Day 37....check :)

Another day down, and another enjoyable yet challenging workout.

I am really enjoying month 2 so far and the time seems to go so much quicker than the workouts in month 1. It still is quite a shock when you see just how long you'll be working out for on the timer for the first time though!!

I do notice what everyone said about month 2 being push up heavy though as there are lots of them, still I am noticing an improvement in my upper body strength and also in the definition in my arms.

Happy day 37 y'all x


  • mummybabyjojo
    mummybabyjojo Posts: 87 Member
    I think enjoyable is not the word I'd use for today - i hated plyo in month 1 and month 2 didnt dissapoint either. My thighs and shoulders are in so much pain! I could do with a rest day lol.

    I think the first week of the new workouts might be harder purely because I'm unsure of whats coming next and how to do the proper form for each exercise but hopefully by next week I'll get in to the rhytm a bit more and be able to push further. I had to stop loads today it was embarrassing! I did get comforted though by seeing the people in the tape having to stop as well.

    Hope you all enjoyed it more than I did! Bring on cardio conditioning tmrw!

  • StephTink76
    StephTink76 Posts: 318 Member
    I'm learning that if the title of the DVD includes "Plyo", I'm going to hate it! :)

    Nah, this one was ok.

    There were several moves I can't do yet... the sideways push-ups and power push-ups being a couple of them. I was just able to do "real" push-ups last week. So while those guys are doing them, I'm working on the regular ones.

    It's not embarrassing to have to stop... the guys on the DVD have been doing it for a while and they had to stop... if they have to stop, I surely don't expect myself to be able to push through it on day 1.

    The jumps are getting easier... not sure if it's because I'm getting lighter or my legs are getting stronger, but I'm liking it.

    I didn't do great (or even good) as far as keeping up and not stopping, but given that I did my 3rd Insanity workout in 24 hours (Fit Test yesterday morning, Day 1 last night, and this one this morning), I think I did pretty ok :)

    I liked yesterdays workout better than today's... actually looking forward to doing it again :)

    Have a great day! Go get 'em! :)
  • KatyFace9801
    KatyFace9801 Posts: 230 Member
    I have to be at work pretty early in the mornings (7:45) so I have to be in the shower and start getting ready by 6:15 so as not to feel rushed. Which means I have to be starting my work out like right at 5 am... which is so hard! That 15-20 minutes or so difference in length is killing me!
    So, today I did to about minute 45 and then skipped ahead to the stretch. So, I may revisit the part that I skipped tonight. Not sure.

    Can we please talk about all these pushups! When he said 16 push ups on the level two drills I said "lol, Shaun T. You funny". Yeah, I did "girl" push ups (on my knees) for that or I probably would have only gotten in 6 or 7 considering how fast they were going.
    I really like the squat push-ups though! I feel like it's a push up that isn't going to wear out my shoulders and also like that it works my booty :)
    And I really like the wide in and outs better than the regular ones. I feel like I'm going to barf with the regular ones pretty often. This wider stance I feel like doesn't agitate my barf zone quite as much!
  • lauraashley09
    lauraashley09 Posts: 182 Member
    i was able to do 16 push ups (real style) on all 3 times of the level 3, but i absolutely could not do the 32 pushups.
    i had to stop at some of the jumps. the jumps are killers for me! i like the sideways pushups, a lot.
    overall, this workout made me feel like i have a LOT of progress to make lol
  • KatyFace9801
    KatyFace9801 Posts: 230 Member
    OMG, I suck so bad at the power jumps! Suck. So. Bad.
    I will do 4 and then walk around for 8 counts and then do 4 more until time. I usually end up only getting like 10 or 12 in, but it's a huge progress since my first time !
  • jade_222
    jade_222 Posts: 147 Member
    I'm less of a fan of the plyo as well. But I'm guessing I have no where to go but up. Still not a fan of the longer workouts, but I am enjoying the workouts, sort of. I couldn't do a few of the moves but know I will improve, just like in month one.
  • Massa519
    Massa519 Posts: 4
    My arms hurt from all the push ups.. and my legs are hurting.. made the mistake of saying "yes" to my first ever spinning class yesterday morning.. although it was an awesome class my body is just drained of energy!
  • NyxButterfly
    NyxButterfly Posts: 88 Member
    Oh... my... god.... he is NUTS!!! @-@ But I did it. Gonna go crawl in a hole now and wait til the accomplished feeling comes in a few minutes...
  • Artificer22
    Artificer22 Posts: 68 Member
    Holy S*&#!!! My body is aching so bad. I have no issue doing push ups but these were killer. My arms and legs were shaking by the end. I knew it was rough when even Shaun had to take breaks.

    We can do this!!! Wooooooooooo
  • littlecely
    littlecely Posts: 45 Member
    I was able to do the workout today!

    I took a day off because my ankle started hurting mildly but in a bad way. So I took Tuesday as my rest day and will continue working out til sunday so I will catch up by next week.

    Today was much better. I did the workout in socks and felt more control but it limited me in other ways, I slip in some of the exercises, so maybe next time I will try it barefoot.

    I also had to stop often but I think that is normal. It gives me something to work on.

    I also liked the squat push-ups but there is no way I can do the power push-ups yet, so I do regular push-ups for that and knee-push ups for the level 3 drills. Oh and for the side push-ups I do them on my knees as well, I didn't want to push my luck with my ankle.

    I guess I'm one of the few that likes the pylo videos. I'm weird that way, but I really like to see how I improve during the month.
  • KatyFace9801
    KatyFace9801 Posts: 230 Member
    I guess I'm one of the few that likes the pylo videos. I'm weird that way, but I really like to see how I improve during the month.

    The Pylo is my favorite so far!
  • NyxButterfly
    NyxButterfly Posts: 88 Member

    Today was much better. I did the workout in socks and felt more control but it limited me in other ways, I slip in some of the exercises, so maybe next time I will try it barefoot.

    I've been doing all these workouts barefoot actually. You have much better control. Plus, the balls of my feet are super calloused from dance so... that helps a lot. If you've never done exercise barefoot before, start slow. How you move on your bare feet is different then how you move with shoes I've noticed.