Looking for more LGBT friends

Hi there, I think I may have introduced myself a long time ago. My name is Jack, I'm 29 and am a transman from Bristol UK. I've been on T for nearly 8 years, am currently awaiting a revision surgery on my chest and losing weight to be able to have a metoidioplasty lower surgery. Am about 25lbs away from my lower surgery weight goal. I have two cats (called bilbo and pippin) and been with my partner for 10 years and been married for 5 years. I am disabled and am currently on the waiting list to get a powerchair, am using a manual at the moment but my shoulders aren't going to last much longer. Anyway I'm always looking for new friends on here, especially LGBT ones :)


  • omnomnomicon
    You can add me! So can anybody else if they'd like.

    Good luck with your weight loss-you can do it!
  • adamatmu
    Hi Jack!

    Adam from USA here. Pleased to meet you. MFP has really helped me stick with my weight goals this time around.

    Feel free to add me. Same goes for anyone else in the LBGT group.

    Good luck to you!

  • shutterbug4674
    shutterbug4674 Posts: 3,690 Member
    Hey MFPLGBT...

    Jason here but most of my friends call me "Frosty"....mainly because most of my friends in the community know me as Jacqueline Frost. I have been doing drag for a little over 6 years. I was away from MFP for a while but I am back to kick it into high gear!
  • dmartin7076
    Hi guys, new to group.... Hope we all meet our goals this year
  • Kristaqoit
    Kristaqoit Posts: 9 Member
    Not sure if this group is still active . Most of the posts here are pretty old. Anyway if theres anyone out there I would love to be friends! Im having a hard time getting started with this weightloss and given my life style I feel like I can talk more freely in a group such as this.. Add me and tell me how your getting in shape so I can be inspired to do it too!
  • Germangirl_Steffi
    Hey Jack, feel Free to add me. :-)
  • b_ray_73
    b_ray_73 Posts: 110 Member
    Hi Jack, welcome :) Feel free to add me also if you'd like. More support is always a good thing!