Goodbye day 36....Hello Month 2

Well first day of month two is done and if I am totally honest it was not as bad as I was expecting, I actually really enjoyed doing it maybe because its new and brings new challenges. I am still able to sit here and type and am not in a heap on the floor!!! so that's got to be a good thing....I must admit though when I first put it on and saw 59mins on the counter I already wanted to give up. I also found out today that it is possible for your knees to sweat, who knew...

Day one, month two down only 27 to go!!! Let's earn our t-shirts guys


  • littlecely
    littlecely Posts: 45 Member
    When Shaun T says he is going to kick your butt....

    Well he wasn't playin'. The length intimidated me and I probably allowed it to get to my head a bit but overall I did well. I can't wait to feel improvement with these new exercises. I look ridiculous trying to do the side suicide jumps and for some reason I can't get the rythm of the side jump rope things in the warm-up.

    I don't understand sometimes why I am putting myself through this during the workout itself but as soon as I'm done I have a great sense of accomplishment. So that's worth it.

    Nothing can stop us guys!!
  • mummybabyjojo
    mummybabyjojo Posts: 87 Member
    It wasn't as bad as I thought either although my stamina did trail towards the end. I couldn't keep up with all the moves and I did end up stopping and then doing it at my own pace. But all in all I feel proud that I accomplished it coz an hour is a hell of a long time to be putting your body through intense exercise. I am aching all over now though :-S think. I might need extra protein this week to help aid my recovery. Littlecely-- i had the same thing with the jump ropes - the third time we had to do it I managed it a lot better as the speed was quicker but when it was all slow my body was flopping all over the place lol. Side way suicides i couldn't do so I stuck with normal ones as it was hurting my arms and then at one point my hips so i most likely had improper form - didn't want to injure myself!

    Month two begins :-) I'm so excited that we've come this far

    Enjoy it everyone :-)

  • lauraashley09
    lauraashley09 Posts: 182 Member
    just finished it. i think i'm going to increase my calories to keep with it this month. 59 min is a longgg time to keep going like that. i got through it though!

    did you guys notice how that one show off dude did the spin and almost hit Ariel? lol he's kind of dumb
  • jade_222
    jade_222 Posts: 147 Member
    Lo, yea I saw that, Ariel didn't look happy.

    I also found it not that bad. I'm not a fan of it being an hour though. I contemplating doing a half hour in the morning and the other half in the evening. Not sure how bad that would be seeing as I wouldn't do the warm up the second time. Although I could do a few minutes of my own warm up.

    I did find around the 40 minute mark that I was running out of steam, so it's kind of nice to have to push past that, just wish it wasn't so long, lol. It takes away from time with my son. But I guess there's less than four weeks left.
  • lauraashley09
    lauraashley09 Posts: 182 Member
    jade_222----yea there's less than 4 weeks and we will be in awesome shape. that's not long at all!!
  • KatyFace9801
    KatyFace9801 Posts: 230 Member
    soooo, I'm not gonna lie. I skipped a bit of the last circuit.
    The first round of the last circuit, I was hanging in there.
    The second round I was moving slow. And then when I stood up after the plank punches I almost fell down because I got dizzy. Shaun T is always going on about keeping good form. Falling over would not be good form so I just skipped the dvd to the stretches. But still. I don't feel like I cheated myself as that work out was LEGIT.

    also, I accidentally overslept this morning and didn't get to do the fit test and there's no damn way I could do that now... so I think I'm going to do it Thursday. I'm nervous about what my results will be
  • StephTink76
    StephTink76 Posts: 334 Member
    LOVE that workout!!!!!!

    Gonna be SORE in the morning!!!
  • Artificer22
    Artificer22 Posts: 68 Member
    Wow!! Just wow. Im with all of you, i was scared at first at 59 mins. I thought I'd be dead by now but i feel really good. It was nice doing new things. And I too dont like the break dancing guy haha

    Keep it going everyone!!!
  • cpcoursec
    cpcoursec Posts: 82 Member
    I thought it went pretty fast, and I was drenched. It felt good. On the flip side, I don't know if it's me getting old or what, but my shoulders are shot.