Hey everyone, so glad that Andria, a member of the ACCOUNTABILITY CLUB on TeamDDPYoga, sent me this link, glad to see there is a group here for all of us. I look forward to tracking and OWNING what i eat on my way to better health. If anyone is looking for additional support, community or friends check us out on teamddpyoga.com





  • Puinsaitimi
    D-Funk, man you beat me to it, I was going to open up a new discussion just to say wassup!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Hey guys - welcome to the group!

    It's been a little dead recently, but there seems to be some new people joining and chatting along, so I hope we can get this started again for some mutual support.

    Have fun with your workouts, and keep us up to date with how you're getting on.

  • MamaPonytail
    MamaPonytail Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I am new to the group. my name is Michelle and I'm from Buffalo Ny. I am 45 years old. I am on week 11 of the ddp yoga beginner program. After week 13 I am not sure where to go from there. Also I do not have a heart rate monitor and I'm not sure how to log in the workout piece on MFP. Does anybody know? I have a fitbit but that really doesn't log anything . Is everybody following the nutrition plan that came with the ddp program? Can't wait to hear from everybody! It's nice to find people doing the same program.
    have a blessed day,
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    Welcome aboard!
    If you're not sure how to log calories burned, the best you can probably do is come up with a general estimate. It's tough to be accurate with calories burned on workouts like these anyway, so as long as you're conservative with them (based on weight/length of workout/etc), you can make it work. I make up numbers all the time, and I'm still here. If you're not sure how to log an exercise at all, you can make one yourself by using the Add Exercise button on the Cardio part of the Exercise tab (I'm just trying to cover all the bases here).

    I largely ignore the nutrition plan, not because it doesn't work, but because I don't find it necessary to cut out any foods (your mileage may vary).

    Congrats on making it 11 weeks. What you do after that is really up to you. After I completed the beginner program, I jumped in about halfway through the intermediate schedule (when it seemed to "pick up") and went from there. These days, I mostly just do whatever I feel like doing (Diamond Cutters, mostly, with a Black Diamond or Strength Builder here and there along with a Stand Up or Below the Belt as "shorter" workouts and because I still find them highly useful).

    If you have any more questions (or need clarification), feel free to ask. If you'd like, you can send me a friend request, as I'm always happy to add another DDP Yoga friend.
  • natashag775
    natashag775 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you for posting the link!
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    I just started. This will officially be my first full week. I've been doing it off and on for the last two weeks (there have been some upheavals at home and I wasn't able to exercise like I wanted to, but things are settling down now). I just finished Energy! and Fat Burner, and I love it! I'm going to go lay down in the shower and take a nap now :D