
agborensztein Posts: 28 Member
Hello Everybody,
Welcome to our new group. I'm officially on day 2 of a 30 day commitment, for me, this means that I am sticking to 1200 calories daily, gym 3-4 X week, at least 5 lbs weight loss. I will be doing weigh ins on Sundays. Let's commit to spring weight loss!


  • Thank you to those that set this up! I am on day 2 too! So far, I have done a decent job at exercise but forget to watch what I eat. I am hoping this will keep me more honest. Our wedding is August 2nd but I am also going to Puerto Rico for a work rewards trip on May 4th and I am terrified of being in my bathing suit. Now is crunchtime!!!
  • agborensztein
    agborensztein Posts: 28 Member
    That's why I've started this, I've been a mess, I drop a few pounds then I gain it right back. Hopefully we'll keep each other honest.
  • ischmelle
    ischmelle Posts: 203 Member
    I second the thanks for setting this up! I would love to check in here every day and see how everyone is doing. I'm on day 2 as well. I had a small victory of avoiding soda with lunch, but lunch was a heavy burrito, so I'm pretty sure that's a wash there. But, I still have half a day to get all my water in and to get a few minutes of exercise in as well. If not, then it will be after work tonight and I hate exercising that late! Good luck to everyone!
  • Hey gang! I am counting today as my day 1 because today is the day I make it a point to log and count calories instead of only when I think about it. I have a big goal, and a little over a year to reach it. I hope to log my weight every Saturday. I don't log a lot of my exercises because I like to stay under my goal and don't really love the way it tells me I have more calories just because I exercised. But I do a 7 day a week ab exercise, a 5 day a week strength training and at least 3-4 days of 30-90 minute cardio. I'm excited to share my progress as well as to hear about all of yours! Good luck! Oh, and please feel free to add me!! :D
  • Hello! So glad to have found this group! If my username isn't obvious enough.. :)

    I purchased an amazing wedding dress, but it was a bridal size 8 from a sample store (like TLC's I Found The Gown). It fits, but I need a little more wiggle room. I'm in the home stretch and need to lose 10-ish pounds for the dress to fit just right (being ambitious and shooting for a bit more, but I'll be thrilled with 10). My wedding is two months away to the date.. so brides who have a while to go, don't be like me and make excuses for 16 months :D

    My weigh-ins will be on Sundays. Looking forward to this!
  • curtainpuller
    curtainpuller Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for making this group and adding this message! I am on board with the 30 day challenge. I will count today as my first day. So far I have been successful at going to the gym four times a week and strength training/cardio and logging every meal. However diet has been a struggle.

    Are you counting 1200 net cals (eating back the calories you have burned) or 1200 cals period?
  • thanks for making this group !!

    maybe 1 or 2 years again I got Married, my boyfriend is never complain to my body, but 166cm and 80kg will not gorgeous to use weeding dress. :(

    I wish I could lose my weight 15-20 kg :(
  • I am counting net cals but with a goal of always being under 1200 net cals! Like today, I was over my 1200 net cals so we went on a walk and then I foam rolled!

    How is everyone else doing?
  • LilRedMiner
    LilRedMiner Posts: 1 Member
    Thank you to those who created this group! I am all over the place...I'll lose a few pounds and get excited, then slip and gain it all back. Most recently in February, I got down to 152 and was so excited then I stopped paying attention and gained the 9 lbs back within two weeks.

    Hoping this group will help keep me on track!
  • agborensztein
    agborensztein Posts: 28 Member
    welcome to the group! good luck.
  • Lizi19
    Lizi19 Posts: 180 Member
    Hi :)

    I love the whole 3 day commitment thing!
    I am going to do the same thing.
    I want to commit to logging my food every day, running/walking 3 times a week and losing half a pound a week.
  • MrsTaraDStringer
    MrsTaraDStringer Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you for creating the group, I had a bad week last week and Monday I restarted. Im trying to stick to my reccomended 1350kcal intake a day, I do cross trainer 6 days a week and walk everywhere I can; I'd like to be loosing a minimum of 1lb a week but would prefer it to be more like 2lbs!
  • agborensztein
    agborensztein Posts: 28 Member
    As long as you keep moving in the right direction, I count that as progress. I'm the same way, would love 2lbs/week, but I'll take what I can get. Just need to stop the slip ups, every time I start to lose weight, I lose motivation and gain it back!