Day 18 ( 30 DS Challenge)

ecu_jules Posts: 35 Member
Sorry I have been MIA! I did do it Friday and Monday, but missed Saturday and Sunday. We were out for the whole day on Saturday for st. Pats day and I drank some beers☺so was not really into exercising when I got home! It was much needed fun though!

No good reason to miss Sunday...pure laziness! My plan is to do level 2 through the 21st to make up one of the days and then do level three through the 31st.

Have a great workout today!!


  • dani_ban
    dani_ban Posts: 243 Member
    Julie, I'm glad you had some fun for St. Patty's Day! I'm in some need of some adult time for sure!

    I shredded earlier today. Sometimes I completely dread working out and then other times I'm excited. I wish I could be more motivated to do it.
  • cmann1988
    cmann1988 Posts: 38
    Got it done! Really didn't want to after a rough day with my 4 year old but I did it without giving myself a chance to talk myself out of it. Ha.
  • ecu_jules
    ecu_jules Posts: 35 Member
    I am feeling so much stronger. I even upped the weight on a couple sets and did the higher level of plank moves some of the time. I still followed Anita some, but did much better! Now, motivation is another thing entirely!