Mr. Ali's Reflection section



  • Today, March 19th, I had weight lifting. Therefore, I worked on my back "rows" and completed 12 repetitions with 10 kgs for three sets. After that, i did the leg press using 280lbs and managed to barely finish 12 reps for 3 sets. Then, i did the 35lbs chest press and did the 12 repetitions for 3 sets. After that i did several weight liftings before the end of class like the one above the chest press and also did the shoulder press.
    However, I felt very tired from all that extreme weight lifting but i'm feeling a great progress in my muscles
  • today in fitness class i had cardio day. i went up and down the stairs for 20 minutes then after that i walked on the treadmill for another 20 mins. after that i did some abba excersises for the rest of the period. i didn't lift any weights today so i could let my muscles rest for tomorrow.
  • Yesterday i was doing the stairs for all of the time and the last 10 minutes i was streching and i felt good and little tierd
  • Today i was cycleing for all of the period and the average was 73 it was easy and the last 10 minutes i was streching and it was a great day .
  • Mohammad_Almutawa
    Mohammad_Almutawa Posts: 30 Member
    today I did cardio. I started with 20 minutes of the satirs and then 10 minutes on the treadmill. At the end I did some stretching for 15 minutes. I felt good after stretching.
  • March 19 todays workout was good I spent 15 minutes on the bike and tredmill after I did stairs wich was very tiering but paid off with a good sweat
  • Today was a good workout and I did all the exercises that I learned. I did chest press for 75 for 3 sets and I still failed the last set. I also did leg press for 180 for 3 sets and I still have failed the last two sets. I did one arm rows for 25 for 3 sets and I did them all. I also did pullups 4 for 3 sets this was my first time. I also did the shoulder press for 10 for 3 sets. I feel like I got lots of muscle but I am not used to it.
  • Today in the gym, it was a cardio day for me. I used the treadmill for about 20 minutes. I was increasing both the speed and the incline gradually. Then I walked up and down the stairs for about 10 minutes. Then I used the bicycle machine for about 5 minutes. My average RPM was 70. Lastly, I did a little bit of stretching exercises for about 5 minutes.
  • march 20 I was absent
  • Today I took my weight and I lost .4 kg my goal was to gain weight but I lost thats a good thing maybe becuase ive lost fat. I have been reducing my calorie intake to loose fat and been working with cardio alot so ive lost some weight but my goal is that I should gain some weight but muscle weight. So I should increase my protien intake and sleep regularly 6-8 hours so I have more muscle tissue build up. Over all im happy with my loss so now I can build more muscle.
  • Thursday March 20 :: 2 weeks have past now and ive approaching my goal , i wanted to gain weight , and i have gained 1.3 Kg i was 55 and now 56 iam still pleased by that but although i have to put on more weight and try harder . My goal is to reach 63 at least in a month if i could . Ive been eating alot these days and also past weeks trying to add more calories with protien shake after excersise . I hope i will gain more weight as i eat helathy rich calorie food and more weight and i hope i dont lose weight because iam moderate active . My key goal is to eat more and excersie intensely to reach my goal of weight gaining , bottom line iam Ok with my current weight .
  • Almost three weeks have passed and my weight had almost stayed the same even though im in the weight-loss group. However, from now on i will do my best in doing the workouts assigned for me and will pay closer attention on the amount of food i get into my stomach. Nevertheless, i had cardio today and had put on my full effort on trying to go up and down the stairs with the small amount of time in class. I finished class extremely tired though.
  • March 20 : I started of with weightlifting in the gym with some leg press 12/3. Then moved on to arm rows 11/3. After that I did 12/3 bench press, while doing so, in the 3 set I failed to do 11. I was tired and exhausted
  • Today at the gym i increased my weights for my bench press by 5lbs. so a total of 30 pounds on each side plus the bar itself weighs 45lbs all adds up to 100 pounds! at first i could do 12 on my own but then getting into the second set i need some help on the last one to reach 12. I also increased my weights for the leg press up to 240lbs. i could feel some pain in my legs after the work out but that means i need to train more. today Mr.Ali had us weigh our selfs to see if we reached our goal. But my weight didn't change it just stayed the same. the reason for this is because i wasn't eating wright. in order for me to gain muscle i need to eat enough food.
  • alkhameesabdulkariem
    alkhameesabdulkariem Posts: 36 Member
    March 19: Today I did Cardio, I spent the whole lesson on stairs. At the end I got very tired.

    March 20: In the past two weeks, I've gained 0.80 kg. I am very happy about the weight I gained and the time I spent on it. Although I would like to start gaining 0.50 Kg a week instead of my current weight gain rate which is 0.4 Kg a week.
  • Today we weighed our selfs , I lost 3 kilos, and that's good because my goal was to lose 2 kilos per week, but a lost 1.5 kilos per week. I achieved my goal because I tracked my food precisely and accurate. I also have done a lot of cardio the last 2 weeks. I also didn't eat fast food , rice or bread. For the next week I'll try to be more accurate and healthy in my diary. I really felt good loosing some weight and hopefully I achieve my goal before the end of the school year.

    Today in the gym I did the treadmill for 15 minutes and the bike for 10. I didn't think I did good today because we didn't have time. So I didn't felt any pain.
  • Today in the gym, I did many things. First, I did "chest press" for three sets. The weight for all three sets was 65 lbs. In the first and second sets, I did it 12 times. In the third set, I did it for 9 times. Then, I did the "seated rows" for three sets. I put the number 4 to the first set. I did it for 12 times. Then in my second and third sets, I increased the weight to 5, and I did 12 times each, where I struggled in my last set. Then I did the "leg press" exercise for three sets. The weight for all of them was 333 lbs. I did 12 times each for every set. Then I did the "one arm rows" exercise for three sets. The weight for all my sets was 25 lbs, and I was able to do 12 times each.

    I also weight myself before my training exercises. My weight approximately stays the same. I losed about 0.6 kg. I believe this is because my daily dairy is below my goal a little bit. I will try to reach it to my goal by eating more food. But I am happy that my body is changing to the better.
  • I've gone from 111 kg to 108.5 kg in two weeks, far exceeding my original weight loss plan of half a kilo per week. Still, it's not necessarily a bad thing.
  • Mohammad_Almutawa
    Mohammad_Almutawa Posts: 30 Member
    March20: today we weighed ourselves. I have gained about 1kg. This is good because I am approaching my goal. I am not gaining enough weight because I am not eating enough food everyday. We also went to the gym and did the exercises. I felt good after that.
  • March 23 : I started with the weight room with some arm rows 3/12 I failed at the end. Then did leg press 3/10. After that I did bench press 3/10 35IBS. At the end it was Tiering but worth it.
  • Today we did some weight training and i had the back of my legs tiring and exhausted by the leg press , i also went to bench press to lift 50 pounds with 10 RM and also dumbell 1 arm doing 25 each side i need to put on more weight than that . The most exhausting excersice today was shoulder press i didnt have an idea that its gonna be hard like that with much weight . Overall i hope i can gain 2 kg per week i would be really proud of my self.
  • abod_96
    abod_96 Posts: 19
    Today I weighed myself with coach Ali. I was alittle disappointed. Instead of gaining some weight I actually lost 2 pounds. I think it's because I've been eating less and moving around more. To change this disappointment I will start eating right and try to stick with the rule of 3.
  • Today in the gym, I did many things. First, I did "chest press" exercise for three sets. The weight for all three sets was 70 lbs. In the first and second sets, I did it 10 times. But in the third set, I did 7 times. Then, I did the "seated rows" for three sets. I put the number 5 to all my three sets. I did 10 times for all the sets. Then I did the "leg press" exercise for three sets. The weight for all of them was 368 lbs. I did 10 times each for every set. Then I did the "one arm rows" exercise for three sets. The weight for all my three sets was 30 lbs. I did 10 times each. Then, I did the "shoulder press" exercise. In my first set, the weight was 6 kg. In my second and third sets, it became 8 kg. I did 10 times each for every set. Then i did the "chest pull-down" exercise, where the weight for all three sets was 6. I was able to do 10 times each. Then I did a little bit of stretching exercises.

    There are some improvements in my workout, and I wish this stays the same.
  • Today i was absent
  • March 18 I was walking in the hallway for the whole period my legs and my back felt sore. But overall it had a good feeling
  • ZakAlm96
    ZakAlm96 Posts: 15
    Today, as usual. I felt like I ciuld have done more in the gym.40 minutes is simply not enough time. I felt slightly tired although I felt I worked as hard as I could. My knee was bothering me so I couldnt do legg press.
  • March 19
    Chest press: I did 12 reps for 3 sets the weight was 70 lbs
    Leg press: i did 12 reps for 3 sets the weight was 180 lbs
    Rows: i did 12 reps for 3 sets the weight was 25 lbs
    Shoulder press: i did 12 reps for 3 sets the weight was 25 lbs
    Chest pull down: i did 12 reps for 3 sets the weight was on 8
    After i finished i went and did 30 sit ups
  • March 20 I was walking in the hallway for the whole period my legs and my back felt sore. But overall it had a good feeling. I also weighed in and my weight didn't change.
  • alkhameesabdulkariem
    alkhameesabdulkariem Posts: 36 Member
    March 23: Today I did weight training, we increased the weight/intensity and started doing 10 rms instead of 12. I was able to complete all exercises during the period. I was very exhausted after the lesson.
  • Today i did cardio for 40 minutes, going up and down the stairs. Somehow, even though i did a great job doing cardio and managed to work pretty hard, i was thoughtlessly called being "absent" and didn't matter what i would do later on. THANK YOU MR ALLY YOU'RE A VERY CONSIDERATE TEACHER!