Alright Ladies!

Alright ladies, you don't have to but if you would like, Monday, march 31st I am going to put up my starting stats! I think its fun to see how far you have come and a good motivational tool. Hope you are all still ready! :) One week and counting!
Also for the people who have started this before, what pound weights did you use?


  • SillaWinchester
    SillaWinchester Posts: 363 Member
    I'm really excited to be in a group of supportive ladies who seem very driven! Hopefully this time that will inspire me to complete it!

    Before, I'd use cans of soup - the large ones! Lol. Probably weighed one pound? This time around I plan on purchasing weights. I want to try it with 1 pound weights then if I complete it, I want to try it again with 5 lbs weights.

    I'm so excited for this!! It's just the inspiration I need! :)
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    That's a good idea with the soup cans! I am excited as well, we can all do it! I will be here to motivate you! And I think it will help me stay motivated as well! :)
  • sarahlou1121064
    sarahlou1121064 Posts: 11 Member
    Hiya im looking forward to starting the 30 day shread again, im a bridesmaid next month so need to do something as dress is a bit tight... well actually it doesnt fit but its ok as im on a mission and if i dont loose enough i can have it let out.

    When i got the dvd a while ago i did day 1 at 6am and then went and done a full day of shopping in a pair of 5 inch heels... my thighs were sore for days i struggled to get upstairs so i think this time round ill be in flats for the 30 days :D I think i used 1lb weights... not sure though will check in morning as there on hubbys side of the bed best not check incase i drop them on his head :D xxx
  • SmarteeC
    SmarteeC Posts: 12
    So, should I replenish my calories once im finished these excercises? They seem like theyd burn MAD calories along with my zumba and HIIT workouts! (Really tryna get back into shape). Btw, im on a 1480 calorie diet; ALL advice is welcome! Good luck!!:happy:
  • I used three pound weights before. They don't sound like a lot but they really work you hard in the combination moves!
  • ashleyjohnstonn1
    ashleyjohnstonn1 Posts: 359 Member
    I've started this twice but never got past 30 days... definitely hoping that the group environment will help me complete it. Gotta hold each other accountable! The hardest thing for me is that it's a continuous 30 days. I am 19, so I still live with family (specifically my grandparents and cousin), and I feel awkward doing the workout in front of them, so if they're home and there's no place to do it I usually just... don't do it. I gotta try to just deal with that and do it anyway!
  • caranais
    caranais Posts: 101 Member
    I thought the cans were a good idea a couple of weeks ago. I tried them whilst doing some exercises - I'm 4ft 11 and don't have very big hands (if only the rest of me were the same!!), but I managed to lose my grip on the can and it jumped right out of my hand and hit the screen of my laptop and landed on the keyboard. I was doing a DVD off You Tube at the time. Thankfully no harm done, but I've got hand weights arriving today Lol xxx :laugh:
  • betaleonis
    betaleonis Posts: 176 Member
    Hey all,

    After gaining back 20 pounds that I lost about two years ago, I am back on MFP to regain my former glory ;)
    this group is exactly what I am looking for... I swear by Jillian - her program really, really works.

    Where should we post our stats and pics?

    X Andy
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    Hiya im looking forward to starting the 30 day shread again, im a bridesmaid next month so need to do something as dress is a bit tight... well actually it doesnt fit but its ok as im on a mission and if i dont loose enough i can have it let out.

    When i got the dvd a while ago i did day 1 at 6am and then went and done a full day of shopping in a pair of 5 inch heels... my thighs were sore for days i struggled to get upstairs so i think this time round ill be in flats for the 30 days :D I think i used 1lb weights... not sure though will check in morning as there on hubbys side of the bed best not check incase i drop them on his head :D xxx
    oh my goodness when you first get started that first few days are killer. I remember being so scared that i had hurt myself it works you that hard! lol i will defiantly be in flats as well! Has anyone worn shoes while working out? I wonder if it makes any difference on how much pressure your putting on your legs\knees
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    So, should I replenish my calories once im finished these excercises? They seem like theyd burn MAD calories along with my zumba and HIIT workouts! (Really tryna get back into shape). Btw, im on a 1480 calorie diet; ALL advice is welcome! Good luck!!:happy:
    yes! my advice is after your workout maybe a smoothie or a cheese stick just something to replenish yourself, and always make sure you have eaten something light around an hour before you work out, at least for me when i did this on an empty stomach one time i felt SO yucky afterwards. Your body is working really hard in those 20 minutes.
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    I used three pound weights before. They don't sound like a lot but they really work you hard in the combination moves!
    me too and it seemed to be the perfect amount of resistance!
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    I've started this twice but never got past 30 days... definitely hoping that the group environment will help me complete it. Gotta hold each other accountable! The hardest thing for me is that it's a continuous 30 days. I am 19, so I still live with family (specifically my grandparents and cousin), and I feel awkward doing the workout in front of them, so if they're home and there's no place to do it I usually just... don't do it. I gotta try to just deal with that and do it anyway!
    Same here! started it twice got to 12 days the first time, then got sick and just never started again. Then around thanksgiving i started again got to day 8 (in a row) and like an idiot pigged out and gave up again. UGH! I know we can all do it we just have to like you said hold each other accountable and just make it routine as much as possible. And i know what you mean about it being awkward. I was doing the workout one time when my mom brought my kiddos home from doing something and her and my sister just sat there and watched me and ended up recording me and laughing but you know what i kept at it! Then before they left my sister goes "I wish i could start a workout routine..." so just stick with it and be proud of yourself, even though its weird! lol
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    I thought the cans were a good idea a couple of weeks ago. I tried them whilst doing some exercises - I'm 4ft 11 and don't have very big hands (if only the rest of me were the same!!), but I managed to lose my grip on the can and it jumped right out of my hand and hit the screen of my laptop and landed on the keyboard. I was doing a DVD off You Tube at the time. Thankfully no harm done, but I've got hand weights arriving today Lol xxx :laugh:
    oh my gosh! lol im glad you got some weights! that could have been bad!
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    Hey all,

    After gaining back 20 pounds that I lost about two years ago, I am back on MFP to regain my former glory ;)
    this group is exactly what I am looking for... I swear by Jillian - her program really, really works.

    Where should we post our stats and pics?

    X Andy
    You can do it! I am a fan of her programs as well that's why eve tho it gets repetitive to do it 30 days in a row i know it will get results! You can post them here, I am going to post mine the day before (march 31st) but feel free to whenever! then we can all share our awesome end results!
  • beautifullyblessed16
    beautifullyblessed16 Posts: 180 Member
    I am so glad there is a group for the 30 Day Shred for April. I have one more Ripped in 30 workout to do and then it is on to the 30DS. I will probably start either this Thursday or Friday and plan to do each level 10 times each (5 days in a row with one day of rest in between). I have done the program before and had great results in inches lost compared to scale weight lost which is great because I am more into reshaping my body than trying to reach any particular number on the scale. Feel free to add me as a friend for support and motivation. Look forward to completing this program again although I know that level 2 can be a ...... :-)
  • thanks so much for starting this group! I'm super excited to get started, I bought this DVD a few years ago and didnt get very far... I can't remember if I need anything, does it require dumbbell weights?
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    I am so glad there is a group for the 30 Day Shred for April. I have one more Ripped in 30 workout to do and then it is on to the 30DS. I will probably start either this Thursday or Friday and plan to do each level 10 times each (5 days in a row with one day of rest in between). I have done the program before and had great results in inches lost compared to scale weight lost which is great because I am more into reshaping my body than trying to reach any particular number on the scale. Feel free to add me as a friend for support and motivation. Look forward to completing this program again although I know that level 2 can be a ...... :-)
    Awesome keep us up to date on how your doing! Yes that is something else i was going to say. With this program it says you can loose up to 20 pounds in 30 days and i think that could happen with some people but for the most part alot of 30 day shred results are INCHES more then pounds. Which to me also is deff worth more then the number on the scale! fitting in your clothes and looking good!! :) Good luck!
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    thanks so much for starting this group! I'm super excited to get started, I bought this DVD a few years ago and didnt get very far... I can't remember if I need anything, does it require dumbbell weights?
    Of course! I wanted to start the 1st and we midaswell have a group for all the people wanting to start so we can encourage each other and share results, questions, etc! Yes all you need is a mat if you are on a hard surface, some hand weights i use 3 pound ones, and some people like to put on music also to kind of tone out jillian after a few days haha
  • I was thinking that once we start doing the challenge, we could check in with out measurements every ten days (Level 1, Level 2, Level 3) so we can keep supporting each other throughout this process. I find it really encouraging when I have others to motivate me (especially with JM workouts, lol).
  • krissj
    krissj Posts: 9
    Hi Ladies,

    I am 99% sure I have the DVD at home. Seems I tried and gave up like everyone else. With this group, I think I can stick with it and "git-r-done" . Very excited. Going hinting right after work. If I don't have it, I am heading right on over to Amazon and get one sent here ASAP.

    Looking forward to getting to know all of you and seeing the changes in us all.
