
DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
Now that Spring is upon us and the never ending "Votex Winter" is fading what are you doing to prepare for Summer? Being less than 1 year post-op this will be my first summer in a very long time that I am looking forward to Summer activities.

What are you looking forwrad to?


  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    shorts!!! i bought shorts at Goodwill monday. After 30 yrs of being unable to wear shorts cause my thighs would chafe-I am gonna wear them a lot!!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Well it won't be the clothes! My upper arms are sagging over the elbows and the thighs are covering the knees, so no sleeveless tops or shorts for me! :laugh: But I will tell you I am excited at the thought of getting outside to walk again! And I think I will break down and buy the bike I've wanted for the last couple of years. Yes I know financially it's not a smart decision (will probably need to charge it as recumbent bikes are expensive) but I still have about 70 more pounds to goal and I think daily riding will help get the scale moving again. So I'm looking at it as an investment in me!!
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    Motorcycle riding! But I hafta say, balancing my big 'ol bike and low\no speed is MUCH different with 70 lbs less to counter balance! Had it out a few weeks ago and tipped it, (first time that's happened in like 6 years)! Apparently, I'm going to have to re-learn how to ride as a light weight!
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    pawoodhull I am with you, no shorts for me either! Last summer I hated short sleeves because my arms were so huge and now I am not the biggest fan of short sleeves because of all the loose skin on my arms! That said though, I will choose loose skin over fat any day, and when it comes down to it, I will wear what I am comfortable in! I am definitely looking forward to being out and about this spring and summer with more energy, and not tiring out and overheating as easily!
  • VSGJill
    VSGJill Posts: 20 Member
    I'm looking forward to getting out and walking. Every summer I've gained weight and find my mobility less and less. This year I have lost weight and regained some of my mobility to the point that I can now walk 1.37 miles without needing to rest. Last summer I could barely walk one block without needing to rest.
  • teachren
    teachren Posts: 78
    I'm looking forward to not seeing snow...but up here in the southern Ontario snowbelt...I think I have a ways to go before that will happen!

    This will be my first summer truly post VSG...I'll have one year under my belt (which btw I actually have to wear now...who would have every thought I'd like it). I decided to treat myself to a 3 week tour of Peru which starts off with 5 days trekking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu overland rough camping. No showers for 5 days? 10-15 km a day ascending a huge mountain range? I never would have thought I'd see the day I would look at that as desirable...now I do!

    Like many of you...no shorts or short sleeved Ts for me. Yup...skin sucks...but the extra weight was worse. I can climb to Machu picchu with flabby arms...but not with the extra 140 lbs I used to have! :-)

    Anyone want to come? :-)
  • vsg_joanna
    vsg_joanna Posts: 27 Member
    Getting sleeved on April 8th... so I'm hoping this year I look okay enough to go swimming!! Haven't been swimming in over four years and I miss it soooo much!
  • suzee279
    suzee279 Posts: 58
    Warm weather !!! I am scheduled to have my hip replacement done this May so once that is done I am sooooooo looking forward to not limping, being able to exercise and be out in the sun enjoying life!!
  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    I am a serious vegetable gardener, but this year it is going to be so much easier not being over 300 lbs! I used to use a garden stool, and I still might, but I won't need to :) I can actually easily get up off the ground now.

    We also bought a house in August. I have BIG plans for my yard. (I am the coordinator of a large organic community garden and I have my 30' x 40' plot for growing veggies. I'll be sharing my harvest this year with my cousin who will be helping me plant and tend to it all summer because I will be putting three or four - 2' x 6' raised garden beds (one for asparagus, two for various vegetables, and if I do four I might do strawberries in one). I will also be taming two huge rhubarb plants that were here (I was so happy to see established rhubarb when we looked at this house)

    The flower bed in the front of the house if super shady, so I will be digging up the Hostas (to be moved to another area) and planting fuchsia and white Bleeding Hearts, dark pink Astilbes, and ferns there. In the very back of my back yard along the fence we have three pine trees that has an existing flower bed, but is a mess with nothing growing, so I'll be putting the Hostas from the front and another area in the back under the trees.

    I will also be putting in a whole new large flower bed along the side of my garage. I am going to put blue and red gladioli along the back, I haven't decided what the medium height thing will be, then in front of that will be white Alyssum. I will also have various flowers in containers placed around the front and back yard.

    Now that I went on and on about my gardening (I'm sure there will be more than that, too). I am also looking forward to getting a good start on my MN State Parks Hiking Club hiking list.

    The weather has been pretty nice here lately and it is giving me spring fever. I'm sure since I'm going garden planning and buying & starting seeds that this feeds my fever :)
  • Ksh1055
    Ksh1055 Posts: 248 Member
    You'll enjoy the summer months so much better, at least that is what I'm hoping for myself. I love being in and around the water and have not been comfortable taking my grandson to water parks the past couple years, but have done it anyway. This year although I won't have met my goal, I should be more comfortable in a bathing suit in public.
  • Ksh1055
    Ksh1055 Posts: 248 Member
    I just purchased a recumbent elliptical bike with working arms for a duo-trainer workout. The cost was only $319 and is a Proform Hybrid Duo Trainer purchased through Amazon with free shipping. Other shipping sites have been over $100. It will need to be assembled, but my brother put one together in less than an hour. This one did not have the recumbent seat and not at all comfortable. So sold it and bought the one I really wanted when it came down to the price I was willing to pay.

    I can read while doing my exercise and be comfortable at the same time.
  • hurricanelena
    hurricanelena Posts: 83 Member
    I live in Central Florida, so for me "Spring" is most of winter :) This time of year is about getting my outdoor activities before it becomes too hot/humid/stormy to reliably do anything outside. In another two weeks or so, my pool should just start getting warm enough to swim briskly. Its always depressing all winter when I still have to clean the pool, but its too cold to swim in.

    I also garden extensively as well, but this is the time of year we grow all the "typical" mid-latitude vegetables as most won't make it through the summer between heat and bugs. I'm just putting in my summer crop of okra, hot peppers, eggplant, cherry tomatoes, and hoping to squeeze in a round of zucchini. Since I can't eat much of my vegetables since the surgery, I give most of them to my co-workers. Since most of my backyard is taken up by my pool and concrete pool deck, all my gardening is in containers. But I am looking forward to not having quite so many folds of skin and weight to drag around through the heat when I have to clear my "jungle" during the summer months.
  • I am looking foward to going to the beach and not being ashamed to put on a sundress. I am not comfortable in bathing yet but I can wear it under a cute sundress or coverup. I am very much pear shaped so because I carry my weight mostly below my waist, my arms are not saggy although my thighs will definately need some help.

    I am also looking forward to walks on the beach with my husband and not getting winded after 5 minutes. Last year, I couldn't make it from the hotel down to the beach without feeling like I was going to die and the condo was right on the water!!
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    I'm looking forward to getting out and walking. Every summer I've gained weight and find my mobility less and less. This year I have lost weight and regained some of my mobility to the point that I can now walk 1.37 miles without needing to rest. Last summer I could barely walk one block without needing to rest.

    That is wonderful progress!! And didn't i see that you did an HOUR of high impact aerobics the other day??!!! WOW!!!
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    I'm looking forward to not seeing snow...but up here in the southern Ontario snowbelt...I think I have a ways to go before that will h camping. No showers for 5 days? 10-15 km a day ascending a huge mountain range? I never would have thought I'd see the day I would look at that as desirable...now I do!

    Anyone want to come? :-)

    That sounds like quite an adventure! You go for it (I, on the other hand, will be staying where there is hot water and Dove body wash, thankyouverymuch LOL)!
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    I am looking forward to getting outside to walk/run more. I get so bored on machines (treadmill, elliptical, etc.). Time seems to fly by when I am outside. I kind of like it a little chilly-- no bugs out yet-- I HATE bugs!!!
  • My sleeve is scheduled for 4/28. My 44th birthday is August 1st and I hope to be much lighter by then. We spend a lot of time camping in the summer - this year I might be able to hike instead of ducking out because I brought the "wrong shoes." I have talked myself into how I really just prefer to sit in a lawn chair and relax because I'm so stressed, busy, etc., when it's really because I fear getting down the mountain and not being able to get back up! I also look forward to some time at the pool, swimming instead of just standing in the water to cool off. And, I bought a bike last summer but was too damn out of shape to ride it, plus it occurred to me that most bikes aren't made for people who weigh 250lbs. So there will be bike riding with my husband, too!