Week 3 March 19-25

Hump week!!! Yay!

I'm definitely starting to enjoy some of the benefits of giving up alcohol: the better sleep, weight loss, etc. I wish I could say that these benefits made the sacrifice easy. They definitely make it better but by no means easy. I find that I still have to put a lot of thought into pre-planning my weekends to make sure I am busy enough to not get bored and be tempted to drink, while also avoiding outings that are centered around alcohol.

As such, I have my strategy in place for this weekend. I'm planning on packing a picnic and going to the local university's baseball game on Friday. On Saturday, I have a baby shower to attend and my sister will be coming over for dinner. I do not think this weekend will pose as much temptation as last weekend (oh st. Patty's day), though I know my mind will wander and I will have cravings at times. The thing I try to remind myself when I am craving a nice glass of wine is that, at that point when I am having that craving- it is the worst I am going to feel. The craving will not get more painful until I cave. So if I can remain resolute, like a wave, the craving will come and go.


  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    Thanks for getting the 3rd week going! I think that is great that you are being mindful and aware so that you are making plans ahead of time. I plan to go to a girl's afternoon out to one of those painting things, but will be bringing my bottle of Fre and can still enjoy the nibbles and fun like everyone else. I dunno, last few times I've gone out with folks who are drinking and I'm sober, not only did they annoy me, but I think it made me see that they really weren't having that much more fun than me and kinda felt sad (at least for some of the heavier drinkers) that this was the highlight of their weekend, and the following day they will more than likely feel like crap, not as productive and not 100% for the family/kids. Anyways, it's been an eye opener to watch others drinking habits when out in the beginning. I'm really getting used to doing so much more often now that I forget most times about drinking and just have fun.

    Hang in there!
  • Marigny23
    Marigny23 Posts: 19
    Dragonfly, sorry I kind of hijacked the board, starting the new threads. It almost feels like a personal victory to be able to start a new week, having successfully made it through the previous. It also forces me to make a plan of how to be successful in the coming week and then vocalize it so I feel like I am held accountable.

    The thoughts you shared in your post below came at the perfect moment. I live near a massive liquor store (I'm talking 20+aisles of wine alone!) that also has a great selection of gourmet foods and premade meals. I decided to go by and pick up a few delicacies for my picnic basket tomorrow. I didn't think it would be an issue to go there. After all, I've enjoyed my very sober past few weeks. But oh boy, when I walked in and saw all those pretty shiny bottles of Malbec staring back at me, I nearly lost it! It honestly made me quite sad to continue straight past those beauties to the deli, knowing we are still 4 weeks from the end of Lent. In that moment, I wanted to find any reason to throw in the towel.

    Now, having left the temptation of the store and read your motivating post, I feel much more resolute in my commitment. Thank you!!!!