Starting again . . .again

rosy003 Posts: 251 Member
LO is 9 months old. I am 7 lbs away from my prepregnancy weight/goal and have been for about 5 months now. :/
Admittedly, I've not put much effort into it. However, now that spring is finally approaching and I'm realizing that I either need new clothes or I need to step it up, I've decided to TRY to lose the weight. I'm still bfing, including twice during the night. I've decided to religiously log the calories, focus on staying at 1500, and exercise when possible (which has proven difficult- not an excuse, as I used to be a six day a week girl, just a reality of life with 3 kids and still little sleep). So, I guess I'm just putting it in writing to hope for some accountability. I can't wear the forgiving black yoga pants that have become my uniform when the weather gets warmer!
I know some will say 1500 is low, but I am short, and LO eats solids. I'm confident that it is plenty.


  • jsmith30030
    jsmith30030 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm starting again, again and am much further from my goal. Just wanted to say it sounds like you are doing great and I feel your pain about finding time to exercise. I have twin toddlers and two older children and finding time to exercise is the hardest thing even when I know how much better it makes me feel.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I'm with you! I've still got a long way to go to my pre-pregnancy weight, let alone my UGW, and I haven't been near my postpartum low since before Thanksgiving.

    My little guy is 10 months old, and I'm still BFing, too. I used to be a 6 days/week girl, but I'm finding that with two kids now it is really hard to make time to exercise. Part of it is feeling like I'm dumping on my husband if they are awake. I need to get back into runs either in the evening or early mornings. My baby sleeps reliably until at least 6:30AM these days and is cool to hang out in his crib for a bit (meaning he doesn't need to be picked up the minute he wakes up). Now that he's being consistent, I need to take advantage of those times!

    I'm very tired of living in yoga pants. I'm probably 15 lbs away from being able to wear jeans (I've got some pairs from losing weight after baby #1 but no longer have any big enough to fit me at the moment).

    Woohoo for rededication!!!

    Edited for typos
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Also, I'm currently eating 1800 to account for BFing. I feel like that is overstating my BFing burn... My TDEE is about 2000 calories, so TDEE -20% is roughly 1600, but my BMR is a little over 1700. I'm thinking of cutting back to 1700 regardless of nursing, plus eating back at least half of my exercise calories (because I feel that HRMs overstate a bit).
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I just wanted to update...

    With some help from other mamas in my friends list, I have set my calories at 1850 (regardless of nursing), and on days I work out I'll eat upwards of 2000, more if I have a really vigorous workout.
  • RandaRae16
    RandaRae16 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm having a heated discussion with my super fit - non mom friend about her helping me on a "diet plan." I'm not at my pre-baby weight (20ish lbs to go) but they are only 9.5 months old. I work out with ShaunT & the T25 crew 5 days a week; eat pretty well and am not going to spend 3-4 hours on a Sunday prepping meals to follow a new plan. We stopped nursing back in December and I'm LOVING the freeeeedom! Don't get me wrong - I am a HUGE BF fan but with twins, it was zapping all of my time and energy and I'm happy they are old enough to be exploring solids and darn it, formula is fine.

    I had a very clear moment today where I thought "She doesn't get it and won't until she has gone thru pregnancy". Me trying to compare my diet plan to someone that has not had the birthing experience (twice for me - 3 kids) has NO Idea what it's like to reconfigure your brain into accepting being a little squishy in the middle; being ok with eating a bowl of mac & cheese because you are too damn tired to make an 'adult dinner' again.... 90% of the time; I'm good. REALLY GOOD. 10% - f it. I'm hungry and those kids goldfish are sooooo goooood. Lean cuisines & a yogurt are a great lunch; fish/a protein, some rice & veggies are a wonderful dinner that most of my crew can eat.

    I just try to do well and not hate myself when I track MOST of what I eat on MFP. Yes a cookie here & there escapes the archives but I'm ok with it. :) I'm just happy there are other moms that know what I'm going through! :love:
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    I had a very clear moment today where I thought "She doesn't get it and won't until she has gone thru pregnancy". Me trying to compare my diet plan to someone that has not had the birthing experience (twice for me - 3 kids) has NO Idea what it's like to reconfigure your brain into accepting being a little squishy in the middle; being ok with eating a bowl of mac & cheese because you are too damn tired to make an 'adult dinner' again.... 90% of the time; I'm good. REALLY GOOD. 10% - f it. I'm hungry and those kids goldfish are sooooo goooood. Lean cuisines & a yogurt are a great lunch; fish/a protein, some rice & veggies are a wonderful dinner that most of my crew can eat.

    I just try to do well and not hate myself when I track MOST of what I eat on MFP. Yes a cookie here & there escapes the archives but I'm ok with it. :) I'm just happy there are other moms that know what I'm going through! :love:

    Aw, congrats on your children, I LOVED your post! I'm guilty of the goldfish sneaking and the lean cuisines and the cookie that I don't always write down. Mac and cheese that my 2.5 y/o and 14 month old and husband will eat? YES! I want to lose weight, but I need my family to be taken care of too. I envy people that meal plan and prep things ahead of time...maybe some day I will get there. Hell, I'd even settle for making a menu for the week instead of some nights doing free for alls of easy meals. But right now at this place in my life? I'm not there. I'm here to get healthier, but I don't need to do it on a certain time line.
  • shelbz123
    shelbz123 Posts: 48 Member
    I am new to this group and I am loving this group! I just keep reading about all of the issues I have, I thought I was all alone and it is so reassuring knowing that there is so many other women out there going through the same thing. I still have about 20lbs to go and I am so overwhelmed with how much I should be eating. my diet I feel is very clean but I worry I am not eating enough. my average calorie intake is around 1500 and I am breastfeeding exclusively I have had no problems with my supply and my son is a chubby little guy so he is getting plenty. I read so much about how many calories to eat while breastfeeding but I am still just so confused