Talking Dead: Team Rick



  • colibri23
    colibri23 Posts: 223 Member
    I think everybody hates car shopping. Anyone who doesn't is different and strange.

    Anyway, I've got your reports and this week's number. Our averages this week were 371.25 minutes of cardio (up 20 minutes from last week) and 171.25 minutes of strength training (down 10 from last week), and, just like every other week, everyone was within their overall goals. Seriously, our team is awesome about meeting our goals.

    Personally, I'm excited for next week since the previews indicated that Rick might ACTUALLY do something of consequence! Our team might be relevant again! How exciting!

    Also, I made a graph of our weekly progress. You can find it here:

    I didn't have to for any reason, I just felt like it because I like graphs.

    The graph is awesome, I love graphs! We are a pretty awesome team. Small but mighty.

    Car shopping sucks because I'm picky. Why is it so hard to find a manual transmission?

    Disappointed again, no Rick. But at least we had Abraham, and looks like he killed a couple zombies, so we shouldn't be completely "pointless" as usual. So excited for those that came together but still ready to see the others. Who else thinks Terminus is going to be worse than Woodbury? I'm curious to see how many people are there. Looks like a nice setup, maybe they can take it over ala Governor style...

    Oh man, I love graphs too! Thanks Chris! Just looking at that immediately motivates me to work harder so that we can see an increase for next week.

    April--I bought my current car years ago when I didn't know better, but I swear my next car will be a manual. They're so much fun to drive!!

    I second the thought that Terminus will be worse than Woodbury. It's one of those "too good to be true" places. Plus the arrival of everyone to this place is coinciding with the end of a season, which is usually a distinct sign that something huge is about to go wrong.

    Great job Team Rick!! Keep up the good fight :smile:
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Yeah, Terminus reeks of bad news to me.

    Anyway, new leader board, challenge and recap are up. I just didn't count kills yet...
  • aprilyankee
    aprilyankee Posts: 345 Member
    Looks like this week we have another cardio kick up this week, 270 minutes! :smokin:
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Tyreese and Sasha already chose a punishment exercise: 

    Inchworm: Stand up tall with the legs straight, and do like Lil’ Jon and let those fingertips hit the floor. Keeping the legs straight (but not locked!), slowly lower the torso toward the floor, and then walk the hands forward. Once in a push-up position, start taking tiny steps so the feet meet the hands. Continue bugging out for 4-6 reps. 

    Do 3 days this week.

    Video here:
  • christopherphillips1983
    Car shopping sucks because I'm picky. Why is it so hard to find a manual transmission?
    April--I bought my current car years ago when I didn't know better, but I swear my next car will be a manual. They're so much fun to drive!!

    I honestly hadn't driven a manual transmission until I bought my current Jeep when I was 23. I'm 30 now and refuse to buy an automatic. I like the manual SO much more. Any time I'm driving my (automatic) Stratus, I just feel constantly annoyed, like the car doesn't trust me to do it right or something.
    Disappointed again, no Rick. But at least we had Abraham, and looks like he killed a couple zombies, so we shouldn't be completely "pointless" as usual.

    I was curious how those would get tallied; a whole bunch of walkers died, but there were also like 6 people indiscriminately firing at them. It'd be about impossible to tell who killed what. I was half expecting Cindy to just take the total number of them killed, divide it by the number of shooters, and distribute it evenly.
    Who else thinks Terminus is going to be worse than Woodbury?
    Yeah, Terminus reeks of bad news to me.

    Same here. First and foremost, nothing good is called "Terminus." Also, if the place was as peaceful and undefended as it appeared in the latest episode, you know it'd have been taken over by armed thugs ages ago.

    Something weird is going to be happening in there. I'm betting on some sort of cannibalism.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I was thinking cannibalism too, haha. What are you barbecuing there, Ma'am? :laugh:

    As for the points, yes, I'll just divvy up the cave walkers. They'll apply to this week's challenge, not last.

    As for the manual transmission, I never learned. Always had an automatic, bunny hopped the first manual I tried o drive and never really attempted one since. My husband swears they're better and thinks I'm a wuss. :ohwell:
  • christopherphillips1983
    It was literally the first thing I thought when I saw her frying up food. "Oh god, they're luring people in and killing them to feed their own community." It didn't help that they showed bunches of gardens on the way into Terminus but not a single livestock animal, yet they're grilling meat.

    The first time I was actually out driving a manual transmission on the road, right after learning how to theoretically do it, I was actually doing ok until I came to an intersection, stopped, and then couldn't get going again. I literally sat there for about 10 full minutes wondering why I couldn't keep the engine running until I realized I had it in 3rd gear, not 1st. Then I felt like the world's biggest idiot.
  • aprilyankee
    aprilyankee Posts: 345 Member
    To get my driver's license per my dad, I had to change the oil, change a tire and learn to drive a stick. My dad had a pick up truck, first time out I hit a patch of ice and ended up in a snow bank. The first new vehicle I ever bought was a stick. I haven't had one in years but have 3 teenagers that need to learn so it's time to get another. I have an old rotator cuff injury to my right shoulder that prevents me from having one as a daily driver now but I prefer them.

    Finding one has been a pickle. My options are a total piece of crap or something brand new. I'm looking for a little in between.

    I think everyone should at least know how to drive one. Once you learn, you never forget. The best way to learn is to have one. What if the only vehicle available in the zombie apocalypse is a stick? Plus the US and Canada are the only countries that have mostly automatics. Everywhere else they use primarily manuals....
  • aprilyankee
    aprilyankee Posts: 345 Member
    So I took the "What TWD character are you?" quiz and actually got Rick! Too funny... Here's the link:
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    You'll all remember in Week 4, winning a new character. This week that paid off: Abraham, Rosita and Eugene were all involved in the tunnel massacre with Maggie, Sasha and Bob. At least a dozen zombies were killed by that group, so we will give everyone involved in the shoot out 2 points.

    Character Points For Week 8

    Team Rick: Winner from Week 4 who chose Abraham: 0 for Rick plus 3 for Abraham's kills (2 in tunnel, 1 in mini van)
    Team Daryl: 0
    Team Michonne: Second place week 4: 0 plus 2 for new player: Eugene or Rosita
    Team Carol:0
    Team Carl: Second place week 4: 0 plus 2 for new player Eugene or Rosita
    Team Glenn and Maggie: 8 (6 for Glenn plus 2 for Maggie)
    Team Tyreese and Sasha: Second place week 4: plus 2 for new player Eugene or Rosita
    Team Walker Horde: 0
    Team Beth:0
  • christopherphillips1983
    Oh snap. Abraham's being more useful than our actual team character!

    Ok, I've got all of your messages and recorded our averages. Our numbers this week are 372.5 minutes of cardio, 165 minutes of strength training, and everyone stayed within their goals for the week (just like every other week because our team is awesome). Very marginal improvements on both cardio and strength training from last week, which I think is great given we're coming up on the end of the competition.

    Speaking of which, I swear I've hit the mother of all plateaus on weight loss. I mean my actual goal when I started wasn't purely to lose weight; I've been doing tons of strength training as well (I usually do at least as much strength training as I do cardio, and sometimes dramatically more) so I've been hoping to put on more muscle while also burning off fat. That being said, when I started this, I was at 240 pounds (I'm also 6'2" so even at that weight I wasn't noticeably fat). Now I'm at 225. However, I've been at 225 since... like week 3 or so. I haven't even had the sort of fluctuation you'd expect with water weight and such; literally, every morning, I step on the scale and it swings around to 225 pounds. I think there was one single day that it bounced up to 226, and it was 225 again the following day.

    I'm not entirely disappointed given I'm still in much better shape, even if my actual weight has only dropped 15 pounds, but it feels crazy to be able to spend 2 hours at a time on the treadmill on a 5% incline and not burn ANY actual weight.

    On a related note, I've also switched off from mostly elliptical to running on the treadmill in preparation for a 10K I signed up for. It's still months away, but while I do a lot of cardio, I'm NOT a runner and never have been, so even a 10K is going to be a challenge for me. It's such a switch for my body, going from the elliptical to the treadmill. I can go an hour on the elliptical machine, get off, stretch, and feel like I could go for another hour. I get off the treadmill after the same length of time and feel like I was just hit by a car.
  • aprilyankee
    aprilyankee Posts: 345 Member
    Speaking of which, I swear I've hit the mother of all plateaus on weight loss. I mean my actual goal when I started wasn't purely to lose weight; I've been doing tons of strength training as well (I usually do at least as much strength training as I do cardio, and sometimes dramatically more) so I've been hoping to put on more muscle while also burning off fat. That being said, when I started this, I was at 240 pounds (I'm also 6'2" so even at that weight I wasn't noticeably fat). Now I'm at 225. However, I've been at 225 since... like week 3 or so. I haven't even had the sort of fluctuation you'd expect with water weight and such; literally, every morning, I step on the scale and it swings around to 225 pounds. I think there was one single day that it bounced up to 226, and it was 225 again the following day.

    I'm not entirely disappointed given I'm still in much better shape, even if my actual weight has only dropped 15 pounds, but it feels crazy to be able to spend 2 hours at a time on the treadmill on a 5% incline and not burn ANY actual weight.

    On a related note, I've also switched off from mostly elliptical to running on the treadmill in preparation for a 10K I signed up for. It's still months away, but while I do a lot of cardio, I'm NOT a runner and never have been, so even a 10K is going to be a challenge for me. It's such a switch for my body, going from the elliptical to the treadmill. I can go an hour on the elliptical machine, get off, stretch, and feel like I could go for another hour. I get off the treadmill after the same length of time and feel like I was just hit by a car.

    I just got myself off a 5 week plateau so I feel your pain. If you haven't done your measurements, do them. You could be losing inches of fat and gaining muscle which would account for a lack of scale movement. I've had issues with doing too much cardio and burning too many calories in proportion to what I was consuming. Try upping or lower your calories for a couple weeks and see if that makes a difference.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Leader board and recap have been posted.

    Tyreese and Sasha will be deciding the last punishment exercise of the season. 

    Also remember this is the week to get your 2 points for doing a Fitspiration, the early bird challenge 4 was:

    A big part of survival in the apocalypse will be teaching and inspiring others. In week 9, there will be bonus points (2) awarded to everyone who contributes a fitspo to the MFP Fitspiration thread.  

    Part One: 
    Part Two: 
    Part Three: 

    Part Four
    Add your fitspo here:

    If you haven't done a fitspo yet, think of what you've accomplished in the last 9 weeks and make one now to make 2 points for your team this week. Browse the 4 part thread for inspiration (you'll find plenty). As you can see, a fitspo is just a motivational quote on a picture. It can be a before and after picture, a picture of yourself dancing, a picture of the street you jog on, the park you walk through or of an obstacle you've had to fight past. As long as the quote and picture have inspired you, it will inspire others. Message your team captain when you have posted one or remind them that you have done so already. 
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Tyreese ad Sasha have decided that punishment should be 20 leg throws twice this week.

    Here's a link
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Hi Everyone! I made one more thread here for us to chat, plan, and have mini challenges:
    As most of you know, we will be doing this again for Season 5 and I hope you will all join us then and in the meantime, we will keep this group open. We're still crunching numbers, so it might be tonight final MVP's and last week's winning team and the overall winning team is announced.