 of NROLFW
  • missionprobable
    missionprobable Posts: 8 Member
    Height 5'2"

    I'm 24 and a part time mother of a 3 year old. I'm going to college online and don't currently have a job so I feel like have nothing to do all day but stare at food when I'm not staring at a computer. Also, I'm a vegetarian and I feel I have an unfair advantage to the meat eaters because mock meat has half (if not less than that) calories. Unfortunately, sugar cookies are fair game.. :) I would love to make friends with any other shorties out there.
  • thom2369
    thom2369 Posts: 271 Member
    SW: 142
    CW: 142
    GW: 122
    Height: 5'5"

    I am a 26 year old woman living in South Korea working as an English teacher. Wanting to drop some pounds and look amazing!
  • sowich25
    sowich25 Posts: 70 Member

    I am 6'4 39 yrs old. I live in upstate NY with the never ending winter. I want to lose some weight before summer hits, and get out of the winter blues
  • mscott2089
    mscott2089 Posts: 4 Member
    Sw- 289

    I am 5'11 24 yrs old. I live in Tennessee currently not working. Starting a workout reg, two 45 minute workouts a day cardio in morning/ strength training the evening) 5-6 days 1-2 rest I'll listen to my body. My diet will consist of grilled chicken or fish , veggies , and fruit. I'll checking in weekly I need accountability excepting friend request as well.
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    Sorry I'm so behind on posting this. Trying to figure out time management.

    SW - 166.7 (159.1 for the start of this)
    GW - 115
    CW - 159.1

    ABOUT YOURSELF - I'm a 35 year old Canadian. I have a husband and two cats. I've been sick a lot in the last year, and I'm just staring to get back into trying to eat well and exercise.

  • TooTatToTrot
    TooTatToTrot Posts: 81 Member
    SW -250
    GW -165 (by summer. which officially starts June 21st)
    UGW-130 (by December 1st, my birthday is the 27th)
    CW -195

    ABOUT YOURSELF - I am a college student who studies a lot and the gym is free and right across the street. I'm just lazy. I have hypERthyroidism, the whole Graves Disease, and I am trying to get my body back into the swing of things. I will be doing 30 day shred, starting today. And jogging for 30 minutes everyday as well