Anyone else breastfeeding a toddler?

I am breastfeeding my 2 year old boy, he still nurses maybe 4-6 times a day although I am trying to cut him back because mommy gets tired of the acrobatics if you know what I mean, He climbs all over me, sometimes trying to breastfeed upside down lol. So anyways, I would like to connect with other moms in this boat. I have 50 lbs to lose to be at my goal weight and I just can never seem to stay consistent on a diet because some days I am incredibly hungry, as all you breastfeeding moms are sure to experience at some point. Feel free to add me too if you are just starting out breastfeeding or need any support at all, I have pretty much been through it all at this point. I welcome advice for my weightloss while breastfeeding because that is the one thing that confuses me so much, how much should i take in? How much am I burning from breastfeeding this toddler? Anyone add me, I love new friends :)


  • I JUST posted a similar topic on another board! My son is 14 months and still BF regularly. I'm gonna add you.
  • I'm tandem nursing my 2-year-old and my 7-week-old. There are DEFINITELY challenges unique to nursing a toddler, I agree.

    I read yesterday that breastfeeding burns an average of 500 calories a day...but what about when you add a toddler's nursing habits on top of (or instead of) what you normally expect from an infant?

    As far as weight loss goes, I worry about limiting my calories too much for fear of hurting my supply. I've been told that a steady intake of complex carbs (especially oatmeal) is supposed to help. Does anyone have any experience or info related to this?
  • My daughter is still nursing too at 26 months. I'm honestly at the point where I HATE it, so I've been trying to wean. She goes all "chuckie doll exorcist" when she can't nurse and I'm just over it. She would have boobies all day every day if I would let her!
  • yvonnejobin1
    yvonnejobin1 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm still nursing my 14 month old daughter, but I'm starting the weaning process. It's soo much easier said than done, especially with my little girl. Her 2nd word was "boob". I'm definitely tired of the acrobatics, too. I had lost weight like crazy the first few months... then it seemed like my body adjusted to it and I stopped losing. It's going to take a while to find a good balance in how many calories I can take in without feeling like I'm starving or killing my milk supply. And then I'm worried about the change in the calories I burn once I am able to wean her.
  • mymycam
    mymycam Posts: 1
    Hi! Newbie app user and breast feeding my 16m old! I have had a lot of trouble losing weight and am frustrated. I'm glad I found this group! Do you guys count -250 or -500 calories when logging bf? I see both come up...
  • jkd132
    jkd132 Posts: 10
    I count 250 calories for breast feeding and my little guy is 10 months old, that seems to work for me. Eating an extra 500 was not allowing me to loose weight. I eat oatmeal and drink a nursing tea (I had supply issues in the beginning) but now that balance seems to allow him enough and for me to lose 1/2-1 lbs a week.
  • Mshukh
    Mshukh Posts: 24 Member
    Hmm...maybe I should try counting 250 calories instead of 500. Worth a try. Right now it's not budging at all. And the daily calculator laughs at me showing what I'll weigh in 5 weeks. Yeah....right.
  • cbbkf13
    cbbkf13 Posts: 4
    Hi! I just going on MFP Tuesday. I'm glad there are other extended nursers on here! I'm nursing my 20 month old. I still eat like I'm nursing a newborn though he nurses only from bedtime through the night (on demand) plus on demand on weekends. Since starting back at work when he was a year old I've gained 10+ more pounds, putting me at my heaviest ever.